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A Website I designed.

Hey guys this is a website I designed. It documents my high-schools homecoming week. I designed this in around 30 minutes, spent 1 hour 30 minutes tweaking it, then the rest of my time adding content. It was a little rushed, but I feel it came out ok. This was my first site, so they will only get better. I was going for a simple design, that would work on all monitor types, big and small. Which is why I put the blue background on the edges.

I don't have the plug in to play the videos, so that kinda sucks. If you don't as well, then just image a movie maker video playing a slideshow of pics. And imagine yourself not missing much at all. Its no big deal. 

Oh, and you thought you were going to get away without a video? I gotta keep the streak alive.

Note, it seems like the ads are messing up the vids. If this doesn't get better, I'm turning it off for sure. Just exit out of the ad, then click pause and then play again. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Also apparently my vids have ads now. I applied for the revenue thing on viddler, and I guess I was accepted. I in now way make these videos for the revenue sharing, and if it really bothers you, then tell me. Ill take it off. I think you can exit out of them pretty easily, so feel free to do so. 



Why's everything gotta be complicated?

Yes I just made that blog tittle to get your attention. Now watch this ridiculously edited long ass vlog. Note that around 3 minutes are added of its not THAT long. I also filmed the questions at the same time as this, but was a little distracted, so I'm going to re-film them, and post it later. 

Thanks for watching. 



A new package (something expensive)

Ok so the title was going to be, a new package, (something huge!) 

I think you can think your yourself why I didn't use that one. 

So this came in this morning. I'm currently downloading an update, so I can set up a psn online profile, so send me a pm with your psn ID's So without further to do, heres me unboxing my ps3. 

EDIT- PSN id is SpecializedTbagr. Hit me up with a friend request. 



Vlog 2 Questions Answered

So thanks to all of your who asked me questions. They are all answered here. I got a little lazy with the editing, and I think some soulja boy snuck in there :P. Ill be sure to add titles and such in my next vlog, but I'm sure you guys don't care either way. In the comments, feel free to ask me more questions, for they will be answered. Below are the times when I answer the questions, for your connivence. 

Warning- Around the 17 minute mark I make a tiny tiny spoiler relating to halo 3. I hate spoilers so I though I would mention it.


Giyanks - Whats my favorite movie. 1:40
Dboy- Favorite Rock Band 2 song, and my favorite song to play. 6:10
James- When did I come out of the closet? 8.00
DJ- Whats more important in a sandwich meat or cheese? 8.25
Zerocast- What do I think of Fable 2 so far? 9.16
Gearhead- How do you think the colts will do this year? 11.36  Oh ya and win the wildcard* not the division
14.15? SOULJA BOY?!
Mexalen- State I live in. 14.20
Wesker- Whats my cats name 15.20
Claude- If I was a game developer what type of game would I make. 16.40

One badass video.

I was messing around on windows movie maker, and I made this. I think it turned out pretty well. Hope you guys enjoy it. Once again, I'm going to site my sources and say that I got this idea from a couple gamespot's users video blogs. Mainly Denis'.  I'll probably use it to open my vlogs. 

Also, thanks for all the questions. I could use just a couple more if you haven't already asked one, or would like to ask two I don't care. I'll end up making a full vlog out of all of them later tonight probably. 

Warning. This video is extremely badass :P



NCAA 09 mini-games Gameplay Video/ a super quick video of me.

Ok so I was trying out my camera, and made a NCAA 09 gameplay video. These are three mini-games on the game. Option attack is first, then Horse, then special teams battle. I actually do extremely well in the option attack and st battle. I do ok on the horse. Got 2 achievements in the process. Which is nice. So here it is. I figured it would be nice for anyone who is still interested in the game. Or if your just interested in how it plays. (if you turn up the sound, you can hear the games sounds. Sorry, next time I'll be sure to turn my tv up higher.) 


Also, heres a quick video of me, asking you for something. 



A video tour of my room.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is where all the magic happens.


Oh yeah, and good news.

Oh, and rest in peace James Bass Pedal. 

update. James Bass Pedal has come back to life! 

Also thanks for all the nice comments on the vlog. Glad you enjoyed it. If you missed it, click here, or just look down a blog. 

I'm Me (Video Blog 1)

So after around 5 hours of work heres my very first vlog. Sorry about the shitty quality, I'll explain that later. But it's a vlog, so really I don't think it matters too much. The sound is a tad idk what you'd say? Staticy. If you turn your sound down a tiny bit that seems to go away. Hope you guys enjoy. Like I said in the first take, this is my first vlog.

Actually I'm going to change things up. The first one is the unedited, raw video file. Its better quality and sound. 

This one is edited version. Do I like the titles in it? Yes. It is worth the shitty quality? You tell me. 


So if you could, please leave what you think of the vlog. Love it hate it, whatever. Also which one you would prefer, and if you care. 

Heres the promised EBAY link. Just incase your interested. Happy Bidding. 

New Purchases/ short gamestop rant.

Today I set out on a journey to buy two new games. It has been a while since I had ventured to the lying/ deceiving douse-bags they call gamestop. Last time I was there I bought BF BC. My plans for today were to take advantage of the turn in three games get 15$ deal. With that 15$ I would get a more card. With that more card I would get more money on the three games I turned in, and would save on ncaa 09 used. Then with all that money I saved I would have enough to buy rock band 2. Flawless correct?

This plan all went down to toilet when Gamestop was once again, under stocked on a HUGE game coming out. For some unforeseen reason, I never got around to pre-ordering it. This morning I figured with the lack of advertisement/ over stock gamestop SHOULD have, that I would be able to find it. But no, the dude said they only had 5 copies that weren't pre-orders. Seriously? 5? Now who knows if this idiot was right, but still. If he says 5, that means that there were very few copies. 

Also what sucked was that part of the deal was that the 3 next gen games you turned in had to be over a value of 1 dollar. I decided to turn in Harry Potter, Order of the Phoenix for the wii.  The Bigs and Fifa World Cup for the 360. This is what I could get for each game. 

1.00$?!! WTF
1.00$?!! WTF

So you're saying I could get more money for a shitty old ass ps2 game (recently turned in madden 07 for 5 bucks) for 5 times as much as a good xbox 360 game? Once again a little thing gamestop does to piss me off. So no 15 dollars for me. 

Thinking on my feet, I suddenly realized that I had already transfered my songs over to rockband 2, so I will have no need for the rockband 1 disk. So next weekend I will turn in The Bigs, Harry Potter, and Rockband in, and get my 15$. I assume maybe 10$ for rockband so I'll be looking at around 41$ for everything. Not to mention the 10% I'll get with my edge card. Still a rip off. But its easy, quick, and what else am I going to do with those games? 

So I'm sitting here with ncaa 09 used copy, which looks like it was taken out of the box once. I love getting lucky when it comes to used games. I payed 50 bucks for it, which I'm content with. I pretty much payed 50 bucks for a used game. Next weekend I'll end up paying around 20 bucks for rockband 2. This has gone long, so tomorrow I'll blog about the dumbass at the counter at Gamestop. 

Until then,