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HD video from PAX 09!

I took a few videos with my Vado HD camcorder at the show. They aren't much, but they give you a feel of the atmosphere. You may have to click through and watch them on YouTube to see the HD versions.

The Beatles: Rock Band

This first video is some brave folks playing The Beatles: Rock Band in front of a good number of onlookers. It's not so impressive now that the game is out, but it is undeniably fun to watch.

Mechanical horse

You may have heard about this, but you may not have seen in. The Darksiders (I think that's the name.) booth had a mechanical Gothic horse. It was pretty impressive. They say it was fabricated by someone who worked on the Jurassic Park dinosaurs. That's the way to draw some attention to your booth.

Queue room

The queue room at the convention center was where we went to wait for the exhibition hall to open in the morning. You could arrive as early as 8:00am for the exhibition that opened at 10:00am. This meant you may have been waiting a while. The good news is that the fine organizers provided entertainment for those of us dedicated enough to wait. This consisted of trivia, polls, and other interactive entertainment. We talked back by texting to a special number set up for the event. It was really a lot of fun! The video is a bit long and probably boring to watch, but it was much better than merely waiting.
That's all for now. Thanks for looking!