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Wet demo impressions

If you have not yet played the demo and want to be surprised, do not read this.
Wet is a game that really puts it best foot forward in terms of presentation. The dirty film effect filter (a la Grindhouse) is one not often used in games. The solid red, black, and white palette the game uses when Rubi's face is covered in blood is striking. The music is fantastic--one of the best soundtracks I have heard in a game judging from the three songs in the demo. The highway sequence is thrilling and stands alongside great movie action sequences.
The problem is that actually playing the game isn't so much fun. The combat is very simplistic and not terribly satisfying. It relies too much on the stylish slowdown effects when Rubi fires on enemies while doing her acrobatics. This is a decent effect but doesn't compare to everything I described in the first paragraph. It alone certainly isn't enough to carry the boring combat mechanics.
The fact that I can't decide how I feel about this game is proof of the incredible style of its presentation. There isn't really anything here I can recommend gameplay-wise. Everything feels very clunky, scripted, and on-rails. Why must it look so damn good while doing everything wrong?