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NPD Numbers for last

Hardware Sales

  • Wii - 803,000
  • Nintendo DS - 491,000
  • Xbox 360 - 371,000
  • Playstation 3- 190,000
  • PSP - 193,000
  • Playstation 2- 136,000
Top 10 software sales
  • 1. 360 Fable II - 790k
  • 2. Wii Wii Fit W/ Balance Board - 487k
  • 3. 360 Fallout 3 - 375k
  • 4. Wii Mario Kart W/ Wheel - 290k
  • 5. Wii Wiiplay W/ Remote - 282k
  • 6. 360 Saints Row 2 - 270k
  • 7. PS3 Socom: U.S. Navy Seals Confrontation - 231k
  • 8. PS3 Little Big Planet - 215k
  • 9. 360 NBA 2K9 - 202k
  • 10. 360 Dead Space - 193k

Note: WiiMusic sold 81k and Guitar Hero World Tour sold 530k across all platforms.

I think that this list is shocking.
First off, the Wii outsells the PS3, 360 and PSP put together. Secondly, the PS2 is STILL selling 60,000 units or so below the PS3. The other thing is that Mario Kart, WiiPlay and WiiFit are still in the Top 10 games and are the only top 10 Wii games. For a console that sold almost a million units in October, that's surprising. I guess people just need Wii Fit, Wii Sports, WiiPlay and Mario Kart, attach rates must SUCK for nintendo though.

The biggest surpise is in the software sales though. Fable 2 is number one? That's surprising. Fable 2 beat out Dead Space, Saints of Row 2, WiiMusic, Guitar Hero World Tour, Rock Band, It's crazy how well that game sells. A lot of people here in Singapore love Fable 2 and keep saying "FABLE 2 IS THE BEST GAME EVAAAAAAR!!!!!!" and it seems to be selling pretty dang well. I just didn't think it'd sell 300k more than the runner up to first place in the states. I guess it's kind of the whole 'Sims for Boys' thing that it has going on.

Wii Fit is still selling well, along with Mario Kart and WiiPlay, which shouldn't be counted as a game anymore. PS3 sales are crazy too. LittleBigPlanet failed to move PS3s at all and SOCOM sold better than LBP. How the crap did that happen? Slant Six Games basically did nothing besides make the graphics better and fill the PS2 game with glitches. I just feel sorry for the people who bought it, especially those who bought it over LittleBigPlanet. NPD doesn't track digital download sales too, so there's probably quite a bit more of dudes who downloaded it online.

WiiMusic also sold crap too, which is what it derserved. I guess that the people who are buying Wiis are a little bit too old for it. I'm talking single women that are 25-35 years old getting it with WiiFit. Very Surprising sales, maybe next month Animal Crossing will be number 1?

Oh....thanks Harmonix....and.....I'm sorry PSP....

So, I got back from China....which was surprisingly empty. It felt like there was just a zombie attack there and cut 90% of the population. I mean, people talk about how China's so crowded and humid and disgusting but, it wasn't any of those things. Maybe I'm just a ghost and can only see evil people....that'd make a cool movie.

Anyways, to my topic. I was one of the many people who got the new 20 free DLC for Rock Band 2. All I can say is "what the crap?"
Seriously, besides maybe one or two songs that they gave us, the tracks are HORRIBLE and suicide-inducing to play. Harmonix went all business on this one which pisses me off. They wanted to be able to say "over 500 tracks by the end of the year" and didn't want people to keep their copies of the game. So, they just asked MTV what 20 songs can you give us for free and then we'll give them to people. It sucks and I didn't expect it from Harmonix who have been fantastic developers always going for the fans' reaction and support.

Oh and, I got an Ipod Nano Chromatic. See you later PSP, no more using you as an MP3 player. It's pretty nifty, convenient and it has Itunes.


The games that everyone forgot about.

I got LittleBigPlanet and I was a bit disappointed. The online just wasn't quite addictive enough to keep me playing. I'll definitely play it again and some more but it kind of bums me out. The games I do really want (but have no money for) are the less talked about games like Left 4 Dead, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia. They're all just perfect tailor-made titles for me. With Left 4 Dead's awesome AI, Valkyria Chronicles' outstanding gameplay, Mirror's Edge for being a GOOD free running game. Since I can remember, whenever I'm bored while waiting in a store or a line or anything like that, I look around the room and try to find a way to get out of there by jumping and flipping and crazy stuff. Mirror's Edge is that game. And Prince of Persia for being a 3rd person, cell shaded, better combat and better story than Mirror's Edge but still have the awesome animation and platforming of Mirror's Edge.

If I had to choose one it would probably be Mirror's Edge, but it's so close between all of them.


Why must I do this to myself?

Why must I make myself choose between things so much? So, this Christmas time I'm gonna have $120 spare to spend on stuff. I don't know what I'll get for Christmas besides a laptop so I don't know if I'll get money or a poster with a monkey smoking a cigar on it. I do want to finally get an Ipod. Since I'll have a good computer that I'll be able to rely on I'll be able to use Itunes. Yes, my current computer sucks too much to use real Itunes. It's depressing....

Now, I could do that and get Banjo Kazooie or Space Invaders extreme or something or I could get Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia. Or, I could wait until after Christmas when I get more money and then buy them, or I could get Warhammer Online or.....
See my point? Why must games cost so much? And then in summer I'm gonna probably buy the DSi and.....

GAGH! Shut up self. Shut.....up.



I don't know if I like Bethesda or not. The Elder Scrolls series takes a generic setting, bad combat, glitches, bad animation, a horrible story and a poor leveling up system and and crosses it with an open-ended game. Fallout 3 is pretty much every problem that the Elder Scrolls has but there's no way that my parents (or even myself) will let me buy that game so that's out of the question.

For some strange reason though, for the past week I've been playing Oblivion. I just don't get it. I mean, it is HORRIBLY balanced. You cannot beat the main story normally unless you play a melee class. Magic is a bore to use unless you're buffing yourself and half of the quests are just fetch quests. That being said, some parts of the game are ridiculously fun. I can't stop playing through the dark brotherhood quests and if you're playing as a Fighter-type character the combat isn't THAT bad.

So, that's probably why I gave Oblivion a 3/5, it's just so much fun sometimes, but horrible at others. If you don't believe me, boot up the game and go into third person. Walk diagonally and then jump. Point proven. However, the thought of Fallout 3 having similar animation and stupid bugs makes me wanna punch a kitten.

Seriously, Bethesda doesn't seem like it wants to learn a lesson. Yes, people like the depth and freedom of your games but no, we don't like anything else. Get your act together and maybe make something original. Not another Fallout, and PLEASE not another Elder Scrolls. Something unique and different.


I suck at platformers

So, I beat LittleBigPlanet and it was surprisingly frustrating. I mean, the levels are incredible but I'm not sure how if I like the checkpoint system. I think that they should've just made it unlimited lives per checkpoint. I mean, the game rewards you a lot if you go through the level without dieing (like, by giving you more items) and the levels in LBP are pretty dang long, I'm talking 10 minutes per level and if you get stuck, you gotta complete the whole level again. It might be just because I suck at platformers, which is obvious because I can't beat Super Mario World but for a game that's supposed to get the whole family smiling the game is a little too difficult.

But, besides that little gripe, the game is superb, review should be up tomorrow, along with a Portal: Still Alive review. Man that game is awesome.


Woah.....I have....a blog?????

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I have school....and Halo.....and.....Professor Layton......and......Syphon Filter.....and well you get my point.  Anyways, sometime this week (hopefully) I'll be getting LittleBigPlanet. Why? How? My pre-order shipped before the game was delayed, so I'll be listening to that Muslim subliminal messaging ALL NIGHT LONG!!!

I also conveniently have a day off the day LBP is released in the states so I'll be able to play against you guys (that sounds wrong, even though I doubt it is.) Anyways, I just want to talk about something that has been amusing me for the past week or so.
That is IGN's top 100 list of 2008. But, it isn't written by their editors. The fans decide with their user review scores on the game. And obviously since all popular games (especially exclusive games) get down-rated by fanboys so the top 100 list is quite twisted. They probably should've made it done by voting but, if they did then we wouldn't have this hilarious top 100 list. I mean, it's hilarious the order of some of these games. Let's just say that World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 beat out Shadow of the Colossus and Half-Life

It's a hilarious list and implore you to check it out.



I am very happy right now. Ever since the start of this generation, Sony has been a roller coaster ride. Their most recent down was the loss of Final Fantasy XIII as an exclusive but they just hit a huge up. LittleBigPlanet. I bought my PS3 a few weeks before E3 so I couldn't know about FFXIII so I was a little depressed, although I was playing too much MGS4 to really notice it. Now I am just amazed by LBP. I first started noticing LBP about a year ago when I saw it on this British TV show about video games but now, I know that it might just be the best game ever.

The game is so fantastic because it is what Playstation means. It is fun. It is fun in so many levels I cannot think of a single type of gamer that wouldn't like this game. I might be biased because I just amazingly (and unexpectedly) got into the beta but the game looks awesome. Oh, and don't ask for any info about LBP; my lips are sealed.


No top 10 Friday this week.

Sorry guys but no Top 10 Friday this week, I've been busy playing a lot of games and deciding whether I like Oblivion or not, oh yeah and completely dropping my jaw over Fallout 3. So in other words I'm incredibly lazy.

But, I did put up two new reviews for The World Ends With You and Oblivion. Go ahead and flame my Oblivion review, I just couldn't get into that game and believe me: I REALLY wanted to.  Also, I won't be using any half-stars for my reviews, then it just gets to a point where everything can be interpreted in different ways. "Aw man, you gave it a 4 and a half instead of a 5, DIE!!!" plus, I'm waaaaaay too lazy to decide whether a game should be a 3 and a half or a 3.