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#1  Edited By RedHerb

I just played the first level on perfect agent, there's that bonus objective where you have to force a programmer to unlock a computer or something. It was actually pretty awesome, cause you have to keep your gun pointed at him or he will try and run so it felt like forcing him at gun point to do something. 
Also when he does the task, i had totally forgotten about this, he wipes the data and fails your mission! What the hell! that son a bitch, so next time it was execution time for that guy. I remember doing that now, but what kind of game would let you take a hostage,  force them to do something then allow you execute them now a days. 

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#2  Edited By RedHerb

I like the game far better when you at least have three party members, it spent far too long getting to that point. I understand it was sacrificing game part for the story it wanted to tell. But when the story is terrible, that's not so appealling. 
A couple of chapters was alright, but after the long chapter with Hope and lightning i got it and was ready to muck around with a full party. But no, i had to wade through 10 more hours or so before i was "ready". It was just oppressively hand holding for me. I felt I was being forced to play a certain way whether i liked it or not...
Final Fantasy 12, is the one I have spent way too much time with, the story wasn't great and overly convoluted but sort like an open world game you could approach it at your own pace. Sort of take it or leave it.  FF is a series i've never been crazy about but this game grabbed me for some reason.

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#3  Edited By RedHerb

I would like Fang better if she was named Shelia or Doreen instead...also she should crack open a stubby of Vic Bitter or XXXX when in conversions.
Likewise my impression of Snow would increase 10 fold if he told Hope to Get Bent!

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#4  Edited By RedHerb
 I see, well that does make sense. I'm playing the bit with team Hope and Snow, chapter 6 or 7.  The sentinel seems to be much more reliant on being in a three man team.  What's vengance all about, doing 500 damage every so often? also do you really need to use provoke x3, does it stack or get more people? 
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#5  Edited By RedHerb
Right because status effects stack up to eight times(?), so spamming the debuffs for phyiscal and magic and attack is often better then what the auto battle chooses which might be 3x poison or something more general.
 But then again those support classes are often AI controlled so that's no good if you want to do that. I don't know, this battle system...sometimes i get it but others times...
Also with the Ravager when is it better not to just auto battle?
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#6  Edited By RedHerb

To me, this game is somewhat reminsiant of Tales of vesperia. Just more stream lined. I think it's the combo system, the fast paced battles, the breaking or fatal strike system, linear dungeons with non random battles, the battle screen and the AI controlled party members.
Except in FF13 your more the director of the battle rather then the actor. 
Also Lighting carries her sword around in sheath like yuri...

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#7  Edited By RedHerb
Oh dude, but FF13 totally does that! Gun play and explosions in the first minutes. It shoves you right in the middle of a masqueraded mass murdering. 
Except it's not exciting...why should it be, none of it has an context or grounding. It rings hollow, as it throws us in with star war's-esqe flashy CGI, bright lights and magic. Oh and tough mums... It's terrible. If anything it should have started slower.
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#8  Edited By RedHerb
@Hailinel said:
" @Mooshu said:
" @RedHerb said:

" @Hailinel said:

" @Yukoei said:

People are judging RPGs by the first hour now? great.

The Halo generation at its finest. "
Why shouldn't you, really? I mean it's an 1 hour you have chosen to spend playing a video game. Shouldn't it be fun? And if it's not then that's a problem isn't?   To qualify,  I only have spend 40 min with the game, and most of the that was kinda boring fights with cut scenes which felt that they were over compensating for that.   I a vested interested in the game and still want to keep playing because i know there will be more too it . After how many hrs of game time that will be who knows? but don't except everyone to have the time and patience to "put up" with this inane Japanese game design philosophy! "
Fucking this. A video game is supposed to be fun. If it takes a whole hour for a game to be fun, then what will that say about the rest of the experience? Occasional high mark fun segments with mostly boring tedium segments? Yeah, no thank you. The older Final Fantasy games were fun from the very start. Everyone else remember the opening bombing mission from VII? Badass. Or those freaking awesome magitek mechs from VI?   If a game fails to grab you in some way within the first hour, it's probably not worth seeing through. "
Remember the amount of time Persona 4 took to set up and introduce the player to the game?  It was a good four hours or so before you finally had full control of where to go and what to do.  God forbid games take their time to set things up. "
I would still argue that the the opening terrorist attack in FFVII, and arriving in a new town of Persona 4 were more interesting then the start of FF13.  Those games elegantly set the tone of the game where as FF13 put an insipid,nonsensical action sequence and a long corridor of medicore battles.
I don't know...maybe it did set the tone of the game and i just don't know yet.
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#9  Edited By RedHerb
@Hailinel said:
" @Yukoei said:

People are judging RPGs by the first hour now? great.

The Halo generation at its finest. "
Why shouldn't you, really? I mean it's an 1 hour you have chosen to spend playing a video game. Shouldn't it be fun? And if it's not then that's a problem isn't? 
To qualify,  I only have spend 40 min with the game, and most of the that was kinda boring fights with cutscenees which felt that they were over compensating for that. 
I a vested interested in the game and still want to keep playing because i know there will be more too it . After how many hrs of game time that will be who knows? but don't except everyone to have the time and patience to "put up" with this inane Japanese game design philosophy!
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#10  Edited By RedHerb
@sopranosfan said:
" @iam3green said:
" @Delta_Ass:@sopranosfan: wait this game was a RTS? i thought it was a hack and slash game with jack black.. i saw that at gamestop the other day walking by it in the mall. i was thinking about getting it but i didn't. i still don't think i will since i don't like RTS. i can't get into them i find them boring. "
Me too, that is why I rented it then the next thing I know I am building units and telling them where to go. "
ZOMG, The horror...the horror...