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Hey, we'll be doing a charity stream this Saturday!

This Saturday and Sunday Giant Bomb and GameSpot will be taking part in an (almost) 24-hour marathon to benefit Operation Supply Drop. You can find more information on the charity here and our team page is here if you want to donate early. Big thanks to Kurt Meyers, Matt Pascual, and Nathan Hawkins for giving so far, and a big big thanks for the $200 coming from an anonymous donor!

lazy saturday well join me and play some games
lazy saturday well join me and play some games

We’ll be streaming starting Saturday morning at 9 AM PST and continuing through Sunday morning at 9 AM. I’ll be anchoring the morning shift from 9 AM to 8 PM Saturday, so come by and sit a spell; we’ll be broadcasting through my personal twitch channel into I’m still trying to work though what we’ll be doing, but I’ve been installing some games on the streaming machine here at the office. One of my bright ideas is to try and do a bit of a choose-our-own-adventure in NWN2: Mask Of The Betrayer and let people in chat vote on major plot moments. Team up with everyone we meet, or eat their souls? I have a feeling we all know what the answer will be.

Other options include lookin’ at some pup videos, scouring my Steam library for games I’m close to the end of, hopping into some free-to-play randomness, buying a bunch of Hearthstone card packs and seeing what we get before playing some games, and anything else we feel like doing for 11 straight hours. It’ll be a glorifying hour of witness.

Also, I’ll be giving some stuff away! Some of it will be pretty random: old games that I no longer want or know that I’ll never finish, premium membership extensions, and so on. But one thing to note is that I’m pretty sure we have some of those signed Nighthawks posters around, so I’ll definitely try to give away a few of those during the stream. And maybe if I feel stupid I’ll give away my old HDTV! It’s been sitting in the corner of my room for like a year now without any clear purpose to it.

i approve of this stream from my prison of wood
i approve of this stream from my prison of wood

I’ll sign off around 8 PM, but Danny O’Dwyer will start everything back up at 9 PM. I hear that he’ll have a few friends joining him (Alexis for sure and I forget who else!), and they’ll keep the insanity going all night long in the chatroom. So tune in for him and give him a bunch of your money! Or give it to me! Or give it to our charity page! I mean heck, these guys even give stuff to pups!