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Best Of 2014

So I made a list 4 years ago?! Dang! Time flies. Well, it's nearing the end of 2014 and I wanted to make another list of my favorite games I played this year.

2014 has been a crazy year full of surprises: I got a big boy job, I moved to Chiggy Wiggy from California and I got a strange bump on my wrist that is getting bigger and bigger. I also played a few video games! Here goes nothing...

List items

  • I definitely spent more time playing Threes! then any other game this year. What a perfect mobile game. It's cute, fun and very addicting. Probably my favorite puzzle game since Tetris. I have a feeling that I am going to be playing this stupid game for a very long time.

  • No duh. I love Smash Bros. This is another game I will always be coming back to.

  • What a goddamn surprise this was! I have always been a fan of YDKJ. When I first played the trivia game in middle school I thought it was the funniest, most clever game in the world. I did not understand half of the jokes nor did I know any of the answers, but I would play every game (by myself) and laugh out loud (alone) at the irreverent humor. Well not only do we get a new edition of YDKJ, but we also get a few extra super-fun party games which you control with smart devices. How genius!

  • This was another surprise. I do not care about the Lord of the Rings whatsoever. I know what a lot of you are thinking: "But Orlando Bloom is such a hunk!". Sure, Orlando Bloom is a total hunk and all, but that is not enough for me. In Shadow of Mordor, you play Orlando Bloom's ghost or something and kill a lot of Orcs. These Orcs can be daddy orcs and wander the map and do dynamic stuff in an open-world environment. It's a lot of fun. Take my word for it.

  • This bitch got a high spot a few years ago too. This game is just as good as the first one but I am actually lying because it is better. In every way.

  • Coolest hour of gameplay of 2014. Plus, there is extra content that is worth playing as well. Also, I love Metal Gear Solid and Kiefer Sutherland. What a weird name. I just watched Stand By Me. What a great movie! Did you know that Richard Dreyfuss was the narrator? Neither did I. He was great in Jaws.

  • Whoa whoa whoa. Two movie games in the list?! Yup! I picked this game up because I am a huge fan of Alien and Aliens. This game was really good. It would have been higher in my list if it were half the length and had a queen alien and had a different ending and better story pacing. Oh well!

  • Frozen was a great movie and Tropical Freeze was a great Donkey Kong game. Cranky Kong is up to his old antics and all that shit. Don't know what else to say. Donkey Kong gets the number 8 spot.

  • Was this game good? Kinda. It was the first game I got on my PS4 so I played the heck out of it. It was not bad. The faces looked cool and I think I had fun. I remember opening porta potties in one of the missions and thinking "man, I am glad I bought the PS4".

  • This game is good. It is fun to play online and Nintendo is still releasing more maps. It is weird that you can play as Baby Rosalina but it is cool that you can play as Link. The Excite Bike level is pretty cool. Nintendo is weird. What the hell is going on over there?