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1.7.21 The Arrival

Should finish My Friend Pedro. Starting Unravel because it's tied to $0.50 in Microsoft Reward points (pathetic, i know). I always wanted to be paid for gaming and this is the closest i'll ever get. Reminds me of how much i hate people that pitch microsoft rewards as some viable means of income. The amount of time you spend searching on bing or going down rabbit holes to earn what will amount to in your lifetime maybe $1000 is just stupid. My roommate told me this money making scheme of going to thrift stores, scanning books for prices, then putting them up on ebay. He said a friend made some money doing this. Just stupid. Not worth the conversation.

So I will finish My Friend Pedro and hopefully finish reading the book On Writing by Stephen King. Then I'd like to pick up the 4K blu-ray of the arrival which is a dope movie. Then it's off to play some hockey. Get my skates sharpened. Gym. Watch the movie Popeye and continue working on finishing up my French mastery.

Picked up Mega Man X & X2 Collection as well as the correct Brothers by Josef Fares.

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