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Killin time waiting for ER to be uploaded

I have to say that the Endurance Run of Persona 4 is pretty awesome.   I can't say that I want to play the game iteself.  It looks like it could be a lot of fun at times... but it just isn't for me.  It is all about the commentary and reactions to the gameplay that wins me over.  That game does offer a lot of material to be used by the guys running the show, and it is absolutely hilarious when something happens, they make a joke about how obvious something is... and then the game says almost the same exact thing.   Well, in the beginning that is...  now it is becoming more obvious that all key points are repeated... repeatedly.\

I hope GB will do another endurance run with some other game that isn't something that "everyone" is playing.

My ideas for the next runs:

Noby Noby Boy endurance run?  well, maybe for a week... but no, not really... unless they are drinking while they play. NNB ER drinking games? maybe...

arcade Endurance Run... using actual 25 cent coins...  hell yeah.  but no idea what game. the run only lasts as long as the fat stack of coins allows.