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@teddie: In my case, time-travel/manipulation stuff in video games just does something for me as long as it's implemented well. This game certainly falls into one of its better implementations as an 'Epic quest across time'.

Which is why I'm excited to jump into Majora's Mask even though it sounds like a very different implementation. More like 'Edge of Tomorrow'. Lol

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#2  Edited By Skoot

@geraltitude: My experience with the N64 growing up was, I got it bundled with Starfox N64, played an awful lot of Goldeneye and, unfortunately, Mission:Impossible. (A lot of shame admitting to that one). Eventually, I traded that N64 in for a PlayStation and played a a lot of Metal Gear Solid and a whole lot of PC games. (Doom 2, Jedi Knight, Quake, basically all of the Lucasarts point-and-click adventure games). The 'cinematic' things that games on the PlayStation and PC could do back then were mostly what pulled me away from the N64.

I was really into action games. My first proper RPG experience has to be Fable on the original Xbox. I've still not played a Final Fantasy yet. Maybe that'll be my 2017/2018.

As far as figuring everything out goes, yeah, it took a little while to "get it".. I found myself wandering the fields aimlessly in the beginning, but I eventually figured out where to go, I was pretty patient in some parts(that goes double for the water temple).

I missed puzzles that were that hard, I've played a good number of the Resident Evil games and the puzzles in that we're likely the last thing to properly scratch that itch.

A part of me wants to play through the game again, and I still might, but not yet. I want to play the others, first.

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@robinson: That one's definitely next on the list. Where I go AFTER Majora's Mask is the big decision.

I could go back and play Link to the Past or the original NES game, or go forward and play Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword.

There's a whole lot of Zelda out there to choose from!

Not the CD-I, though. Never the CD-I.

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#4  Edited By Skoot

I didn't know where else I could share this, but I just had to get it out!

I'm 31 (only a few months younger than Dan), and I just finished my first Zelda game. I had an NES in the 80's, SNES in the 90's, even an N64 when it came out. I really don't know how I never got into these games before. Maybe I just wasn't ready for them.

Of course, now, the whole idea of getting into the series felt daunting, given the number of titles. Then, there was the question of whether i'd play through the game's lore timeline(Hyrule Historia), or simply by release date timeline.

Ultimately, I decided on the one everybody raves about as one of the best Zelda experiences, 'The Ocarina of time', as my starting point for the series.

I'm blown away with how well the game stands the test of time.

For a game from that era, it's a goddamned masterpiece in my mind. Sure, it has flaws, but the good outweighs the bad by a metric fuckton.

I'm not really here to review the game. I'm just here to express my absolute genuine excitement about this series that I've only dipped my toe into.

With the game now completely under my belt, the question nags at me: "How the hell did I miss these games the first time around?!"

So, now, with a few dollars spent online, I'm on a very Scanlon-esque mission to play them all (slightly out of order) up to when this new Zelda Wii U game comes out.

I'm absolutely pumped for this!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. I just really had to share with gamers who'd hopefully understand what I'm going through.

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Something to do with movies. Maybe discussions, or watch cheesy 80s movies together. Mind you, that would be a licensing rights nightmare. I love it whenever they get into talks about old movies on the bombcast or UPF. Dan's got the same tastes in movies as me. Guess that's a product of having been born in the same year.

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#6  Edited By Skoot

Can anyone give me feedback on my two levels?

The objective isn't to be impossible, but a bit hard.

The first one. Morse Madness, uses Morse code 'Dits and Dahs' to make up dangerous platforms.


My next one, Underwater Madness, is just a hard-ish underwater level.


Any feedback that's constructive would be great.

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Thanks for the help, guys. I'll get on this as soon as I'm able!

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I really want to gift a year of premium to a friend that would like it.

Can't, for the life me, figure out if there's a way, or if I just have to give him the money.

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I just can't wait to see the close-up look on Drew's face during the ladder part.

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#10  Edited By Skoot

What are you using for a network/wireless card?

I had the same problem. After months of putting up with the problem, I decided to try replacing my crappy TP-link wireless card with a more recognized brand (D-link) and I haven't had the issue for almost a year now.

Try taking the wireless/network card out and see if it helps. Make sure steam is in offline mode before doing so, so you can test it afterwards.

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