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The Christmas Conundrum solved?

Okay, so I've had my thinking cap on since my previous posts about what to play.  I still want to play Fable 3 and Force Unleashed 2 - but I refuse to pay or allow friends/family to pay £39.99 for it.  So I'll wait until my birthday in June and fish them out of a bargain bin or buy used.
I always like a GH game, I'm a bit of a sucker for them - despite playing the real guitar I don't know whether I fancy RB3 for it's pro-mode or not.  The biggest issue - at least from my experience of playing the Greenday Rockband demo - is that RB doesn't support my Logitech drum kit very well - it's very hit and miss.  I also don't like how it doesn't use the full kit - you never hit one of the toms or symbols - perhaps this is better in RB3?
So a music game - Warriors of Rock?  Maybe.... RB3?  Perhaps - I'm still not convinced... I actually miss a lot of the old songs of the PS2 earlier games and some of them really wanted more instruments - so I'm tempted to get my wife fishing about in the bargain bins for Guitar Hero Greatest Hits.
So still some money in the budget - what else do we look at?  Well it sounds daft, but Im seriously, seriously tempted to get Fifa 2011.... Whoah! You're thinking, isn't smokemare some ancient bumbling old fool, with a misguided notion that he's some sort of authority on the history and cultural influence of video games,  who plays a blend of casual music games, insanely long RPG's with irritatingly convoluted storylines and an assortment 'run around shooting stuff' games?
Well you'd probably be right in some degrees, but this wasn't always so - as my often cited references to Tony Hawks and my online Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix ranking show - this wasn't always the case!
I may seem like a 'bat shit crazy' recluse now - but there was a time, less than a decade ago when I had 'friends' and I have fond memories of sitting in smoke filled living rooms, that smelled of beer, spirits and 'smoke' *ahem*.... With said friends enjoying a round robin of Fifa 2000... We spent hours playing it - even though I'm not really a football fan in anything like a real sense.   I even played vs the computer!  And enjoyed trying to build my team up - even if it mean being bitched at because of my 'super Chelsea' side which had Batistuta and Baggio up front, Roberto Carlos in defence and David Seaman in goal....  
I recall fondly one particular night when we came up with a simple drinking game, 'Fifa Hot Shots' where everyone present plays a round robin of Fifa as normal - but whenever you concede a goal you have to drink a shot of Sainsbury's own brand - value whisky.  i felt a little sorry for Mark Clay, he lost 3-0, 3-1 then 9 - 0 or something crazy... At the end he was still shuddering from the last shot as the next ball sailed into the net... He finished the bottle actually I think!
Hopefully, with todays capacity for online play and the promise of a potential bi-annual visit from my old Fifa playing mates - should be a good laugh.