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Thoughts on The Conduit (Part Two)

This one will be significantly shorter, but will address multiplayer and the aesthetical presentation.

I played the multiplayer for about 5 minutes. I waited 1 to get a group to play with, 3 for the round to start (Despite it saying 23 minutes) and 1 more in game. Looks like the game was haxzord, so already there is no reason to play sub-standard deathmatch.

Now for the graphics. It is very disapointing that we in the gaming culture still deal with enemies that aren't exactly well designed or even varied. Honestly, I was quite bored with the dozens of same characters I was gunning down in the third hour of playtime, and by the fourth, I could not care about this game. I suffered terminal boredness (So bored, I make up words). I simply didn't care about very slowly gunning down the same people over and over. Don't even get me started about the story and characters, because I've been going on for the last two hours.

The story is simply garbage, nobody expects the game to have godlike story or even a story. But the story they gave was terrible, even insulting. For one, all characters are complete idiots. Unlike other conspiracy stories, the character doesn't just join the "good" guys which become bad guys with rosey cheeked optimism. Even the bloody stupid characters of any recent Final Fantasy game would probably question the motives of a secret group that contacts them (Except for Squall, he's absolutely batshit retarded). But no, your secret service guy who was likely fitted with rose coloured shades, thinks "Okay!" and then works for the bad guys.

Then there is the cover, my god.
What were they thinking?!
What were they thinking?!
This honestly looks like a 1990's cheap comic cover. I'm done with the game, I'm not talking about it. Hell, the only reason I'm talking about it is because I had to talk about at least one game, and it can't be any other because my other game hubs are broken.  I regret playing it. It could have been good or exiting, but it isn't. Remember when I said it played like an N64 Rare shooter? Well I was wrong. It's like those games, except without all of the Rare goodness.