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Best of 2010

SubwayD: Best of 2010

List items

  • Super tight. Super absurd. Super fun! The antidote to years of plodding cover based shooting. DMC meets Gears of War... IN SPAAAAACE! one of the big things I loved was the simplicity of it. It wasn't so much like, say, Bayonetta, where part of the difficulty comes from learning combos, finding secrets and doing challenges. This felt like they gave you all the tools from the start. tools that, being a third person shooter kind of guy, I was familiar with. Playing the game on the hardest setting right out of the game pretty much forced me to get my arse in gear. Once I got the basics down, being stylish as hell came naturally. Then factor in the sweaty palm, white knuckle, arse clenching action. The so characters that are so bad-ass that they become parody's to the point where they're bad-ass again. And then give it all a sharp, clean look, and you've got my GOTY.

  • Gritty, grimy, crude and miserable as all fuck. Love the setting. Love the shitty video uploaded to youtube aesthetic. Wish they could have gone even more far out with it, but it still scratched my itch for terrible people doing terrible things. The sound design deserves a shout out. Io always brings their A-game when it comes to making everything sound terrible and awesome. Terribly awesome!

  • Had a huge amount of fun with this yet, for all it's insanity, I can't help but feel I'm missing something. It's damn near causing me anxiety trying to figure out just what this game's deal is. Still, all my confusion aside, the action is super tight and fast and I like me some SEGA/Capcom in-jokes.

  • A call back to the days of action adventure. The game itself is quite a low-impact experience. The platforming is forgiving and the combat only really picks up if you set things to hard. What gets it onto the list is that it has the best characters and acting in any game I've played recently. While it's easy to point to the cut-scenes, what also impresses me is how the characters sound like they're actually in the environment. Damn. Kicks my ass every time I realise that I'm getting nostalgic for the early 00's.

  • An absolutely charming game. Created by people who obviously love this country and love what they're making. A lot of enthusiams and dedication goes a long way in making a game just feel right. I'm content to wander around that world, interact with it's people and simply take it all in.

    Then, on top of that, you've got a solid RPG/Adventure with all the customisation and tough decision making one hopes for from a Lionhead title.

  • As brilliantly written as ever. The only reason I still have a DS. I'll keep buying them if they keep translating them.

  • The artistry and imagination of the game secures it's place on the list, while the simplistic character action knocks it right down. Far greater than the sum of it's parts.

  • More proof that I really enjoy gnarly trash. Pulp nonsense with a hint of Lovecraft and Poe. A love letter to Splatter, in all forms. Hugely stupid and fun.

  • Now, I know what you're thinking. How can this dickhead place a game with infinitely more production value and overall polish be at the bottom of this list? Simply put: Fun. Mass Effect 2 was an entertaining and engrossing experience, but when compared to some of the other, trashier games on this list, I wasn't having a huge amount of fun. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to make an argument for games returning to their arcade/simplistic roots. This simply means I was looking for different experiences this year. All the huge games this year like Red Dead Redemption, God of War 3, Halo Reach Call of Duty: Black Ops and this, Mass Effect 2, will no doubt win big in all kinds of awards. They totally deserve to, and this is my nod to great quality.