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How To Build A BETTER Bomb

Is it just me or is the Blog toolbar broken? Instead of appearing as a neat strip mine has been staggered into one toolbar per icon so my blog box is MASSIVE. Anyone else having this problem??

As for my response to the "How can we improve GiantBomb" connundrum my suggestion would be to add Gamertags and console ID´s to each profile. Also maybe compact the User Feed because it does take up a lot of space... And maybe a way of keeping track of individual forums as oppose to "general discussion".

MOST IMPORTANTLY I think it should be easier to link pages when blogging and posting. If I highlight "Gears Of War" and click the [LINK] button then could it not suggest the most likely links instead of making my type the title out again?? Its not a biggie but making it easier would encourage users to link pages more often, especially when you are typing something with lots of referances in it (see below).

Also In other news, I had my first surf lesson today off the coast of Peurto Escondito in Mexico. I had to get up at 6 am (its harder than it sounds) and treck down to the beach. It was mind blowing, I loved every second of it, although I am now ridiculously tired.... Anyways I now want to play a surfing game. The last I can remember was Kelly Slater Pro Surfer after Tony Hawk went global, but that was a terrible game... NEXT GEN SURFING - somebody get working on it right away!

Lastly I am slightly confused as to what games to buy upon my return (2 days). I was going to buy Civ Rev but after Geometry Wars 2 got released and is obviously amazing I might just get that and then wait for Too Human and Castle Crashers... I can also re-activate my wow account for 1 month while I wait. Maybe I will pick up a pre-owned copy of Civ Rev when the price has dropped, because I really enjoyed that demo.

Long Post today. Pokefans will be pleased to know that the Pikachu and Professor Oak pages are done, although my "Team Rocket" submission got declined for some reason... do they go in character or concept? Tìs a puzzle to be sure....

*EDIT* Team Rocket page now up and running!