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Stay in the woods. Stay green. Stay safe.

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Some Sort Of Giant Bomb??

The End Is Neigh!


You guys have probably all heard about this attempted recreation of the Big Bang. I think its very interesting, especially seeing as some people are convinced it will destroy the Earth. I dont see what all the fuss is about to be honest. If we create a black hole and all die then none of us are going to know about it. Also - life is boring. Thats why we play computer games as entertainment. And if Steven Hawking says its ok then, hell - its safe enough for me. Read about it here.
I think its happening suspiciously close to the release of Spore. Could it simply be the best PR in the world EVER? Think about it...

ANYWAYS on the offchance that this is the Apocalypse I would like to point out that I REGRET NOTHING!!

In Gaming News

Hilary Goldstien Acts Like A Jackass!!

Upon close scrutiny his latest blog entry states that Fallout 3 is essential for anyone who cares about maintaining some sort of ridiculous hardcore gaming reputation. I quote: "You must play Fallout 3 if you are in any way a true gamer. Ouch."
I dont think I really need to point out what a fucking ridiculously moronic comment this is. Trying to intimidate people into playing a computer game by questioning their status as a "true gamer" is patheticly immature. Especially concerning a game that has not even been released yet. If anything this makes me resent Fallout 3 as I do not want to be associated with this idiocy.


 Hilary Goldstien - your stock just went down.

Gears Of War 2 Multiplayer

I was browsing some old GOW2 hands-on stuff from a while back and some things caught my eye which I didn't notice beforehand.
  • Sniper Active Reload - No longer downs people in one shot
  • Chainsaw - You are no longer invincible whilst cutting some dude in half.
  • Ranked matches - now have a party functionality enabled.

These things all sound appropriately awesome. I can't wait for Gears 2!!

Stuff Regarding The Word "Broke"

Pictures In Blogs Are Broken

Trying to post pictures is a pain in the ass. It sometimes screws up the entry box so you cant type below the first picture you post. I have noticed this also when editing my profile. I sent a PM to Brad about this, we will see if anything happens. Whats the usual protocol when something goes busted? Is there a forum I can visit? (I dont like forums).

Castle Crashers is still broken

The latest Behemoth blog hints that the patch is still underway, but focusses mainly on fan-art that people have sent in. I cant help but feel a little frustrated at this lack of respect for MY BROKEN GAME! I dont want to look at crummy JPEGS of the Red Knight, I want more news on what you are doing to fix the game I just bought!

I'm not broke anymore!

I managed to earn enough money working shifts in a factory to bring myself out of my -£200 debt and back up to zero. Now all the money I earn over the next two weeks is being saved for the gaming rush thats happening in October. It's going to blow your mind out've your goddamn nose!

Thanks For Reading
Lots Of Love, Sweep