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Music makes the game.

Don't you agree?
It often does I find in genre's like RPG, MMO or Sports (blazing down the mountain with SSX3 radio pumping!). 
The mere sounds can either invoke emotion or inspire you to some crazy antics, possibly becoming a great memory if anything remotely reminds you of the song.
I want to take a look at the music from The Lord of the Rings Online.
I've started playing this game a long time ago, on and off, but have been a steady player since it went free to play.
The music in the game is amazing and very memorable, that's why I'm gonna share my top 5 with you.
You should really give it a listen, the game's music is amazingly well crafted!
On with the show!

5. Baruk Khazad

Its the battle cry of the dwarves, this tune is filled with menacing vocals with some great drums and trumpets (I guess? xD) setting the amazing melody.
You'll find this sticking in your head...and the voices are just downright impressive.  
This song is often playing when encountering evil Dwarves (Dourhand clan or such) or when doing a skirmish in the city of Gondamon.

4. Gondamon's Theme

This song is a bit slower, it often plays in either Gondamon or Thorin's Hall (the dwarves' home) or in some off their inn's/auction houses/banks, generally where things are quiet. The tune is amazingly fun and slow, it sounds like what must be a dwarven dance, very simple yet alluring.
Picture in a fortress and snowed woodland as far as the eye can see and you'd have an idea how this song made me feel when I first walked into Gondamon.

3. Theme of Men (Bree town)

If you'll spend anytime around human settlements, particulary Bree town, you'll hear this jig and you'll come to love it.
It sounds cosy and fun, a bustling city full of trade and quite a downtown feeling, like walking past a streetband.
The clapping, foot tapping and finger clicking makes it sound down to earth and honest.

2. War Pipes

I engage a harmless harvest fly and this starts blazing...I was sold.
This often plays in the area of Evendim when engaging in battle but its also the main theme for the Trouble in Tuckborough skirmish.
I think its bloody amazing, the start with the pipes goes right into the sweet rythm and the drums keep pounding for what is surely to be an epic battle (with an harvest fly, no less). Easily one of my favorite's.

1. The Shire

When I first walked into the Shire and this started playing, greeted by the rolling lush landscapes, farms and overall simple life of the Hobbits...I nearly cried.
Amazingly simple, yet so catchy and so heartfelt. I don't have much love for Hobbits but the Shire is an amazing zone to behold, listen to and play in.
Hobbits are like children, often not grasping the bigger things at hand and all they often care about is food, love and fun.
Which is exactly what more people should do! 
Well, that's a top 5.
Looking these links up I came across another dozen of great tracks.
The battle music is really catchy without getting too annoying, there's bombastic tracks (try walking into Loth-Lorien the first time without gasping) and there's subtle guitar jigs in the inn.
Lord of the Rings Online might have some flaws, not everyone will be as commited to it as I have been these past few years but if you have any love for music, you should at least take a gander in the game if you ever find the time, its free anyway!
Thanks for reading/listening!


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Don't you agree?
It often does I find in genre's like RPG, MMO or Sports (blazing down the mountain with SSX3 radio pumping!). 
The mere sounds can either invoke emotion or inspire you to some crazy antics, possibly becoming a great memory if anything remotely reminds you of the song.
I want to take a look at the music from The Lord of the Rings Online.
I've started playing this game a long time ago, on and off, but have been a steady player since it went free to play.
The music in the game is amazing and very memorable, that's why I'm gonna share my top 5 with you.
You should really give it a listen, the game's music is amazingly well crafted!
On with the show!

5. Baruk Khazad

Its the battle cry of the dwarves, this tune is filled with menacing vocals with some great drums and trumpets (I guess? xD) setting the amazing melody.
You'll find this sticking in your head...and the voices are just downright impressive.  
This song is often playing when encountering evil Dwarves (Dourhand clan or such) or when doing a skirmish in the city of Gondamon.

4. Gondamon's Theme

This song is a bit slower, it often plays in either Gondamon or Thorin's Hall (the dwarves' home) or in some off their inn's/auction houses/banks, generally where things are quiet. The tune is amazingly fun and slow, it sounds like what must be a dwarven dance, very simple yet alluring.
Picture in a fortress and snowed woodland as far as the eye can see and you'd have an idea how this song made me feel when I first walked into Gondamon.

3. Theme of Men (Bree town)

If you'll spend anytime around human settlements, particulary Bree town, you'll hear this jig and you'll come to love it.
It sounds cosy and fun, a bustling city full of trade and quite a downtown feeling, like walking past a streetband.
The clapping, foot tapping and finger clicking makes it sound down to earth and honest.

2. War Pipes

I engage a harmless harvest fly and this starts blazing...I was sold.
This often plays in the area of Evendim when engaging in battle but its also the main theme for the Trouble in Tuckborough skirmish.
I think its bloody amazing, the start with the pipes goes right into the sweet rythm and the drums keep pounding for what is surely to be an epic battle (with an harvest fly, no less). Easily one of my favorite's.

1. The Shire

When I first walked into the Shire and this started playing, greeted by the rolling lush landscapes, farms and overall simple life of the Hobbits...I nearly cried.
Amazingly simple, yet so catchy and so heartfelt. I don't have much love for Hobbits but the Shire is an amazing zone to behold, listen to and play in.
Hobbits are like children, often not grasping the bigger things at hand and all they often care about is food, love and fun.
Which is exactly what more people should do! 
Well, that's a top 5.
Looking these links up I came across another dozen of great tracks.
The battle music is really catchy without getting too annoying, there's bombastic tracks (try walking into Loth-Lorien the first time without gasping) and there's subtle guitar jigs in the inn.
Lord of the Rings Online might have some flaws, not everyone will be as commited to it as I have been these past few years but if you have any love for music, you should at least take a gander in the game if you ever find the time, its free anyway!
Thanks for reading/listening!
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Edited By ahoodedfigure

This guy has basically dedicated his blog to cool tracks from the past:
Music can really change the experience. I think most people are just wired to respond to music, and it's a fitting addition to LOTR just considering the back story of the world.

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@ahoodedfigure: Awesome, ill check it out!
And yes, the music in LotrO is amazing, it really adds.
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Edited By AhmadMetallic

Woah, 3 weeks old? Must've missed this blog. I'll give those a listen when they load up

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@AhmadMetallic: Please do, I'd like your thoughts on it, fellow music lover.
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Edited By Jack268

I haven't listened that much to the music, but I've really enjoyed playing this game overall. Sucks that I have to pay to progress from level 30 and on though. 
Also the Shire track sounds like something out of The Hobbit for the PS2.

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Edited By amir90

The music is awesome in this game, but I didn't like the gameplay.

I don't want to it to be just like wow, but for some reason, I got disappointed when it wasn't :(

Also, I didn't like the icon on the skills, damn why I am so PICKY!

I wanted this to be great, I am huge LOTR fan :(

There is one gameplay thing I liked a lot, that was the books events, those events, lots of fun stuff!

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Edited By MikeGosot
@TaliciaDragonsong said:
It often does I find in genre's like RPG, MMO or Sports (blazing down the mountain with SSX3 radio pumping!). 
The mere sounds can either invoke emotion or inspire you to some crazy antics, possibly becoming a great memory if anything remotely reminds you of the song.   
I'm impressed you didn't mentioned survival horror. There was a time in which i used a song of Clock Tower as my ringtone (The song that plays when you've gotta escape from Scissorman.)  , and when someone called me, i always got tense. Also, these songs are amazing. War Pipes is my favorite of those.
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I got to level 50 without paying for stuff, just played a lot over the last year and earned enough ingame points to get new quest packs.
It ain't quick, but it is free.
The game is very good, but its still its own creature, you just have to learn to love it like many already have.
The book quests are quite possibly the best thing about the questing, there's some amazing events (especially in Angmar) and they actually made all of it solo'able up until Mirkwood in case you can't find a happy squad to do it.
I'm not paying a dime and have been enjoying it since the F2P launch on and off (and before that too, whenever I felt like I had enough free time that month to justify the fee).
But, to each his own ofcourse!
I often find Horror games to be way better without music.
The sound effects alone will make you piss your pants for nothing, music is easier recognizable and often you'd associate the song with a certain event, so you know its gonna happen or already happening (but what would you need the cue for then?).
Subtle ambient music is the best for these things I think!
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Edited By amir90

I see, well currently I am installing the game now, I am just not sure what I am going to do account wise.

I think I have an old account, but I don't have a subscription plan, so maybe I don't have an advantage in that apartment?

How does it work with expansions, are most of them free or?

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Edited By Jack268
@TaliciaDragonsong: Isn't the fellowship quest pack 2500 turbine points? I have like 200 after leveling to 30 and buying the mount skill. Are you saying I should go around doing deeds until I get 2500? 
Even then, I miss out on the skirmishes. I guess I'll just have to pay up for a month at least.
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Edited By jeanluc  Staff

Oh hell yes. When I bought LOTRO it came with the soundtrack. I stopped playing the game a long time ago but I still listen to the soundtrack.

I have a great love for the character selection music. It feels like I'm about to go on an amazing journey.

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@Jack268: Quest packs alone are 395 points, which isn't too much (reputation deeds are your friend). 
It might be a little hard to get going but I have 8 character slots at the moment, 6 of which I already had (could be 5 too, dunno) before it went F2P due to me owning Moria.
The best thing you can do concering Lotro is get two characters to 20, sub for one month, get 500 free points, free riding (at least ingame buyable, not with turbine points so that's a saving in the long run) and expanded bags. It's not totally free then I know, but its a very cheap option compared to having two characters killing 20426 goblins for 10 points!
If you subscribed before on an account you get premium status, which means no gold cap, biggers bags and some more things.
No expansions are free, but all of them are buyable with points (but a lot).
You can basically play up to level 40 if you just enjoy the game and don't skip ahead because that quest is 2 levels lower then you are.
Lil deed grinding, especially reputation deeds, and you'll have 395 points ready to go, get Angmar or Evendim and you bought yourself more reputation deeds, lots of quests and normal deeds and 10-15 levels to mess around with. I think I finished up in Angmar around 52 and Evendim has recently be revamped to be one of the best and richest quest areas in the game.
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Edited By amir90

I see I will try to see if I can an old game card in a store, or the games at a good price :)

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Edited By mazik765

I love LotR music. The music in both the movies and LotRO is just fantastic. Good top 5 pick, I enjoyed them.

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@amir90:  I picked up Moria half a year before the F2P change for 10 bucks.
But I think I read somewhere that old copies don't work?
They have announced this beauty for 29,99 recently tho. 

If you liked them, be sure to check out some others on youtube while you're at it, thanks for listening!
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Edited By Jack268
@TaliciaDragonsong: Ah, I guess that's a bit more sensible. Is there supposed to be a bonus for owning the original game though? Because the account tied to my CD-key no longer exists apparently, but I can't find anywhere to enter it in either, which means it's pretty much a $25 paper weight now. A damn good looking paper weight though.
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Edited By Jack268
@amir90 said:

I see I will try to see if I can an old game card in a store, or the games at a good price :)

The game is free.
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@Jack268: Original owners (if registered before the F2P change) automatically get premium status. 
Were you an EU customer? They merged EU and USA awhile back and if I'm not mistaken you had to actively transfer your old account or it would be lost. 
As I said earlier I think I read something about not accepting old copies anymore since a little while ago. 
Can't find it right now but for all potential players this guide might be of use, and so is the website in general.
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Edited By TobbRobb

These are some freaking great tracks. nr 5 gave me kind of a Mount and Blade feel and the second one had a nudge of witcher. I actually got tempted to try the game out from this...

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Its free! Go for it!
At the very least check out some more tracks! 
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Edited By Hilikus

@TaliciaDragonsong: I absolutely agree that the music in LOTRO is fantastic. The music and environments are what have kept me coming back to the game for a few years now, the coupling of the two in the Mines of Moria left an especially lasting impression on me; I simply haven't found anything quite like that zone in any other game. It's a shame then, that I am not that fond of the overall feel of the game, as opposed to my other MMO love interest, WoW. Though whenever I get tired of questing or farming deeds, I always have my little homestead to head back to, where I listen to some of the ambient house tracks.

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Moria is an amazing zone, always had a fondness for Moria in the movies too (the Watcher! Oh!) but to experience it ingame...
I felt like a huge fangirl when I got to the bridge of Khazad Dum, or when I found the Chamber of Mazurbul, or when I was in the shadowarea all the way down and found the piece of the bridge that fell off with the Balrog...and Gandalf's hat next to it.
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Edited By SeriouslyNow

I don't agree, everything makes LOTRO amazing; the lore, the graphics, the animations, the sampled speech, the quests and of course the amazing music. LOTRO is awesome. It is quite frankly the best MMO released to date. Have 3 toons @ 50 or close, LM, RK and Hunter. I fucking despise my hunter (nerf city) but love the others to bits. Oh and Evendim's revival is amazing. I sincerely love the whole Wardens of Anuminas section and so my RK and LM are both fully kitted out Wardens. I even wear my Warden set on my RK as a cosmetic outfit because it looks so cool.

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Wasn't implying the rest of Lotro sucks, far from it, but I just wanted to highlight the music.
One of the things that kept me coming back.
Good to see there's others have so much fun with the game, its definitely a gem!^^
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Edited By amomjc

I don't see how Music can make a game but I can definitely see it as something that makes a great game.

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@csoup: Like duh you can't see it.
You need to hear it!
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Edited By amomjc

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

@csoup: Like duh you can't see it.
You need to hear it!

You Ma'am have called my bluff and converted me!

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@csoup: Tricksey Hobbitses
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Edited By AhmadMetallic

5. I did not like the vocals. It sounds like they're chanting in Hebrew. Really good music though!
4. I really loved that. I jumped into fantasy games late last year, and I just went into the rather hardcore titles.. So this tune with its prevalent family-friendly/disney-ish vibe was quite charming. Fuck you for making me want to get into LOTRO right now. 
3. A human district song.. Phew, I thought you had some sort of dwarven fetish. Not a fan of this, though. Too eastern-sounding. Simply because its too plain and basic.
2. The hell is a harvest fly? Also, that was great. Rock n roll. 
1. Really, really beautiful. Goes along well with the little heartwarming write up you added there. Again, fuck you Tali. I will not submit. 
If I had anything to say about this "lite" fantasy music, I think it parallels your love for power metal. Both great kinds of music with really nice moments and touches, yet they lack the overall "big balls" constant substance in your face, making them leave a rather shallow, unfulfilled taste in your.. ears.

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Edited By Shellra

I almost went a whole day without logging into LOTRO, unfortunately I then came across this post and specifically War Pipes and now..well...that's my Sunday accounted for.

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@Shellra: You're welcome!