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Deep Listens: Devil Daggers and Friendly Competition

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Deep Listens is a gaming podcast series I'm recording with a few of my friends. Every two weeks we pick and play a new game and then discuss it from a literary, philosophical, and game design perspective. Its kind of like a book club for video games. We try to dig as deep as we can on an individual game every episode so check it out!

In this episode of Deep Listens, Gino geeks out about FFIX coming out on PC and Pete celebrates Sam Hinkie leaving the 76ers. Eventually we talk about Devil Daggers and how it manages to vary up it's gameplay while having only a single environment and a limited enemy set. We also cover how Devil Daggers educates it's player base by sharing sharing footage of high score runs. We finish up by covering how the game manages to foster a competitive spirit without devolving into a chest beating contest.

We'll be discussing Pax East next week and our next game specific episode will be on Viewtiful Joe!

Episode 22: Devil Daggers and Friendly Competition

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