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My All-Time Top 50

Alright, here goes. I'm going to try to remember all of my favorite games that I've ever played. Not that anybody cares.

The list is in order, but just making it on this list means that I absolutely love the game. Even number 50,

List items

  • No game has ever said so much by saying so little. There is no game that evokes the same atmosphere. To the untrained eye it looks like a whole game escort mission. If you don't know any better, shame on you for not having played my all-time favorite game.

  • You get to leap from a charging horse onto a giant flying desert snake. Match that with a mood second only to Ico, and you have an absolute masterpiece.

  • Oddly, this was the first Final Fantasy I'd ever seen, and it is still my absolute favorite. Even if it isn't the biggest, loudest, or prettiest: it's still the one I like best.

  • Who cares if you know how it ends before you even turn on the game? The ride is amazing. The speed of the battles keep it from getting boring. The puzzles prevent dungeon crawls from being repetitive. Music is awesome too. Plus, it's the only game that I ever called a hint line for.

  • I remember grabbing this off the shelf at Babbages. Yeah that's right: Babbages. I thought it was impossible until I figured out what "equipping" meant.

  • Oh man... I spent so much time on this game. But the time that I landed a working rocket on Duna, planted a flag and successfully launched to return to Kerbin exists as one of my absolute favorite moments in gaming.

  • By leaps and bounds it's my favorite Zelda game. I think Ocarina was probably a better, more influential game, but that doesn't make it my favorite, now does it? Besides, this is the game that brought me and my wife together. 'nuff said.

  • Easily the best game of the 360/PS3 era, and it isn't even on one of those consoles. Who said the Wii never had any great games for hardcore gamers? I don't know whose bright idea it was to not bring it to the US but I'm glad they came to their senses.

  • Another one I haven't played myself, but between the Endurance Run and my wife's two play throughs I can safely say that this has outstanding story, voice acting, and gameplay. EDIT: Played P4 Golden. Awesomeness confirmed.

  • This is a guilty pleasure. It's my favorite example of what my wife calls, "Robot Shopping Sims." Touche.

  • The first and quite possibly only game to make me actually cry. I was actually disappointed to find out the 108 stars bonus -- I never want to get it since it ruins one of the most emotional moments in video gaming.

  • There is no game more creative than Psychonauts. Nothing has ever made me laugh harder than The Milkman Conspiracy, and if anything did, I'd almost certainly die from it.

  • Tried it once and hated it, then ignored it for about 4 years. BIG MISTAKE. Here's a hint: use no AoE spells and the game gets WAY better. Fantastic story and surprisingly in-depth characters considering there are the requisite 108 of them.

  • Glorious setting, glorious gameplay, and glorious humor. Fallout 3 was ok, but it just can't compare. Not even close.

  • I liked it way better than the NES Zelda games, so that says something.

  • So what if creativity is a broken race trait? This game allows you to be a total micromanager, or a hands off player without really punishing either style. Best 4x game of all time.

  • Just like the overachieving child, exceeds it's older sibling of FFIV in many ways, but I just can't bring myself to love it the same way.

  • Best fighting system in any RPG of any kind. Full stop. Also, Millennia rules.

  • The gateway FPS for RPG enthusiasts. This game had a perfect balance of action and adventure, with a ludicrous plot to boot. No game before it or since has come even close to matching the harmonious melding of these two disparate genres. NONE.

  • Oh look at this! Wild Arms is above Final Fantasy VII. Not by mistake either. FFVII is good, but it simply tries too hard. Wild Arms just is what it is. It doesn't strive for a sweeping plot with contrived emotions and romance. That means that nothing gets in the way of simple fun. The fact that its music is distinctive and far better than the synthed mess of FFVII is just icing on the cake.

  • Having just noted that Wild Arms is better (which it is), FFVII is still a whole lot of fun. I probably give it more of a hard time than it deserves because people build it up to be better than it is.

  • And here's another game that I imagine doesn't grace many lists of favorites. All the same, the combat is really fun if you ignore anything like a firearm. The sneaking works, too. It's just simple fun.

  • Wing Commander was a mainstay of my childhood, and Privateer was my favorite of all. Swapping out some story for the addiction of buffing your ship was a cruelly effective tactic.

  • The loading screen reminder to eat actually did make me realize I'd been playing for six hours straight. This game almost made my girlfriend break up with me, since I was playing it so much. Then she tried playing it. She's now my wife.

  • Picked it up on a whim and never looked back. Fun story, fun characters, and an ass-kicking female protagonist who isn't just awesome 'cause she's a girl.

  • This game introduced me to my favorite piece of music, Samuel Barber's Agnus Dei. It bookends the entire game, and the effect is breathtaking. The feeling it gave me in the endgame still gives me shivers. It's one of the single best moments I've experienced in all my time playing video games.

  • Why doesn't every game always have dozens of double and triple techs? Why?! I hate how every RPG needs to have customizable characters. I miss the days when it MATTERED if you picked one character over another. Final Fantasy VII, I'm looking squarely at you!!

  • Everything bad you've read about this game is more or less true, and none of it matters. Games that claim to be "visceral" generally only make my viscera feel queasy. Mirror's Edge makes me feel ALIVE. It's extremely hard, but if you can get to be good at just a single level, this game makes you feel like an intergalactic badass. Don't confuse games that allow you eviscerate people with truly visceral games. THIS game is visceral. This game makes you feel like you can fly.

  • Must. Get. More. Loot.

  • I so wish that there were more games like this. Unlike most M-rated games that strive to be as overmacho and senselessly bloody as possible, Lost Odyssey tries to be an honestly mature game. Deep characters with emotions other than rage, lust, or greed... You know, like non-romantic love? Sadness? Weariness? Match that with blessedly simple and fun menu-driven turn based combat and you have a game that nobody else had the courage to make. And alas, probably never will again. Pro-tip-- Play it with German Voices. It's AWESOME. No, I don't speak German either, but who cares?

  • I left this game by accident in a hotel in Sanibel, Fl and have never stopped kicking myself. Yet another game that is far better than it's (admittedly quite good) remake.

  • Hardly ever left my spinach'n'cream GameBoy. Played it until the battery in the cartridge died, then bought another copy and played it some more.

  • It's like Privateer but 2-d and with multiple branching storylines. Who says that text can't be just as exciting as video?

  • When the cast of the video game is better than the movie, be afraid. That said, the characters and story really are great in this game. Too bad the movie turned the entire franchise into a joke. That, and a horrendous XBLA game.

  • I've heard it's not as good with the AI controlling your partner. Simple solution: always play with a friend. Result: unbeatable co-op fun. I barely even know what the game looks like full screen.

  • Okay, so I never actually *played* it, but I've watched people play it from start to finish 3 times. This game comes closer than any other to matching Grandia's sense of pure and innocent adventure. A total blast.

  • The first disc is so good... And the second is so incredibly dumb and boring. When summed up it really nails the "flawed masterpiece" category. I'd still rather play it than any Xenosaga game.

  • You know you love it.

  • Must. Get. Even. More. Loot.

    The king of all Loot-based games.

  • This is the first voice acted game that I didn't think was absolute crap. In contrast, it's still one of the best VO'd games ever. It's crazy without being Japanese bananas nonsensical batshit crazy like all the other MGS games.

  • This would have RE5 levels of co-op fun if it didn't crash so much. Unlike GTAIV it didn't lose itself in pretensions. It just lets you (and an XBL friend) have a rollicking good time creating goofy mayhem. A true triumph of fun over art.

  • Charming is written all over this game. It's another games that doesn't try to be something bigger than it really is. It's good, honest fun. I just wish they'd skipped the desert sequence.

  • Not quite the beautiful medley of FPS and RPG that Deus Ex was, but it had Diablo-style loot. Thus went over 130 hours of my life.

  • I once beat this game from Spring Breeze to Milky Way Wishes with my friend almost once a week. I still know where every single treasure in the Great Cave Offensive is.

  • The embodiment of the word, "Charming." The art, story and puzzles (oh god the puzzles) are so great, and the same goes for all the other games I've played in the series.

  • It's better than Mario RPG. That's a pretty amazing achievement right there. Another outstanding blending of Action and RPG, but this time keeping more of the RPG trappings.

  • Who DOESN'T to be able to make a bunch of robot buddies??

  • What could be a worse monster to a vampire than a walking clove of garlic? Yes. Walking cloves of garlic are the main enemy in this game. You also heal with tomato juice. You've never heard of this game, which is a damn shame.

  • This game earns its place on the strength of the soundtrack alone. In most games with an in-game radio, there might be one or two channels I can tolerate. In this game, it's ALL good.

  • I am the mechanical man.