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Fanboys bitch about a gaming website again, film at 11

Okay, I like I think it is one of the most comprehensive sites for video game footage. I don't have much of a strong attachment with the editorial staff compared to Giant Bomb, Ziff-Davis era 1UP or pre-Gerstmann fiasco GameSpot, but they hold their own. I disagree with them from time to time, including Shane Satterfield's somewhat disdain for PC gaming, but it's only minor slip-ups to a perfectly fine cake.

What bothers me about gamers these days is that with the wonders of the internet, people who were originally closet fanboys who'd praise the PlayStation and bash Sega and Nintendo now found the internet and spout their terribly-written 13-year-old slang-ridden drivel all over message boards how "PS3 is the best and M$ suxxxxxxxxxxxxxx." It's hard to visit a game site's message board because of that, especially GameTrailers's forum. But like a guy who wouldn't deny a sandwich even if I got punched in the face for it, I have a masochistic tendency to visit the forums and see the bile spewed by these teenagers who must defend the $500 purchase their mommy made them. Now, I know there are legitimate PS3 owners who think the system is awesome and probably don't care for a 360 outside of exclusives such as Halo or Gears of War. That's fine, you're welcome to think that about games. It's another thing when you bash the competitor for no reason except to increase your e-penis points.

GameTrailers has been a terrible bastion of criticism from Sony fanboys. The first telltale sign was way back in late 2007 when they put up a comparison video for Assassin's Creed. The PS3 version was shown to be very bright and washed-out looking compared to the more darker and vibrant colors of the 360 version. Then somebody pointed out that they didn't have two settings enabled on the PS3: "RGB Full Range" and "Super-White signals." Both of these really only come into use if you're using HDMI outputs, but sure enough, that person's video showed Assassin's Creed having colors that were now balanced with the other versions. Surprisingly this brought GT to show comparison shots between Component (what they used in the original comparison video) and HDMI by comparing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. No discernible difference was found. But it is an interesting fact for those who are tech savvy and want to know something about video outputs.

Then nothing controversial happened until June 2008, when Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots was released. The review came out and one small score of 8.7 in the story department. Having played MGS4, I'd agree with the sentiment. The story's too contrived at times and towards the epilogue, it was basically Hideo Kojima trying to mop up a dried-up vomit stain by using Pine Sol. Again, this infuriated some gamers, them saying "GT IS BIASED TOWARDS MICROSOFT" and having forum signatures that compared the story scores of MGS4 to Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed, which is an improper comparison as all three games don't even share the same genre. Basically after a few months it died out and nobody has that in their sigs anymore.
A few months later, a small snafu happened in one of their comparison videos. One clip that was labeled an Xbox 360 clip for the racing game GRID was actually a PlayStation 3 clip. Eventually the video was taken down, but not before people went in arms over it. It got so ridiculous that even Kotaku, a gaming blog I pretty much despise, got in on the act. Shane Satterfield, the Editor-in-Chief at the site pretty much had to play damage control to something that is the equivalent to accidentally saying the F-bomb on live television.

There's more issues but I feel that it's bogging down to my general point. Another comparison snafu happened, this time with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It seems that the two side-by-side clips were accidentally mislabeled. What was the 360 clip was the PS3 clip, and vice-versa. This was prooved by the 360 button prompts appearing in the PS3 version of the clip. That video got pulled, corrected, and reposted. You think that people would just forgive them for making the mistake, after all it's just human error, right? Nope. Not anywhere close. Again, people went up in arms over a little mistake. These retarded teenagers drool stupid terms such as "EPIC FAIL" that it makes me want to go on a killing spree just to expunge these people from the face of the earth.

Let's put it this way: These fanboys dissect every issue over game sites more than scientists study cancer cells. Any time a mistake is made, people start becoming conspiracy theorists and point fingers at GameTrailers for being owned by Microsoft (lie) and getting money from them (also a lie). Really, it pisses me off that we still have people going over these game sites with a fine-toothed comb. It bothers me that any time there's a disagreement, it just leads to pointless site bashing and e-penis stroking.

I'm going to give advice to these people who continually blame sites for being biased towards Microsoft: Shut up, and grow up. Stop defending your precious system, Sony doesn't care for people like you. This goes double for Microsoft and Nintendo defenders. If you don't like the site, I suggest you do the following steps:

  1. Click the "log out" button
  2. Delete the bookmark from your web browser
  3. Find a new gaming site to roam (I already have one suggestion)
  4. ???
  5. SUCCESS! (hopefully)

I really can't wait to see this ripped on Invisible Walls (GameTrailers's podcast) next week. I bet Marcus Beer will rip those people more than I just did. Probably with less tact, but hey, sometimes the truth has to hurt in order to accept it.