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Unreal vs Quake, revived for 2009

So I tried out Unreal Tournament III on the Steam free weekend. I thought it was decent enough, but my friend Blaze made some good points on IRC:

[17:18:40] <@BlazeHedgehog> It's competent. But I already own UT2004.
[17:18:45] <+TonicBH> I only own the original UT
[17:18:59] <+TonicBH> so some of this shit that might've been in 2003/04 is "new to me"
[17:18:59] <@BlazeHedgehog> UT3's so bland that it could've literally been a content pack for UT2004
[17:19:23] <@BlazeHedgehog> But that's the thing
[17:19:36] <@BlazeHedgehog> Nothing in UT3 gameplay-wise is impossible in UT2004

After all, UT3 just seems like UT2004 under the Unreal Engine 3 skin. Not like there's anything wrong with that, but a followup in the series should try to push the series forward somehow. I find the PS3 version to be the most innovative as it introduces mod features to a console game without having to hack systems or the game itself. 

I'm also pissed they took out Assault mode again. I've said it before, but Assault was the best damn mode in UT. It's co-op with a twist, and it was always fun to try, even with that Convoy map in the UT2004 demo. Other than that, I liked the map variety (from Asian castles to jungles to cities, much like the variety of classic UT). But yeah, I'll save my $12.

Maybe I'll get UT2004 instead. It's probably like $5 now.

I've been dabbling with Quake Live recently, it's fun even though I suck at it sometimes. One duel match ended 30 to -1 where I literally got owned by some guy named "Mustaine." Skilled bastard. QL is fun, but it feels like it's... lacking. I don't see why, it's Q3A and Q3: Team Arena with stat tracking, achievements and new maps... Yeah, go check it out, is free.