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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

2014 was the year of the retread and I struggled to think of 2014 games I played this year. Of my top ten there's only two titles that aren't direct sequels or ports (Titanfall and Shadow of Mordor), and even then you can question the validity of calling Titanfall original. In truth I spent more time with FTL Advanced Edition than I did with half this list. I did enjoy all of these games though even if I had already played them just last year, before the "remastering." It was a year of replaying some of the favorites from past years.

I did not play Far Cry 4, any Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs, or any other new release from this year other than what is listed aside from Madden. With that said, realistically only Far Cry 4 could have made the list from the games I mentioned.

On with the list:

List items

  • Mario Kart 8 is one of the most fun games you can play today and by far the most fun thing out this year. It's not quite Double Dash, the pinnacle of the series, but it is an amazing experience and tons of fun. I've been calling it Game of the Year since release and it turns out that was right.

    Well worth buying a Wii U for alone. There's not a lot of games you can say that about.

  • I'll be honest; I haven't even tried to play online yet. It's OK though because I have already had dozens of hours of fun with this game. It's not really fair; it's four games in one of the best shooter franchises ever. It's GotY 2001 and 2004 in 1080/60(-ish). It wasn't going to unseat MK8 even if the online worked perfectly, but if it had worked the toss up between this and number three would have been a no-brainer.

    Now add H:CE 4v4 and fix the online already!

  • I love shooters and this was the most fun multiplayer in the genre this year that you can keep coming back to and enjoy yourself with. A much needed breath of fresh air for the series while still offering a ton of content to keep you playing. It's the fourth best game in the series (Cod2 or 4, then Black Ops) and is Call of Duty done right which is still a high mark in online shooters.

  • Definitive Edition.

    TR 2013 wasn't the best game last year (that was number five), but it was my personal favorite. This edition is again fantastic and getting to play it again on my fancy new console is a treat I was more than happy to pay for. I have unwavering love for this game. This marks the third time I've bought this game (360 then PC), so maybe I'm just obsessed with this game style.

    It's 1080/60 Uncharted with better combat! What's not to love?

  • Remastered.

    The best game of last year and another game I bought full price last year and ended up buying again. I keep buying things I already own. Does that make me a bad consumer?

    I haven't embarked on the campaign again yet as it's a meaty emotionally resonate experience I'm not quite ready to go through again. I have been playing the multiplayer though, which was secretly the dark horse for multiplayer game of 2013.

  • I reluctantly bought the Wii U version for my brothers since we were all home. We played all night with my dad playing nothing but 8 player on teams against the AI. Turns out that 8 player actually works! So much so, it seems to have ruined 4 player for me in this version. The mechanics are still not as fun as Melee (damn, Nintendo was really on their game with Gamecube) and I don't think I could ever treat it with as much passion as I did with Melee, but it has proven itself a worthy, albeit flawed, successor.

    It's a game I have to play with friends and family, but still worth it.

  • I really like this game but have not played enough of it. It could have been as high as number two but I'm not going to give it that much praise without having played more.

  • These games always have issues with animation and movement inhibiting gameplay but I really like parts of the gameplay and basketball. The best sports game out there and I love basketball and football (but Madden doesn't cut it for me anymore).

  • This is on the list because I felt I had to add it on the list. I might actually hate this game, but I have played it more than any other game released this year. It could have been game of the year. Unfortunately Bungie punishes the dedicated by essentially resetting everything only three months after release and expects you to start the insane grind again for the meager pittance it tosses your way. Bungie is fair though; they have punished everyone for playing Destiny by making progress near impossible. Not difficult by any stretch; just tedious to an insane extreme. The repetition. God, the repetition. It's a loot game without any loot. An MMO without any missions. It is a pretty but inferior version of Borderlands and PSO. It's some of the best mechanics in any shooter but no place to actually use them. The game actively hates the player.

    But what could have been...

    Arguably the greatest tragedy of this year in gaming is we didn't get the complete version of Destiny. And if the second expansion is as big as the first, we never will.

  • This game was great fun for the twelve seconds it lasted. It's an arcade game at best. Think of a modern Crazy Taxi as an FPS: good fun but not worth $60. If it was $20-30 at launch it would feel fair.

    Turns out the "beta" was 85% of the final game. Could have been number two on this list and made an argument for number one if it was as fully featured as Advanced Warfare.