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I draw and I like to program

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First original Prototype is out

Yeah, it's exactly what the title says.

I'm rather proud of it, even if it is a prototype. I'm going to take a bit of a break and work on a few other things, then I'm going to get into the asset making.

As I said before I hate making assets. I'd rather do data entry then the repetitive nature of asset making. Maybe that's the dev side of me screaming. Maybe I'll post some of my art, but I like making one piece not lots of variations.

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The journey into Game Making.

In the past month, I've been taking a C# class for Unity. Mostly to re-learn C# since I originally learned it back in College for .Net stuff. I've been finding that I'm really liking the work. I have more of a programming background since I'm a full stack (LAMP) web dev, with some experience in Java (not enough to actually work with it), Groovy, and Velocity. Recently I've been working with MeteorJS (Node) and React for some apps I've been making.

Anyway. Game making.

I've had so many unfinished projects from the past, that it's rather nice to actually finish something. So far I have 2 projects done that are available on the web; however, those two are part of the course. My next project won't be from the course, but an honest to gods original. Well, as much as an endless runner can be original.

There will be two version of it. The first being something on the level of a prototype, and the other with actual assets. Speaking of assets, even though I enjoy drawing, I can't stand making assets. Even for web/app development, I hated making them. For me, art is something separate, and something that I will spend hours on, but when I'm doing programming that's what I want to work on.

If anyone is interested in seeing these games, they can be found at:

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