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I draw and I like to program

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@rorie Sorry for the late reply but yes I was able to subscribe. Thanks!

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#2  Edited By tragichipster

Not trying to ditto cause I see this sort of thing all the time, but to add something ... I hope.

After changing my email, the newsletter was still going to my old email address. Unsubscribing works fine, but trying to add my new email for the NL didn't work and I had that error too. This is through settings.

However, the unsubscribe on the newsletter worked and the resubscribe button after unsubscribing (which is with the old email) worked too.

TLDR: Looks like you have a CORS issue

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  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Browser With Version: Fire Fox 85.0.2 (64-bit)
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  • What extensions are you running: HTTPS Everywhere, uBlock, LastPass, Grammarly, Multi-Account Containers, Facebook Container, twitch chat pronouns

Console error

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed)

With Ublock on

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With Ublock off

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Hi! Looking good so far!

Some feedback:
The rollover in the main navigation feels laggy. As in, when I go and hover over the next link there is a split second till the next links subnav animation starts and show the subnav content. It just feels slow.

What about only have that animation when the user hovers over the navigation and not when they hover over the other elements in the nav? I hope this makes sense. Maybe this might be clearer with element names -> have the animation activate when the user is hovering the UL, so that it won't when the user is still in that UL and hovers separate LI it won't start the animation again.

Goodluck all And grats for hitting beta!

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For an actual coding game there's Screeps. It's an "MMO/strategy game" that has you using Javascript (so you'll need to already know about JS), to create creatures and procedures. I didn't get too far into it because of some computer issues I was having at the time.

As someone already mentioned - I highly recommend Human Resource Machine. If anything it'll teach you the core principles of coding, and they're good puzzles to warm up to for coding interviews.

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@flashflood_29: Gotcha. It'll still be something that they will want to look into (at least I would), but this could be considered so small that it'll fit the Edge Case folder.

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Hello, support people!

I just thought I'd let you know that I had noticed this, so you may or may not already know about it.


Browser: Chrome Version 67.0.3396.62 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Computer: Mac OSX High Serria 10.13.4

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The wysiwyg for the comment section is fixed to the top of the window when you scroll all the way down. Since this is a visual bug, so I'm not sure if this is what the devs are intending or not, but if it is intentional it might not be the best idea.

As a user it took me a min to find it since I'm not looking at that section of the window when typing up a comment.


Right when you are about to scroll to the comment section. It's normal.

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When you get down to the comment section

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I'm guessing it's fixed for when the comment box is larger, and scrolls past the fold. Basically like how it is now for me.

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Picture within picture! Thanks for all you peeps do! I just wanted to let you know, just in case it slipped by.

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That's adorable! My nephew is going to be 3 next month. He's still to wrong for video games, maybe next year I'll get him a Leapfrog. I really hope that we can have a moment like that. He's a lot like me, so I think we'll get along with gaming. Right now he just messes around with some kids apps on his mother's phone. There's one with a cat and he tries to feed it food. I don't know, the app is weird.

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I just finished the first Foundation book. It's a classic sci-fi book and a rather easy read.

Book on Amazon:

I have a bad habit of buying books and only reading half of it, so this year I've been really trying to finish them. Thankfully I did finish this one. Now I'm re-reading House of Leaves since Halloween is next month. If you like creepy and weird you'll like this one. It's not 'scary,' at least not to me.

Book on Amazon:

The book its self is almost like a piece of art. It can get really confusing, because of how it treats type, but that's kind of the point.

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Ouch. I've never physically killed a computer. The closest to physically messing a computer up was just installing bad ram. However, on the software side:

However, on the software side: When I was 13, about 1997, my family finally got a computer. Now it was a hand me down from my Aunt. So it ran Windows 95, Word didn't run on it, and the best game I could get to run was the Original Sim City.

Anyway. I was going through the computer trying to free up space. So anything that wasn't being used/I didn't know what the hell it was, was deleted. So you can probably guess where this is going. I had to reboot, and the computer wouldn't boot up since I deleted a bunch of .dlls.

Nowadays you can't delete files like that (without terminal Sudo, I believe. I haven't tried.), so I guess Microsoft heard about the same story about stupid kids doing stupid things. :P

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#10  Edited By tragichipster

Let's Plays are pretty much free advertising for games. I realize the YTers are making money off of them, but its publicity, both good and bad. Do reviewers have to pay game companies if they make money on their site?

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