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Scary Games, Work Anger and that Fucking Knight....

I was hoping to finish up Condemned 2 today and score up a review. So far it's been pretty much a case of 'play a level, then hide in the cupboard ' because I refuse to play horror games when there is any source of light other than my television. I want the full, horrific, pants wetting experience.
That said, I found out I've got work early tomorrow and I needed to finish off some more job applications this evening.
In spite of it all, though, I found myself stuck on the, fifth level anyway. The Boss near the end, some fucking Knight dude who is a bitch to kill, A friend of mine suggested a crossbow or something, but by that point I was getting ready to (begrudgingly) go to bed.
Tomorrow, I will kill that goddamned knight if it's the last thing I ever friggin' do!




And that's exactly how much I spent on games yesterday.
Condemned 2: Bloodshot.
Metal Slug 3
Sonic the Hedgehog
Lumines Live!

Suffice to say I'm now out of money for the next week and a day but these games should keep me enticed until then.
Skate is fast becoming an awesomely fun experience, whilst Condemned 2 is infuriatingly difficult, but constantly eery and a great stimulator for an allnighter.
Metal Slug 3 is just as I remember it, only without the necessity to slot excessive amounts of coins into the machine.
Sonic is Sonic. Sweet!
And Lumines is catchy as hell!


I think Giant Bomb is my crack...

Non Gaming Junk

You know you're hooked when you're terrified of going 4 days without a fix. Even if that fix is merely a website.
So, yeah, not much time for games in the next half-week or so, let alone GB (sorry, guys). Tomorrow is calling in a few job applications (let's see you work at McDonalds for a year and not want...need...another job. To those of you who have managed, my heart goes out to you).Straight after that is work, followed swiftly by a camping adventure out on the hill near where I live. There will be alcohol. A hangover will follow. Which is probably why it's a bad thing that I have work on Friday...
Luckily, I don't have work until 3 in the afternoon, so I'll probably be abandoning the camp site at around 9-ish, going home, popping a few aspirin before crashing out again until 2. A quick shower, work until midnight and I'm golden and I will be sleeping some more.
Zoom forwards 8 hours and I'm prepping for the wedding, in my sweet-as-your-mother electric blue suit. Probably have to do a couple of last minute checks on the video equipment. The only reason I'm finding time now to do this blog is because moving all of the footage on the camera to my XH-D (External Hard-Drive for all you guys not keeping up) takes about 30 minutes. Bleurgh.

Important shizzle (Games)

Anyway, I zoomed through Braid, Worlds 2-6 yesterday and am probably going to go back and attempt a few of the puzzles I couldn't wrap my head around the first time. I'm probably going to fail miserably.
Seriously, they are hard. And I don't want anybody commenting on how "O! T'eyre SOOOOOOOOOOOO eezy. Like a sonday morning." because they're not. The only thing easy around here is your mother, and she wasn't even worth what little effort it takes to get her and jive her alll night lo--
...I think I'm a little off-point here now. In any case, that's why there's nothing from me for a while. Take care super-happy-people (except that jerk who is inevitably going to comment on my stupidity. He can go die in an asbestos related fire).


Enter the waiting game.

You would have thought that when I have to prepare my equipment for filming one of my friend's weddings, that when I need to look for a job that will not screw me over in favour of the plethora of new starters and that when I have a hundred random film scripts lying around that could really do with me finishing the last thing on my mind is "I need more money for video games..."
Unfortunately, what you would have thought is not the case.
I don't get paid until thursday (and my recent battle with tonsilittus means I'll be missing one or two days pay, anyway) so I'm expecting today and tomorrow to be very boring.
I want a game. Any game. A real game with a story will do!
I suppose I could buy Braid or Bionic Commando Rearmed, but I want a game for a console. I might get skate....
Of Course, if I get a game off XBLA, then it wouldn't be too hard to hide the fact that I've overdrawn from my bank account. But then I shouldn't be over-drawing at all.
Lack of money blows.

In any case, I managed to blast through Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One. It was great. I wrote a review. Here's a link. It's quite long though >_<;
In Any case, see you on the flipside.


PAA and no XBLA = ;_; ?


I finally got around to finishing Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One and I realised two things.
  • I can remember the whole title without Google now, Yeys ^_^
  • Just because Oblivion (i.e. "teh greatest Arr-Pee-Jee EVAR!") sucks, doesn't mean that all other RPG's will.
More on that second point when I get around to writing the review (probably tomorrow).

In Geo Wars news, my friend Sebb bought it and promptly kicked my ass and so started G-War, what no doubt will ensue as the greatest and most epic battle in video-game history.
Or ya'know, I could just kick his ass ^_^

Regarding the lack of XBLA in the title, It's nothing major, I'm just spare for money until Thursday and Braid and Bionic Commando Rearmed were really starting to look appealing to me.
That or skate. Man, I want that game so much...

So Geometry Wars is taking over my life.

And I feel like a King!
But only because my friends isn't as good as me ^_^;
In any case, if anyone is interested I ended up writing a review for it. I think it's good, follows the style of the MGS3 review but I tried to spice it up with a little humour. Unfortunaetly there are a few spelling/grammatical errors present but whatever ^_^
I might write up a Penny Arcade one when I finish that too but what with the wedding later in the week, it might be a while.

Non Gaming News

So, yeah, my friends getting married next week. Although he's hired an official videographer, because i dig making videos and films, he's asked me to be the unofficial videographer.
Billy Gill: Official Unoffical Video Documentarian for the Holy Union of James and Zoe Critchley.
Has a nice ring to it. So I'm prepping my camera and laptop up for that, and hoping to speak to a few officials there about possibly doing some free work for them. This is why being 17 is good.
It can also be bad however. Whenever people ask what I;m listening to and I reply "The soundtrack to the Dark Knight." they all seem to think that I should be listening to dope peddled metal and hip hop.
Wow. Thanks for the social label. I shall wear it with pride =/

Bo out.

Touching things up.

Just been browsing, playing around with a few things. Adding bits and bobs to the About Me section and decided to cram out the final two reviews in my Metal Gear Review saga.
Sorted out Metal Gear Solid 3, which was fun. I got to play around with how I usually do things, get a little informal and include a few random thoughts about the game. I certainly think that when you stop reviewing games as games, and start reviewing them as another form of entertainment, as you would a film or an album it all becomes a lot easier. The words find you, rather than you struggle for the words.
...I still had to hit up though >_<;
In any case, I decided to check out how many reviews were up for MGS4, figuring there might be a few more than the 4 that were up for MGS3.
One Hundred and Forty.
There are too many reviews for one game there!
Seriously, all my fluidity has gone and I have no idea what to write in there now.
Goddamn it.


Today? Well...

I found myself at the beach with some friends. Jake drove us out there, because as a new driver he's eager to show off. 45 miles down the road, we found ourselves there and it was...horrible. Good for me, though. we spent half the day in the arcade[s]. Then when it brightened up, we bult a fort, and I got a blister on my thumb from that. Then eventually we ate, came home and I put on Ghostbusters. Awesome day ^_^
Oh, I also happent o have hit 1001 points!
Oh yeah. Go me. I kinda rule ^_^



It took me a week to accumulate 130 points.
Yet I've just found myself with an furthur 230 within 24 hours.
Either you mods are being faaar too kind or I've been doing better than I thought ^_^


This submission 'game'...'s all about finding a flow. You add a bit here, you google image there, you round up everything. Doesn't even have to take too long, you just go with what you can get and boom. 30 points up.
See, I've noticed that I can go around, making every nitpick, pulling all the Call of Duty's out of each others 'similar games' sections saying "IT'S A FRANCHISE!!!" but how many points does that leave me with? Not many...None in fact.
I know this isn't really about points, but they do act as an incentive. I'm not saying I'll never nitpick again. Something is bound to get on my nerves sooner or later. But until then, I found a decent flow. So I'll stick with it ^_^