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Abra Cadaver (The Luchazine Photo Blog) Photo of the Day 14-07-10

How's it going you bastards. I know you wanted to see this shit, so here it is: 


Yeah, I finally took the time to take some photo's of the hard work I put into printing out last months Luchazine. I must be such a lazy bastard to take so long, huh? 
Firstly, I have a full-time job which takes up, you know, most of my time. I walk four miles to and from that job which is at least an hour each way. As well as that I need to sleep, so that's approximately 15 hours of each day gone, bar 1 or 2 days off a week (If I'm lucky). 
As well as that, I need to contribute to each months Luchazine and so far I end up submitting between 3 and 4 pieces a month. Add to that my obsessive gaming and movie watching as well as my newfound Photo of the Day project and you're looking at 20 minutes left per-day. I usually use that 20 minutes to make a sandwich. 
Now factor in that the first print came out looking...well, kinda terrible. I attribute this issue to the ass-old printer that I used and so then had to go out and buy a new printer (which I only did yesterday) as well as some accessories (Standard paper, Glossy Paper, Spare Ink, USB Cable, etc.) 
Now not only am I on the 29th hour of a single day but I've spent £140 of the £80 left in my bank. Hm. 
Then I had to reprint and collect the pages before finally taking photos and uploading. The only way I could ever find time for this was via Photo of the Day, which I have no doubt will throw off some of my Facebook followers. 
Oh, did I mention I write personal projects as well? And keep a dream journal? AND HAVE EVEN BEEN KNOWN TO SOCIALISE WITH OTHER HUMAN BEINGS?!?!?! 
...sorry, that came off waaay more rantish than I ever intended. Let me make it up to you. I have an assload of extra pictures which as just dying to be about we consider them exclusive mega-awesome GiantBomb Bonus Pics? Yeah. Rad:  

Well, that was magical. And that's my segue to the Song of the Day. 
Song of the Day: Abra Cadaver by The Hives