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Darts of Pleasure: Photo of the Day 15-07-10

God, I meant to do so much stuff today. I ended up sleeping instead. 

Proof that NinjaDart is faster than the naked eye!
Proof that NinjaDart is faster than the naked eye!

Seriously, yo, since going to bed at 5 this morning, all I've done is sleep for 12 hours, have a driving lesson, play some darts (see above) and watch a shitload of Breaking NYC. 
If you don't know what Breaking NYC is, it's basically a day-to-day Vlog run by Ray William Johnson, probably the funniest guy on Youtube with =3 and a few other projects here and there. I like to think that Breaking NYC would have been my life if I'd gone to college. Truth is, though, I'm just not that cool. 
Anyway, I almost completely forgot about this Photo of the Day but there is some shit I straight up didn't do. 
I didn't do any of the 3 Luchazine pieces I had planned to sort out today (meaning that if I'm going to do it at all, it'll have to be tomorrow evening), I didn't get to start 3D Dot Heroes, or continue watching the show Luther on DVD. I didn't even have go lucid during any of my dreams today.
Basically, I did fuck all today.  Here's hoping tomorrow is more productive. 
Song of the Day: Darts of Pleasure by Franz Ferdinand