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New Mystery Science Theater 3000 is faaaaaaaaaaaaaanTASTIC.

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The Future Is (Potentially) Forsaken

Oh Fox, is there any TV show you won't ruin? The news is no longer quite hot of the internet presses, but for those who don't know: Fox has resurrected Futurama, possibly the greatest cartoon ever made, only to attempt to recast it because the voice actors want more money to return than Fox is willing to pay.

This of course horrifies me as quite the die-hard fan who had to sit through texts of my friends meeting the cast at ComiCon (I hate the people who love me and they hate me!). One even asked about it and he was tight-lipped, as was DiMaggio in the interview being advertised on this fine website. This means that, very possibly contrary to popular belief, this isn't just Fox rattling their sabers like they did a few years ago when they threatened to recast The Simpsons. That was pure insanity and everyone knew it would never happen, but this is a show that was cancelled, had some great movies and is now returning.

As with my previous post, I don't really know what the point of this is other than venting. I can't really galvanize the internet into action because nobody takes online petitions seriously, I can just say to hope for the best with regards this little slice of TV heaven. And if things do work out, hope that Fox doesn't cancel them after six episodes.