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What I did during the downtime?

Vidiot's Brain Dump contains zero calories.

 Notice: This was written while GB was down.    

Hi Microsoft Word!

Apparently GiantBomb is down, or something.
In-fact, apparently everything is crashing and burning right now. PSN may have, or may not, have been hacked by Anonymous. I'm curious to see if it was Anonymous, I don't think they realize the level of back-lash they will receive, if it turns out they thought people would be rallying with them while they kick consumers from legitimately playing games online. I've watched even the most staunch supporters turn in the last few hours, like an infuriated mob. 
For the record: I'm not exactly happy with how Sony handled the GeoHot situation, and I feel that it's quite clear the conversation over what I actually own, when I purchase a $300 machine from Sony is going to be a big deal debate in the near future. It's going to be very interesting to watch.

Or, Sony is messing with everybody and this is a big giant conspiracy. I'm interested in their next press-statement, because nobody just proclaims that there are "out-side forces" , that have stopped their online network from functioning, and then just leave it at that.
Or maybe they will? There's so little information trickling out right now it's hard to pin-point what exactly is going on. One thing is for sure though: Somebody royally fuc****-up.

 If you can play this in Co-Op, it's a blast.
 If you can play this in Co-Op, it's a blast.
While were on the topic of PSN, I'm really intrigued about future Steam-support with PSN.
I picked up Portal 2 for PS3 and have been deeply impressed with the Steam integration. I love the idea of having a free PC version alongside with it, and I really enjoy the idea of having Playstation trophies linked to Steam Achievements. I wished it worked the other-way around, but seeing how fragile PSN is at the moment, I can understand the reluctance of pursuing that.
What really impressed me was playing it on Co-Op. I would play on my PS3 and fellow GB user Tiwi would boot it up on his PC, and we would play together virtually without a hitch. I know perhaps from a technical standpoint it might not be the most elaborate combination, but for me, this this feels like the first time cross-platform play between a PC and a console has seemed...Genuine.


I just realized how many other Microsoft Word doc's of unfinished blogs I've written over the past few years.
I have periods of compulsive writing sometimes, I have a bunch of unfinished concepts and ideas that never made it. Some are blog entries that go on for pages that I've finished writing, but I would re-read them later and decide they're not worth sharing.

Kinda like this one. This one has no reason to be uploaded or shared. There's not even a concrete subject for it.
I haven't even gotten to the part of me listing what I did during Giantbomb's down-time. I should probably do that at some-point, I wrote that as the title, I don't think it's very controversial to follow through with writing on the title of the blog you are advertising.

So I went to GiantBomb and I saw this:

No Caption Provided
Usually when site's go down they have a tendency of not communicating with their users with the specifics of what is happening.
Not only did GiantBomb get the message across over what was happening, they had some pretty entertaining things to watch. There was a small time-period where people were probably wondering what madness had befallen everyone, but this was quickly rectified.

I don't like to close internet windows that much, so I actually had GiantBomb open before it shut-down. Yesterday I accidentally saw the window open and inappropriately believed that the website was back up.

Then I cried.
Then I went outside, and continued on with my life.


I like Tron: Legacy.
I picked it up on BluRay, but I finally got around to watching the entire thing in one sitting. I saw it in 3D in the theaters and really enjoyed it. Even without the 3D, it's still a fantastic film to just look at. You can pause it at anytime, and just stare at a single frame, it's that visually inviting.
It might have a weak script, but I really enjoy the directing that's on display. I hope the same director is still around for the obvious sequel.


Does anyone have Sonic 2 for 360? I need the one required multiplayer achievement for an S-Rank.
I went back and played through Sonic 3, and I honestly forgot how elaborate some of those stages can get. Sonic & Knuckles is next, and it should be noted that a bunch of old Sega games are dirt cheap on Xbox Live Marketplace.

I picked up Limbo on sale, I haven't gotten that far into it. I skipped over it when it was initially released because of the price, and I'm excited to get more into it. I also picked up Undead Nightmare finally, probably talk about that soon.

I played through the final Mass Effect 2 DLC and walked away kinda disappointed. Big things happen during the final DLC, but the amount of interest and urgency seems...Muted...Held-back...In comparison to other DLC packs. Lair of the Shadow Broker, was still my favorite DLC pack out of the torrent of DLC available for Mass Effect 2, this seemed awkwardly indifferent in comparison.
It's not bad, and it's still light-years better regarding other game's DLC, but it just comes off with less of a bang that I wanted. It goes through motions you have seen before a million times over, and the big choice that you get the impression you are going to make at the end is removed from your hands.
It seems like a counter-statement to the entire mentality of the Mass Effect series, I applaud it. Hopefully, there will be a big reason for such a shift in storytelling concepts that will be apparent in the third game.

So I guess everything is back to normal now. I have a stockpile of weapons I need to get rid-of, seeing how the robot apocalypse is not going to happen.
That's kinda depressing