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 THE INBOX WON'T GO DOWN! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 THE INBOX WON'T GO DOWN! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I'm not used to this.
Yesterday my review of Yakuza 3 I wrote a few weeks ago, became the featured review on the site. I had done a few reviews before, but nothing the likes of this. I really took an effort to cover just about every facet of what I played, to an admittedly almost OCD level . I didn't think it was even in contention, seeing how after I posted it there have been a bunch of other featured reviews. I was also concerned that parts were too editorialized, even though I couldn't get away at the context surrounding the game's release. 
For those of you who are clicking on this profile page for the first time, I think I should have something that's less immediately confrontational as a deceleration of my biased personal politics. :P  
A few things: I have gotten the usual increase in followers, although it's nothing to really write about. If you have decided/decide to follow me, I wouldst mind a PM to go along with it. I like talking to users here and I'll feel more comfortable following you back, I'm kinda swimming in inbox notifications that don't seem to go down.
Another thing: Really, three people out there didn't like this review? I'm not upset that you didn't like it, I would just like some feedback to why. 
A few people I want to thank. 
First guy is jlrm01. When GiantBomb was giving me headaches not giving me headers, he suggested I made my own. Subsequently, when Giant Bomb decided not to show the transparency, he talked me through it as if I was some pathetic sap who never touched HTML in my life. (My HTML skills were not the problem, had to fight the way GB defaults when it applies images.)
Next is... this person....Who initially suggested I write the review in the first place.
...Moving on....
Oh, and enfriz, who I think was the mod who recommended it. Thanks.
And thanks to viewers like you. PBS joke. Do people outside the US understand that joke? Whatever.
No seriously, everyone I have gotten to know for the most part is awesome in this community. I guess the only thing to do now is to write another huge review. :P