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When it's time to fashion we will fashion hard

I'm just giving this space some positivity, for my own sake. I just went through a maaaassively difficult five days of preparation for a resort wear critique at school. Managed to draw and color ten men's and women's wear sketches, render 19 fashion flats in illustrator, and finally nail down the name and tone of my concept.

My critique went really well, and the industry critic had lots of nice things to say! I'm only making three pieces and two outfits for the May fashion show, and I feel really good about it. Plus, now I have a ton of new material for my portfolio. I have an interview for an internship I really want in less than two weeks, so I want to be prepared!

Anyway, here are the designs I'll be sewing. Here's hoping that the school mannequins won't make the romper so big that I won't be able to keep it and wear it afterwards. B]

I'm still better at drawing women than men, unsurprisingly. With any luck, though, I'll literally never design men's wear again. It's so boring, who even cares.
I'm still better at drawing women than men, unsurprisingly. With any luck, though, I'll literally never design men's wear again. It's so boring, who even cares.

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