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Darkman and Wheel Sector

Hello there y'all! I haven't done one of these so called blog posts recently but I haven't been doing much anyway to be honest with you. I haven't been playing many games and gaming really isn't the main priority of my life at the minute really but I don't mean that in a bad way, I just mean that I haven't had the time. The games that I have been playing the most are both Dark Sector and Wheelman though I did play some Gears of War 2 to see what the new experience system was like it seemed pretty good if you ask me.

Over a week ago, I picked up Dark Sector which is overall a solid but fairly drab game. It starts off well with good game mechanics and plenty of gore but the game runs out of tricks very quickly. While the game seems pretty short, I am on Chapter 7 out of 9 I believe but it feels like I have been playing it for ages. Considering I got it for £5.50, really not that big of a deal and it is a good enough game, just not a great one. The game is just super repetitive in a way that I don't like. The puzzles while aren't too hard, really kill the pace of the game also. Still, I hope to finish that soon because the achievements aren't too bad in it. The multiplayer seems fairly piss too, I hope to maybe get the "No 1. in a ranked match" achievements because they are 30G each but meh.

Another game that I picked up there on Friday was Wheelman. I have to say, this game is one of the most mixed reaction games I can remember, even when the demo first came out. There were several people who really liked the demo, me included and thought it could be a really good game while others hated it and couldn't stand it. Considering I liked the demo so much, I decided to get the game because there isn't much coming out anyway, the next new game is probably going to be The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena which isn't coming out until the end of April over here which is a tad shit to be honest. Overall, I still like Wheelman for what it is. It is a goofy, ridiculous driving game with plenty of action and laughs provided. Some people are bitching about things like the handling but I think it's fine, has moments of frustrating but that's just because I am not very good at driving games. The main complaint seems to be the on-foot sections which GameSpot described them as being "Painfully Bad." Yeah they aren't great but they are functional and they don't bother me too much though the lack of a jump button is silly. My main complaint with the game so far is actually the story, it is really bad, period. I don't know how far I am until the end but I am enjoying the game and I will see how well it turns out. I can see why people would hate the game but if you liked the demo, then check it out.

As said previously, there is nothing really coming out at the moment but this is for the best because I am meant to be studying and all that caper. I was a bit interested in Wanted: Weapons of Fate before but reviews claim it's about 3-4 hours long and that is feckin' ridiculous, no way I am paying full price for that. In the meantime though, I don't think I will play games too often though I will when Easter rolls around soon in the next few weeks. Until then, keep yourself safe.

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