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My thoughts on racism and gay slur

Using racism is very bad. If you do it, you are bad. Also using slurs directed at gay people are bad. If you do that as well, you are bad. In real life if you done this many people would be upset because it is bad. Likewise on the internet, it is bad. People may not be able to physically be with you and you may be hidden behind a computer screen but this isn't a Texas walker ranger badge to go around saying racism or anti-gay words. Or bad people words in general. Part of the reason people say these bad things isn't because they actually hate black people or gay people for being gay in nature but because they feel in a safe zone, free of any real repercussions. Even the threat of moderation is seen as trivial. With the internet hackers use new IP's to get back on internet websites.

Another problem is the nature of the gaming community I feel. It is almost always negative full of hipster nihilism. The young adults aspire to be like the 4chan. It is cool to mean. And weak to be good. In order to appear like a cool dude to other people on the internet, gamers typically hate everything and act like everything "sucks". By doing this they think they will be cool dudes. Any and everything sucks. And if you like something, then you must be attacked.

When you have a plant you give it water. Water helps a plant retain life. It is very good. When you give a plant too much water, it drowns. The people on gaming forums would probably like that idea and boast about killing the plant. Rather than cultivate a climate of respect and happiness. Gamers are very poor people I feel. It is partly why games aim so low. They know the target audience just want to shoot people in the face and shout profanity in call of duty.

A good example of this was the Call Of Duty "F" word advert. Activision know this word is commonly used in Call Of Duty rampantly full of hipster nihilism. Rather than stamp it out and be good, they want to cultivate it in order to appear "down with the kids".

Overall I feel in order to make the world a better place, parents need to be better. I feel most do a very poor job of raising children. Our vision of the world is formed as a child and if you strickly dictate what a child experiences they wont grow up to be racist or use the F word and generally be nice people.

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