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Best of 2014

These are my favorite games of 2014, for the Giant Bomb Community poll!

List items

  • Assassin's Creed: Batman.

    5 Stars, GOTY.

  • Talk about a return to form. This is bioware at their best. Well done guys. Is it strange that my foremost complaint is that it feels too expansive and I feel overwhelmed by all the cool stuff I can do?

  • Blizzard continues their trend of refining excellent games into even more excellent games. I like magic, but I hate carrying around decks of cards. If they had ported this to phones this year it would have been much higher on the list.

    It's worth mentioning that I will probably be playing Hearthstone longer than any of the other games on this list. With the possible exception of Threes!

  • Threes! feels like a modern day successor to Tetris. It's fluid, snappy, easy to play for a few minutes or a few hours. No other game this year fit the same slot. Also, I was able to get my Mom playing it. She's beating me on the leaderboard. Soundly.

  • Mother Effin' Nidhogg.

    I had a match go 40 minutes. It was knuckle biting and incredible. I felt worn out. This tells me two things: First, I need to do some cardo. Second, 5 stars, GOTY.

  • Everything a tie in videogame should be. It looked and felt like an episode of the show. Its combat wasn't really hard, but it stayed interesting throughout. It had its minor annoyances (and the occasional moment where it was unclear how to progress), but every part of that game was entertaining. This was probably one of the shortest role playing games I've ever played, but I would rather have a short, excellent game than a long, middling one.

  • Hot damn this game is pretty. Also it's fun! I need to finish my second playthrough.

    Supergiant, keep being rad!

  • I really liked Sunset Overdrive, but holy jeez did it start slow. Next time, just throw the whole bag of movement power tricks at us upfront. After the first, two, three hours though, that game really starts to get great.

  • Das Oldskoolen. 5 Stars, GOTY.

  • Fun! The class system is ludicrously deep! It's just too hardcore for me though. I got real close to the first ending/halfway point of the game. Then saw that it was the halfway point of the game and stopped playing. I would like to go back to it, but I don't know if I ever will.

  • A fun shooter with a way better story than it needed to have. It's nice to see that the single player shooter is still viable in 2014.


  • I had a lot of fun with this game, but I sorta felt like the Professor Layton dragged down my Ace Attorney. Still though, I'll take all the Ace Attorney I can get!