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Ok looking for some new iPad games, what are some of your favourites and how are the ports of some of the high profile console and pc games.

I've been enjoying a lot of the board game ports recently, I'm primarily a video gamer (mainly PC, I also own PS3, 3DS and 360) but have recently started playing d&d and getting into board gaming.

For reference here are some of my favourites on the iPad.

1. Ascension: Chronicles of the Godslayer

2. Rayman Run

3. Cook, Serve, Delicious!

4. Chrono Trigger

5. Little Inferno

6. Sword and Sworcery

7. Eclipse

8. Year Walk

9. Secret of Mana

10. Agricola

I also like 10000000, Ridiculous Fishing, Le Havre, Space Team, 868-Hack and I recently bought Incredipede and Terraria

What is consensus on ports of XCOM, Kotor, World of Goo, Bastion, Machinarium and Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes.

I've also heard (from board gamers) that Dominant Species, Caylus, Kingdom Builder, Yggdrasil, Pandemic, Nightfall and Small World are great board game ports.

Hopefully this is helpful for fellow iPad gamers and hopefully I get some helpful responces.

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I didn't really laugh, but I think the content is fine and nothing to get riled up about. They are satirical about many different aspects of culture, always in a highly exaggerated and over the top way. It seems very in vogue at the moment to just get offended at everything that could be remotely considered sexist. It really doesn't do the cause any favours to be overly sensitive with everything, people from the outside just see people railing unjustly about something new every week. I'm not saying it doesn't exist and isn't something to speak out against, but just maybe pick something truly offensive and put things into perspective, maybe find something that is a little more prevalent or important than a bit of average satire, because it is out there, but this sort of stuff just makes feminists seem petty and hurts their image and other valid arguments.

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ok thanks, I must have not clicked on the right thing in the photo

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Is that for when they tell you the wrong thing not the body scanner?

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#5  Edited By Xavtron

The first I think I just didn't pay attention, but how do you interrogate based on things people tell you, like that they're staying for 6 months but the permit says 2 days, can't figure out how to highlight it.

Also when the people go through the body scanner I select the photo and the no contraband on the rules, it says no correlation but then I get a notice saying I let through possible smugglers, anyone got any ideas?

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It looks really awesome, I will get it on PC because I can imagine having many great matches with people from the giantbomb PC gaming hub.

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#7  Edited By Xavtron

@i69edurgpa: Yeah our Dollar value is slightly different. The Australian Dollar is worth 94 cents American. This would put the PS4 at $425 not $550, even taking into account currency this seems like a fair hike to pay just to get the thing over here.

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I would rather people just focus on writing, complex, believable characters no matter the gender. I think deliberately choosing a female character just to have one can be a mistake too. Maybe a male writer is better off writing a male character and knows they wouldn't do a female character justice, I'd rather them just write a male character.

I would also like to see what areas of gaming those statistics cover. Are those inclusive of mobile and facebook games for instance. I'm not saying they are wrong, but I definitely do not know many female gamers in my real life if you were to take out facebook and mobile. For instance my sister who would never touch anything with a controller. has played draw something and angry birds, is she in this 47%? Not taking a jab, I'd just honestly like to know.

I think there definitely should be more female protagonists, I like the idea of actually making one of the women who disguised themselves to fight in a war the lead character for a game. That would be an awesome concept. For me I buy games based on whether the characters seem compelling (if relevant) and whether the game seems enjoyable to me. Take Remember Me for example. I like the art direction and setting of the game, but from what I've seen the gameplay and animations look rough and the characters look 2-dimensional and not compelling at all. It has nothing to do with the female protagonist. Now maybe I'm not the norm and things do need to change (especially numbers of women working in the industry itself), but this is how I treat games and how I approach them.

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Do you know what? There were also games that came out on both xbox and xbox 360, yet over its lifespan the 360 games greatly outshone the games of the previous generation. The same will happen again, eventually (probably pretty quickly) cross gen/split gen or whatever you want to call it will cease to exist. There will almost certainly be games at launch that you simply cannot play on the previous systems. Good luck trying to maintain the attitude of the previous consoles being fine 2 years or less from now, when almost no games are being released and you're missing out on amazing titles.

Unless microsoft shows a hell of a lot of games and games related functionality between now and release, I'm with Sony next gen. They have a better recent track record with exclusives and I will still be mainly PC, which will still be more impressive than console tech. None of Xbox one's tv etc is relevant to me in Australia. I spend my time on my PC not my TV. I could understand someone picking one console or another, or PC because personally it makes more sense for them, but trying to say that you'll actually be better off gaming on previous hardware is just fucking stupid.

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#10  Edited By Xavtron

My 10 at the moment are

1. Pacific Rim

2. Only God Forgives

3. 12 Years a Slave the latest from Shame director Steve McQueen

4. Inside Llewyn Davis from the Coen Brothers

5. Blue is the Warmest Colour after its Palme Win

6. Before Midnight

7. Snowpiercer the English language debut of Korean director Bong Joon Ho

8. The Bastards from Claire Denis

9. Only Lovers Left Alive, Jim Jarmusch's bizzare vampire film with Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston

10. The Straw Shield, I'm interested in whatever new insanity Takashi Miike can give me.

Also @wraxend, don't put too much credence in booing at cannes for Only God Forgives. Drive did not go over well with most of the audience at cannes and ended up taking best director, Tree of Life was booed and won the Palme. I actually find the whole booing films aspect of cannes to be a disgusting and rude part of that festivals culture.