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Hollywood is (Still) In Love with the 1980's with These Reboots

Hollywood is an unusual and curious place where numerous men and women pool their collective ideas together to try and entertain the masses. However time and time again the masses have shown that they sometimes prefer to be entertained by something that is familiar as oppose to something that is new and original, Transformers: Rise of the Fallen as well as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince should be seen as proof of this. And if the reports of numerous Hollywood sources are correct then the 1980's are not immune to this. With the last Indiana Jones film, reboots of films from the 80's have proven to be successful, even though the quality of these projects is questionable. With that I wish to showcase some of the confirmed reboots to some 80's "classics." Some have potential, others seem futile, and a few just shouldn't be made period.

Romancing the Stone

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– Reports are conflicted on whether or not Romancing the Stone will be remade with a new cast or whether or not a sequel with some of the original cast called Racing the Monsoon is in the works. However numerous reports have indicated that something involving the Romancing the Stone franchise is in pre-production.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: It was just plain fun.

Wall Street 2 

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 -From what I have heard this movie sounds extremely enticing. Olvier Stone will direct and Michael Douglas will reprise his role as Gordon Gekko. The story takes place in the far fetched year of 2008, where an older Gordon Gekko is trying to warn Wall Street of an impending crisis. Despite being fresh out of his 20 year jail sentence Gekko picks up a student whom he mentors (played by Shia LaBeouf). Filming is rumored to have already have started and the film has a tentative release date of August 2010
What Made it Special the First Time Around: Good acting and an original and interesting premise.


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 - Paramount Pictures has green lit a re-make of Footloose and filming will begin in 2010. Kenny Ortega will direct the film and Chance Crawford (Gossip Girl) will play the male lead. Apparently professional dancer Julianne Hough, from Dancing with the Stars fame, will play Ariel.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: Fuck if I know, I thought the film was terrible the first time around…Maybe it was the music.

Nightmare on Elm Street

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  – Yup… if you didn’t see this re-make coming with all of these horror re-makes already releasesd then you obviously are dense in the head. Samuel Bayer will direct and Michael Bay will produce…If there is one sign of hope it is that Jackie Earle Haley, Rorschach from the Watchmen film, will play Freddie.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: Gore and films of its kind where popular when the original Nightmare on Elm Street was released.


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- Not so much a re-make of David Lych’s take of the novel, but rather it’s going to be another attempt to try and translate the Dune universe into a film. No significant details are know but apparently the project has been green lit and I’m hopeful.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: The source material. Dune is a great book; the film may have had some issues but the book still remains and interesting work that has potential to be turned into an amazing film.


The Karate Kid 

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– The re-make is titled (and I’m not kidding you) The Kung Fu Kid. The film is being produced by Will Smith and (surprisingly) is starring Will Smith’s son, Jaden Smith. The film is going to come out summer of 2010. If there is one thing I can say that sounds interesting Jackie Chan is said to be playing Mr. Miyagi.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: Like Romancing the Stone, The Karate Kid was just plain fun.


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– It’s rumored to be halted at the moment but I’m still putting this one on the list. MGM refused to answer any questions about the movie other than that it is in fact happening and will come out for summer of 2010. For those that are skeptical here’s something to mull around about, Darren Aronofsky is supposedly the director for the re-make.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: Robocop was badass, and for an action flick in the 1980’s had a surprisingly good story.

The Big Chill 

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– The remake is going to be retitled (though to what is unkown), but Screen Gems is adamant about remaking the baby boomer comedy. Variety has reported that the film is going to be contemporary and star an all African American family.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: It was a comedy...staring baby boomers...set in the 1980's....I really don't see the point in re-making this film.


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(1981 Dudley Moore film) 
– It’s a remake that will star Russell Brand as the lead role. Everything else, including the time frame and director are unknown.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: I wouldn’t know because I haven’t seen the film. I hear it’s funny…

The NeverEnding Story 

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– A remake has been confirmed for 2012, and other than that nothing else is known about the re-make.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: The first film was one of the few true Fantasy masterpieces. Everything about the original screams nostalgia for me, with the Where the Wild Things Are movie looking great I’m optimistic about this re-make.

Red Dawn 

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– FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKK! WHY? The Cold war is over!
Well despite my complaints the film will feature a relevant threat to America, and blah blah blah this movie shouldn’t happen and the less I talk about it the better.
What Made it Special the First Time Around: Nothing, the original was terrible even if you watch it with glasses full of fear of communist Russians. And if anyone posts "WOLVERINE!!!" on my blog I'm going to come over to you and cut you.