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To each and every one of you reading this; be kind, earnest, and nice to those around you.

9246 94844 2424 84107
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

Mission Accomplished. I'm the Top Platform Wiki Editor

Hell yeah:

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 It took a while and I got to that position in the most unorthodox way possible but I did it and I'm proud. I got there by mostly writing about old computers and failed video game consoles. I wrote comprehensive biographies that attempted to weave a narrative in a wiki. Some of them are better written than others, and I'll be the first to admit that 1) I need to work on formatting 2) Grammar and spelling is not my strong suit. With a few exceptions most of these were done way before I was a mod. In fact some were written when I first started making wiki edits when the point tabulation for wiki entries was a little messed up.
The biggies:
  • The Channel F - 1,034 points - This one was a massive undertaking. How could anyone write a +1,000 wiki entry about a console that was only being produced for less than six months? Well The Channel F is a forgotten hero in the video game industry that need some respect on Giant Bomb. Hopefully I gave it that. 
  • 3DO - 967 points - In my mind the 3DO wasn't a failure. It was just ahead of its time. And you know what I don't care about how Jeff feels about it but I think that the 3DO was a better console than the Neo-Geo. There I said it.
  • Commodore 128 - 914 points - This is the entry that push me into the top position. I was talking (complaining) to Marino how I was never going to get any of the large wiki submission quests and then realized how this page was blank. Got the +700 point quest but missed the Major Fan quest by a hair.
  • VIC 20 - 772 points - I made it a habit to write about everything Commodore related. My desire was to write something like my C64 entry but more impressive.
  • Atari 7800 - 737 points - For some reason this was the entry that started my habit about writing about failed video game consoles. For some reason I find it fun to try and rationalize failure in the video game industry.
  • Atari 5200 - 731 points - Same thing as the 7800, but I talked a lot about the terrible controller. If I had to pick the 7800 and 5200 are my "best written" entries.
  • Commodore 64 - 491 points - One of my first console submissions. Far less substantial than my latter edits but still worth noting. I learned from this entry how I wanted to structure my future edits.
  • Odyssey  2 - 286 points - One of my first entries on the site with the Commodore 64 entry. Lowest point value doesn't mean it's not worth a read.