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The Notorious Leland Yee Believes in Something I Support

Source: AOL News
The notorious Californian Senator Leland Yee hasn’t exactly been held in my personal high regard for a while now. Oh since he was the main architect behind the Californian game law that criminalized the sale of M rated games to minors. Also he was one of many politicians that got on the hot coffee bandwagon. However recent news now shows that politicians should not necessarily be defined by one set of beliefs.

The reason is that Leland Yee has proposed legislation that would effectively prohibit any text book that contains any of the edits requested by the Texas Board of Education from being used in the state. Previously California and Florida were seen as the balancing factors of what is commonly perceived as the "conservative" Texas (not quite sure why I put quotations around conservative but let's just go with it). However with Florid making edits similar (albeit not as explicit nor as extreme) as Texas, and California sidelined due to budget cuts it seems like Texas based textbooks will reign supreme for a while now. 
The whole situation has been rather effectively lampooned by the Daily Show (hey I never said I didn't have an agenda as well).  
So for the first time Leland Yee I wish you good luck.