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What I've been playing

I think I'm done with Super Stardust.  I've gotten about 11 trophies but I'm going to have a hard time getting more.  There were a couple that I'm just not good enough to get, one that I need to buy the Co-Op patch to get, and one that I will keep trying for (the 10x multiplier trophy).  I want that 10x multiplier trophy, but I just can't quite get do it.  I'll get it eventually.

I downloaded PixelJunk Monsters and really like it.  I also bought Pain (just because it was on sale for $5) but its ok.  Its fun but I don't see myself playing it a whole bunch.  Maybe if it gets trophies.  There is talk of both PJ Monsters and Pain getting updates for trophy support and I really hope it happens.  I'm trying not to play too much PJ Monsters until the update.

I also bought the first 4 episodes of Siren: Blood Curse and downloaded the PixelJunk Eden demo.  I really like Eden.  I'll definately get it this week.  And more trophies!  Siren is really cool too, the trailer looked awesome.  Its a bit wierd though.  The presentation is a little confusing.  There's not really any set-up, they just drop you in on the characters and you switch off between who you control.  You collect "archive" info that fills in background on the characters and you follow the timeline with each character in turn.  I like it, it seems to have nailed the creepy horror vibe with the extremely low light, music, and enemies.  So far though it seems really linear.  It tells you what to do and your pathway is limited.  Most everything is blocked off except where you need to go to accomplish your next goal.  We'll see how it goes the further I get, I'm only up to episode 3 so far.

I'm still enjoying Metal Gear Solid 4.  I need to finish it before Uncharted gets trophies in late august.  Really enjoying Giant Bomb too.  The site is just a massive database with almost every video game related piece of info you could think of interconnected.  And since it has Wiki features, its really easy to add to it or update it.  Once they catch up with the backlog of submissions it will really be amazing.  There are just a couple things that I like better about GameSpot so far though.  You can make as many customizable lists as you want, which is awesome, but there is no way to alphabetize them so the info in those lists is unorganized and a pain to look through if you're looking for something specific.  Not sure if there is a way to add this functionality in the future, it seems that they took the structure for the Comicvine site and modified it to work with different info.  That being the case, the ability to alphabetize a list or not may be part of the dna of the site and not as changeable.  That's really the only major complaint I have about GB right now.  The wealth of info that is available and what will be available going forward is just mind blowing.  Easily the most ambitiously comprehensive source I've ever seen for video game info.  I can't wait to see how they develop the editorial and news aspects of it.