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Giant Bomb Review


God of War III: Remastered Review

  • PS4

This re-release seems unnecessary at first glance, but the conclusion of Kratos' journey serves up a level of spectacle that remains impressive in 2015.

The sense of scale hasn't lost any of its impact.
The sense of scale hasn't lost any of its impact.

Recent years have seen PlayStation consoles lead the charge in hosting HD remasters of past hits. Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, The Last of Us, and many more have seen second lives, and the trend shows no signs of slowing (Sony recently announced the high-def return of the first three Uncharted games). While so many hits from previous generations have come back, the God of War franchise in particular seems to resurface on a more frequent basis than most. The original two PS2 games were re-released on PlayStation 3, the PSP titles from Ready at Dawn came to consoles in the Origins Collection, and the first five games were released in one package known as the God of War Saga. With this history, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Sony has gone back to the well in bringing the “final chapter” in Kratos’ journey to the PlayStation 4.

At first glance, this seems to be the least necessary of Kratos’ resurrections. The first two games are action classics, featuring a level of spectacle that benefitted from a new HD sheen. Many fans of the series didn’t own PSPs, so the Origins Collection was a great way to experience those adventures on the big(ger) screen. God of War Saga didn’t enhance any of those experiences further, but it was still nice to have the entire franchise on one collection on one console. God of War III: Remastered, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have any big bullet point to hang its hat on.

The power of the PlayStation 4 allows for some more detailed textures and a better framerate, but the PlayStation 3 original was already in HD and still looks fantastic by 2015 standards. Massive setpiece moments like the Cronos battle and the Titan siege on Mount Olympus are still breathtaking, and the variety of brutal enemy kill animations are as entertaining as ever to watch. The combat itself doesn’t reach the complexity of more precise genre entries like Bayonetta 2 or DmC, but it’s still fun to utilize Kratos’ arsenal of weapons and moves to tear your way through Greek mythology.

Taking on Cronos is one of the game's clear highlights.
Taking on Cronos is one of the game's clear highlights.

Your enjoyment of God of War III: Remastered hinges heavily on your history with the game and recent years in the third-person action genre. If you’re new to the God of War series, this entry features all of its best elements firing on all cylinders and serves as a great introduction for what it offers. If (like me) you haven’t played it in years, it’s impressive to see how well the experience has held up in terms of gameplay and production value. However, I can see how the game could be seen as a bit lackluster if you’re coming from a lot of time with more recent games like the aforementioned Bayonetta 2. Elements of God of War III seem dated now, especially the reliance on constant QTE prompts. These had started to grow tiresome by 2010, and their constant appearance in boss fights and standard enemy encounters feels downright gratuitous five years later.

Despite some aging mechanics, I still had a blast whipping my Blades of Exile around ancient Greece once again. There's something visceral and rewarding about God of War's combat that manages to strike a nerve even after a lapse of several years.

Other games see protagonists slaughtering hundreds of opponents, but few do so with as much enthusiasm and wince-worthy gore as this one. Whether you're gutting a minotaur, tearing the eye out of a cyclops, or slowly sawing off the leg of a boss, the attention to detail Sony Santa Monica puts into these kills is rivaled only by NetherRealm Studios' work on Mortal Kombat.

God of War III: Remastered can still be entertaining as hell in its biggest moments, and I’d recommend it if you’re a big fan who wants to revisit the game after several years or if you’ve never touched the series and want to see what it’s all about. Then again, if you haven't played it before and you own a PS3, you might as well pick up a cheap copy of the game on that console considering how few substantial updates have been made here.

Those that weren’t blown away by God of War III in 2010 won’t find much in this update to change their tune, but fans and newcomers might consider giving it a shot. Frequent re-releases and the lackluster Ascension prequel may have brought on some God of War fatigue, but this remaster can be a great reminder of some of the best moments in Kratos’ saga.


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I don't care if people don't like this game being re-released, because I love this series, didn't own a ps3, so I haven't played this and therefore I am so exited to play this for the first time. It looks fantastic and this remastered version is tailor-made for someone like me.

That being said.. I'm hoping Sony wont announce any new remasters anytime soon.

Thank you @danryckert for showing some love for the series. This review and quick look got me really exited for this game!

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Edited By rjaylee

@brendan said:

Eh, kind of a waste of time to review this, and honestly kind of a waste of money to pay $40 for a port. It's not a remaster. It's a port.

This. This x 1,000,000. Giving this 4 stars (or any amount of stars at all) is a joke. If anything.

I really don't care if people like God of War games or not. That is completely aside from the point here.

All this does is reinforce the idea that it's okay for companies to re-release games we've already bought, let alone it being okay that they don't have to do any fucking legwork to differentiate this PS4 release from the original PS3 release, whether it's additional content, better graphics, or whatever. Calling this a "remaster"is a bold-faced lie.

In other words - this sucks.

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This is dumb. Remasters are dumb when done like this. The new FFVII, that will be an actual remaster. This is just touched up and you'll get almost nothing more out of it than just playing the game again.

I think it's fine these games are 'remastered', because if you enjoy something enough you'll want to play it when it looks a little better and on your new machine. But the price tag these games have are just nuts.

This type of stuff is worth 10 bucks. Maybe 20 in the case of GTAV and a couple of others. Asking 40 for this is just not even close to the actual worth of something like this. I was tempted to buy more remasters, until I actually put in the older version of the game and guess what: it's the same thing. It stopped me from impulse buying this stuff.

I think this review is way off for the simple reason that it doesn't take value into consideration. Yes, God of War III is probably still fun today, but you don't need the Remaster to play it. Fans shouldn't buy this at all, because they already own the game. Just wait until it is on sale for a respectable price.

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Did I just travel back to 2010? Why is this a review? Oh Dan, you rebel!

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Why would i buy a game for the 3d animations? The big titan barely tries to kill kratos. half the time he's just sitting there starring at him. Kratos is an irredeemable villain of pithy self justification, and his games aren't fun to play. all they are is some spectacle. They don't play good they play bad. dan likes bad games and i like him but i hate that he's so dumb sometimes.

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Edited By RagingFlower

Nice. No Witcher 3 review, but at least we have a GOW 3: Remix review. I know, if it's over 20 hours, it's not getting a review here.

...Why does this site still do reviews?

EDIT: Shit, I'm preaching to a choir here. I should probably go ahead and say that Dan did a good write up here. I guess i'm just joining Jeff in wondering what the purpose of reviews are on this site when only the quickies will ever get covered.

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fisk0  Moderator

Well, I hope this sets precedence for the staff to review a bunch of pre-Giant Bomb Xbox 360 games as they become available through the backwards compatibility program.

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You know I think I'm going to finally play a God of War game. This may as well be it!

I'm pretty disapointed by the comments section here. I appreciated this review anyways.

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I loved the first God of War when it released, started playing the second one and got bored within an hour. It's just so much of the same. I wouldn't mind picking this up to try the series again after a break... but $40? That seems pretty steep.

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To all the people hating on those calling out this nonsense in the comments, let me leave you with this question:

What did more to change things up from it's original release: The Grand Theft Auto V PC PORT, or the God of War III "Remaster"? $20 price difference, sure, but at some point the peak laziness with which a select few of these game get re-served up to fans shouldn't be given a pass by people like Dan who should have a keener and more critical eye towards this stuff. It's not that what Dan wrote has no merit by any stretch, but it's unfortunate that he's apparently skipped an important line of thinking all together.

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4 stars for this half assed crap? sigh

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Edited By Onemanarmyy

I think it's a weird choice to remaster the last entry of a trilogy. Basically all the xbox 360 to ps4 people will just have to skip the story stuff and be in it for the gameplay.

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Edited By Yummylee

Heh, I feel like the existence of this review perfectly encapsulates the remaster itself. Pointless, but eh, it's quick and easy so why not.

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@ds9143 said:

So this gets a review but no one wants to touch the witcher 3..... I won't even try to understand.

1/5 star he walks bad.

too many books in inventory

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@brendan said:

Eh, kind of a waste of time to review this, and honestly kind of a waste of money to pay $40 for a port. It's not a remaster. It's a port.

This. This x 1,000,000. Giving this 4 stars (or any amount of stars at all) is a joke. If anything.

I really don't care if people like God of War games or not. That is completely aside from the point here.

All this does is reinforce the idea that it's okay for companies to re-release games we've already bought, let alone it being okay that they don't have to do any fucking legwork to differentiate this PS4 release from the original PS3 release, whether it's additional content, better graphics, or whatever. Calling this a "remaster"is a bold-faced lie.

In other words - this sucks.

First of all these are video games. Cool your jets.

You don't have to buy this. This doesn't effect you nor does it have as big of an impact than you think. Nothing was going to stop this from being made; not with how much money was to be made. Stop being super dramatic.

Just as well you can't dismiss the fact that people liked the series and may have wanted this remaster (port, whatever).

As I just stated, this review reinforces nothing. Review or no review, the hundred* other remasters will still be made.

"Calling this a remaster is a bold-faced lie."

Is hysterical.

*Obvious hyperbole.

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I'd never call a product unnecessary but the only best case scenario for purchasing this is if you played the first two and enjoyed them enough to want to play the third. It does spectacle well but, man, the rest has wore thin.

The value for money just isn't there this time around although that's more an issue with the remastering trend in general. Last generation, they had whole series' they could repackage. This generation features leftovers.

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Edited By Quicklyer

Someone that genuinely likes videogames? On the west coast? BURN HIM.

I don't read many reviews, but I gotta say this one was pretty well done. <3

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Edited By Quickdry

I picked this up because I didn't have a console last generation and while I heard about God of War, I didn't know much about it. I'm only about an hour in, but I'm struggling to continue. I'm going to continue to try to make it through since I paid for the damn thing, but right now I don't like it much. Combat feels boring, QTEs feel lame and as soon as I fail a sequence once, I hate redoing the same thing so much it's ridiculous. I feel like this is a game with mechanics and an overly angry story that didn't age well. Maybe it only works with nostalgia in play.

Plus....why do people in the comments need a Witcher 3 review so much? Every other site has already reviewed it and the crew have spoken at length about how much they like the game (and their issues with it as well).

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Why review this game of all things?!?

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Ouch.. this went from a 92 score on Metacritics down to an 81. I really have no desire to get this. I still own the collectors edition for the PS3 and that's pretty much all you need. If they had remastered all 3 games and included it in a package, it might be worth it, but I won't be getting this. Now the Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection is what I'm waiting for. That's how you do a remastered game collection. Even Rare Replay is more worth the price then this game.

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Never understood the appeal of these games.

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So who else is here because you moved your mouse down from the tabs bar to click on the video you were actually trying to watch, but the reviews drop down expanded and made you click this instead?

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listening to GOTY podcast and like "he really did write that"