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Giant Bomb Review


Rise of the Tomb Raider Review

  • XONE

A bolder, more capable Lara Croft returns for an adventure that's more varied and fun than Tomb Raider has seen in years.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is an apt name for a game that improves as much on its predecessor as this one does. The second outing for Crystal Dynamics' earnest reimagining of Lara Croft follows the same blueprint as 2013's reboot, which is to say there's a fair number of tightly scripted action set pieces and shootouts with heavily armed mercenaries in here. But then, my prevailing memory of the last (first?) Tomb Raider is of nothing but set pieces and shootouts. By contrast, this sequel cuts all that larger-than-life action with a more generous dose of side activities, a greater focus on exploration, and a deeper sense of wonder at the ancient ruins and myths you're uncovering. You know, some good old-fashioned tomb-raiding. It's a lengthy and gorgeous adventure with a lot of variety that represents a great step up from Crystal Dynamics' previous effort.

There are enough depths to explore and artifacts to find to keep you busy for a really long time.
There are enough depths to explore and artifacts to find to keep you busy for a really long time.

Rise's premise feels ripped straight from Indiana Jones, or the old pulp serials that inspired it, but the game handles its storytelling deftly enough that it's hard to care if it's all a little derivative. This sequel finds a more seasoned, confident Lara Croft chasing down a legendary artifact called the Divine Source in the mountains of Siberia, with the modern, militarized version of a shadowy ancient sect called Trinity hot on her heels. Lara's dad, the august Lord Croft, died in pursuit of the very same artifact, and the game interweaves some flashbacks and a little pining for his life's work into the quest in a way that isn't hackneyed or overbearing. More importantly, Lara's clashes with fanatical Trinity operatives and her dealings with the mountainous region's mysterious locals provide for some fun twists and turns that aren't much less satisfying even when you see a few of them coming. In contrast to the first game, which had you murdering mercs by the dozens and then abruptly remembered to go "oh hey supernatural stuff!" in the last third, this game creates a more slow-and-steady build toward its mystical reveals that makes them more enjoyable when they inevitably happen. The story beats feel a little more earned here than they did in the last game, partly because a good bit of the flavor text that appears in collectibles and even overheard dialogue successfully builds up and contextualizes all the people you're chasing and secrets you're uncovering.

The new game has a nice sense of pacing. The story routinely sends you through 30 minutes to an hour of tense, tightly designed climbin'-and-shootin' sequences in linear, constrained areas--the stuff you expect from this kind of big-budget thrill ride--and then right around the point when you feel like it's time for a break, it pops you back out into one of a handful of expansive hub areas that are chock-full of shorter, less urgent activities. The first game toyed with the idea of wider levels that consisted of more than a single linear path toward the exit, but it didn't go far enough; there wasn't much to do in those places besides hunt for a few collectibles you'd missed. Here, the hub zones almost feel like little open-world maps unto themselves. Each one has a huge number of items and challenges to find, a collection of real live quest-givers (!) who dispense side missions (!!), and a handful of honest-to-god tombs (!!!) whose depths you may plumb at your leisure. The hubs also house a number of friendly NPCs who you can run up to and chat with, to get some extra story detail. It all works well enough to make me wonder what a truly open-world Tomb Raider from this developer could be.

Doing all this side stuff felt worthwhile on its own merits, because the activities are all fun to engage with and because I like checking off video-game to-do lists. But the side missions and collectibles really feel relevant to the gameplay as well, since they all feed into an expanded version of the crafting and skill progression from the previous game. Generic collectibles like relics and logs earn you experience that feed your talent tree. Better weapons and attachments are scattered among the other collectibles. And the game's "challenge tombs" in particular each grant you a highly useful, unique skill you can't get otherwise. They're also where you'll find the highest density of ancient machinery to climb on and manipulate (and they mostly look really cool to boot). The antique scenery isn't relegated to the side tombs, either; the game is good about filling its critical story path with these kinds of big stone clockwork puzzles, as well. By the time I'd finished the lengthy Syrian tutorial area, I already felt like I'd discovered more intricate ruins than in the entirety of the previous game. Exploring and solving the forgotten secrets of some wise, vanished civilization is what I'm showing up for when I play a game called Tomb Raider, so it was a delight that Rise is more satisfying than its predecessor in that regard.

Don't worry, you'll get to shoot a lot of stuff too (with some expanded options for doing so).
Don't worry, you'll get to shoot a lot of stuff too (with some expanded options for doing so).

Maybe it's my generally short attention span, but Rise's huge amount of variety in activities and challenges--and specifically the way it constantly doles out and gives you access to new tasks to accomplish--meant I spent nearly all my free time after I got a hold of this game playing it somewhat obsessively, attempting to hit 100 percent completion in each area. But you'll quickly realize you can't max out each area up front, because the designers are totally unafraid to get their Metroid on, frequently showing you new pathways you can't pursue until you acquire rope arrows, a grappling hook, underwater breathing equipment, or some other piece of survival gear. Valuable upgrades and some of the most interesting side content, like several of the challenge tombs, are locked up behind these sorts of barriers, so every time you get some new ability upgrade your mind will immediately call back to all those new places you can now go check out. The campfires that let you fast travel around are back from the first game, so it's easy to go back and get just about everything you missed, if you feel like it. I thought it was a really nice touch that the time of day now changes in each region when you go back, adding some much-appreciated variety to the atmosphere, and old areas are repopulated with more enemies to fight and animals to hunt. All that helps make the world feel more dynamic and lived-in, so it's a little less lonely and rote when you go back to clear out old areas.

There's still plenty of combat to plow through here, though fighting bad guys in tactical gear doesn't quite feel like it forms the entire backbone of the game like it did before. And luckily, most combat encounters feel more dynamic and improvisational this time around, since you have some nicely expanded options in the stealth-kill and crafted-weapon categories. You're just as likely to descend on an enemy from a tree branch for a silent stealth kill, or grab a bottle and craft it into an on-the-fly Molotov cocktail, as you are to hide behind a crate and pop up to squeeze off a few headshots. You still do plenty of that too, but there are also some interesting late-game shooting abilities, mainly to help you counter more powerful enemies with shields and armor and such, that keep things feeling fresh. Despite all these improvements, the basic aiming and shooting still feels slower and more awkward here than I'd like, which seems to be a combination of slightly sluggish controls and a sometimes uneven frame rate.

I don't know if ancient aliens built this thing or what, but it was fun to climb around on.
I don't know if ancient aliens built this thing or what, but it was fun to climb around on.

Owing largely to the amount of optional content, Rise of the Tomb Raider is a shockingly lengthy game. Even the core storyline feels longer than average for this kind of big-publisher blockbuster, but if you add in all the side content and backtracking, you're really going to be here for a while. The system-level clock on my Xbox One sat at 42 hours when I finished the game, some of which was due to letting the game idle at the pause menu and producing video content, but I'd guess I put a minimum of 30 hours of actual playtime into the game, maybe more. For total completionists, thankfully the achievements are largely geared toward goofing around in the world rather than forcing you to find every single last collectible (you only need to get most of them), and after the story is over there's even a little narrative justification to smooth over the fact that you can pop back out into the world and keep fighting and collecting. I wouldn't have complained about one or two more hub areas simply because they're so satisfying to explore, but it's hardly like the game is short on length and value.

This is also a truly gorgeous game, through some grand and sweeping uses of dramatic lighting, a lot of really impressive character animation for Lara Croft as she swings, climbs, crawls, and leaps around, and just by virtue of the sheer range and complexity of the exotic environments on offer. As acrobatic as Lara is, some of the character animations can look a little awkward transitioning from one to another, and I saw some enemies bug out here and there while trying to traverse different parts of the level geometry. The Xbox One version of the game is conspicuously the only one releasing at launch, and while it's totally playable across the board and smooth enough in general, the performance was less than ideal in a couple of environments in particular, in a way that didn't live up to the sheer splendor of the visual design. If you're invested in playing this game and don't want to wait, get the Xbox version right now. But if you aren't in a huge hurry, this game should be a real looker on a well-equipped PC in a handful of months, assuming all goes well with that version.

Nothing about Rise of the Tomb Raider is wildly original, but everything about it is executed with a high degree of quality and craft. The game nicely merges multiple styles of gameplay, tells a better story than the 2013 reboot, and leaves off with Lara Croft at the center of an expanding narrative universe that feels like it could become home to many more exciting adventures. The last game was a decent start, but for my money, this is where the new Tomb Raider really begins.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+


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Nice review Brad, it sounds like this might be the "Uncharted 2" of the new Tomb Raider games, in that it refines its core gameplay and delivers a whole new level of fidelity with its action sequences. I can't wait to play this game on PC next year, where I might even consider picking it up over Uncharted.

Now you better hurry, you can still get a Fallout 4 review out before the game launches! Oh, and don't forget to get that Legacy of the Void review out while you're at it.

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Edited By GaspoweR

As I'm not getting a new console any time soon, this makes me excited for the PC version next year.

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Edited By talonar

I still wonder at how much it cost to get this timed exclusivity. It must be enough to offset all the sales they lose from not launching on the PS4 right? I can't imagine Square Enix knew that the console market would be dominated by the PS4 at this point in the year since the 360 was so strong last gen. Oh well at least there's a PC version...soon.

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Nice, can't wait till it comes out next year.

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@liquidprince: I think it has less to do with her being a girl and more to do with developer intention and voice acting direction. If Nolan North had been directed to make similar noises when injured in order to make us "empathize" with him more, I'd think it was just as skeezy.

Regardless, I'm glad you never got that sense out of it. The 2013 reboot has been on Steam sales enough times that most of my pals have bought it and played it by now... and we're of like minds about it, for better or ill. Heck, a Gamestop clerk and I laughed about this very subject while I pre-ordered the game. "Yeah, no objectifying here. Just creepy death moaning. We've come a loooong way. Much better."

But heck, maybe you're right. Maybe it does say more about us and our shared fascination regarding eldritch puzzle boxes. :-P Har har.

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@liquidprince: I think it has less to do with her being a girl and more to do with developer intention and voice acting direction. If Nolan North had been directed to make similar noises when injured in order to make us "empathize" with him more, I'd think it was just as skeezy.

Regardless, I'm glad you never got that sense out of it. The 2013 reboot has been on Steam sales enough times that most of my pals have bought it and played it by now... and we're of like minds about it, for better or ill. Heck, a Gamestop clerk and I laughed about this very subject while I pre-ordered the game. "Yeah, no objectifying here. Just creepy death moaning. We've come a loooong way. Much better."

But heck, maybe you're right. Maybe it does say more about us and our shared fascination regarding eldritch puzzle boxes. :-P Har har.

A moan is a moan. If you think that it sounds sexual, you're bringing that into it yourself. I don't really understand the sound you would rather her make... a yip? She's in pain, shes gonna moan. Nothing sexual about it, and people saying otherwise are really reaching. Drake does the exact same thing.

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@zemadhatter: That would make sense. Not much downside for me though as I played the first one almost exclusively with the bow. It felt solid and precise and with variable ammo was pretty effective throughout the game.

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Edited By Rasrimra

Right when I think the graphics look off with the pop up they say the graphics look great even on the Xbox One. Right when I think the animation transitions look kinda janky they say man these animations look good. Hmmm.
I read ^ that Brad agrees on the animation transitions with me. Nice.

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@hassun said:

"Don't worry, you'll get to shoot a lot of stuff too"


I'm happy it's balanced much better this time around though. I wish Uncharted did that as well.

Boo indeed.

I could completely do without the Uncharted influences in terms of frequency of combat sequences, but of course, that wouldn't nearly test as well with focus groups.

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Now its out, hopefully we can get a PS4 release date.

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@lazyimperial said:

@liquidprince: I think it has less to do with her being a girl and more to do with developer intention and voice acting direction. If Nolan North had been directed to make similar noises when injured in order to make us "empathize" with him more, I'd think it was just as skeezy.

Regardless, I'm glad you never got that sense out of it. The 2013 reboot has been on Steam sales enough times that most of my pals have bought it and played it by now... and we're of like minds about it, for better or ill. Heck, a Gamestop clerk and I laughed about this very subject while I pre-ordered the game. "Yeah, no objectifying here. Just creepy death moaning. We've come a loooong way. Much better."

But heck, maybe you're right. Maybe it does say more about us and our shared fascination regarding eldritch puzzle boxes. :-P Har har.

A moan is a moan. If you think that it sounds sexual, you're bringing that into it yourself. I don't really understand the sound you would rather her make... a yip? She's in pain, shes gonna moan. Nothing sexual about it, and people saying otherwise are really reaching. Drake does the exact same thing.

Ehhh, not every moan is the same.

For what it's worth, I didn't get any weird sexual vibes from her portrayal in the first game. She was a bit whiny-sounding, and sometimes had that melodramatic anime-esque always-making-sounds thing going on, but it was never particularly sexual, just kinda weak.

I only remember one or two camera shots that felt oddly leering, but besides that, the whole "omg Lara's so porny" thing always seemed pretty silly.

But again, not every moan is the same.

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@lazyimperial said:

@liquidprince: I think it has less to do with her being a girl and more to do with developer intention and voice acting direction. If Nolan North had been directed to make similar noises when injured in order to make us "empathize" with him more, I'd think it was just as skeezy.

Regardless, I'm glad you never got that sense out of it. The 2013 reboot has been on Steam sales enough times that most of my pals have bought it and played it by now... and we're of like minds about it, for better or ill. Heck, a Gamestop clerk and I laughed about this very subject while I pre-ordered the game. "Yeah, no objectifying here. Just creepy death moaning. We've come a loooong way. Much better."

But heck, maybe you're right. Maybe it does say more about us and our shared fascination regarding eldritch puzzle boxes. :-P Har har.

A moan is a moan. If you think that it sounds sexual, you're bringing that into it yourself. I don't really understand the sound you would rather her make... a yip? She's in pain, shes gonna moan. Nothing sexual about it, and people saying otherwise are really reaching. Drake does the exact same thing.

Lara sounds completely unnatural when she grunts and moans, I found it very annoying throughout my playthrough of the original game. I wouldn't call it "sexual," but definitely out of place.

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Funny how there was little/no stink when SFV was announced as ps4/pc exclusive.

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Minus a star because it's on XONE

I joke

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Really? FOUR stars? Have you ever climbed a real tomb???? Do you know how hard that is?

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@ripelivejam: It's because everyone claims that it couldn't have been made without Sony's financial backing. Yet, another Resident Evil is in development.

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I'm so happy this game is getting good reviews, since I enjoyed the first one. I can't wait until RotTR comes out on PS4.

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They tell you explicitly what item you need when you run up against those spots.

"frequently showing you new pathways you can't pursue until you acquire <blank>"

Ugh I hate when they do that. Hopefully it's at least obvious and I don't sit there for an hour trying to figure out how to get it.

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...Once upon a time there was a poor shoemaker.

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@brad said:

They tell you explicitly what item you need when you run up against those spots.

@spotshadow said:

"frequently showing you new pathways you can't pursue until you acquire <blank>"

Ugh I hate when they do that. Hopefully it's at least obvious and I don't sit there for an hour trying to figure out how to get it.

Thanks for the great review Brad. It made me preorder and purchase the game before I went and picked up Fallout 4 yesterday, and it has already grabbed me way more than fallout 4 has. The game is beautiful, and this is one of those times where I am really happy to have both systems so I do not need to deal with any of these timed exclusive situations.

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I look forward to the PC version of this; I enjoyed the rebooted Tomb Raider a lot and this seems to continue in a similar vein.

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Looks like I'll have to get an Xbone sometime. I've been planning on it, but now there are two excuses to get one (Halo 5 is the other).

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@jigenese: yeah great time to try and own both systems if possible. So many awesome games, what a time to be alive.

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@nictel said:

Minus a star because it's on XONE

I joke

It's XBONE. Get it together!

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Edited By north6

@re4ctor said:
@blindx0r said:

@wrathofgod: The weird thing about this review to me is, @brad reviewed the 2013 game, gave it 4/5 stars and then says this game is a "great step up" over that game. Yet this is also 4/5 stars. I realize when you're grading on a 1 to 5 stars scale, with no half stars, each star can represent a pretty broad swathe of games, so maybe the 2013 game was a low 4 (almost 3) stars game and this one is a high 4 (almost 5) stars game. But it still looks weird, and I agree that text doesn't do a great job explaining why this isn't a 5 stars game.

I guess you could say in the 2 years since the first one, games have taking a few steps forward so that the whole rating scale has to shift with the times. So if this is a 4 star game in 2015, it might have been a 4.5 star game in 2013 or something like that

Everything is a time in place. Comparing reviews to other reviews leads to madness. This is how "Graphics" and "Gameplay" 10.x (so 100 point) point scales start.

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Just beat this, about 25 hours played. Holy crap that was amazing, one of my favorite game experiences of all time, definitely going back for more tombs when I get the chance. I'd seriously go 5/5 on this, music, story, gameplay, graphics are all top notch.

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Laura Prepon >>> Laura Charles >>> Lara Croft

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Expectations change over the course of nearly three years, and expectations are also naturally higher for a sequel. If they'd just made the exact same game again, it would've been a definitive 3 stars.

Even side by side, the first game was a 4 verging on a 3 while this game is a 4 verging on a 5, which you already figured out for yourself. I think the list of complaints (shooting is a bit clunky, performance doesn't always do right by the visuals, could have used a little more exploration-focused content, is well made but not terribly original) is more than enough to justify the score, but different strokes. It's still a heck of a game, and if CD steps it up this much again for a third one (which I have to imagine is going to get made at this point), they'll really have something special. They've certainly proved with this that they're willing to listen to feedback, and they did a great job of building on what they started with.

@blindx0r said:

@wrathofgod: The weird thing about this review to me is, @brad reviewed the 2013 game, gave it 4/5 stars and then says this game is a "great step up" over that game. Yet this is also 4/5 stars. I realize when you're grading on a 1 to 5 stars scale, with no half stars, each star can represent a pretty broad swathe of games, so maybe the 2013 game was a low 4 (almost 3) stars game and this one is a high 4 (almost 5) stars game. But it still looks weird, and I agree that text doesn't do a great job explaining why this isn't a 5 stars game.

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If you don't have an XBONE like me, the 360 version is still worth it. The game still looks as nice as the 360 hardware will allow it to look.

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Edited By Poppa_Large

Well, I gave this game a honest shot after not liking Tomb Raider 2013. After hearing Brad recommending it to Jeff on the podcast because it did everything a lot better than the previous one, I felt like I should listen. But sadly, it's mostly more of the same. Yes, it's better - it's more polished and better balanced for sure - but at the end of the day it's just more of the same. Having to press X to latch onto climbable walls doesn't make it any less 'press forward to keep going forward' than TR 2013, and you can extend that criticism to every single aspect of Rise of the Tomb Raider. It's a bit more open, there are few more reasons to go back to older areas, but it's the same game with same flaws. In my opinion and experience, if you didn't like TR 2013, you're not going to like Rise of the Tomb Raider for the exact same reasons. It has the same clunky shooting, the same braindead platforming and the same formulaic and unimaginative digital shopping lists for the player to collect. And if you loved the previous one, you're of course going to love Rise of the Tomb Raider also. I just can't see this samey game changing existing opinions after TR 2013. I'm looking forward to finding out whether Jeff comes to the same conclusion.

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@poppa_large: You had to press X to latch onto walls in TR2013 too.