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Giant Bomb Review


XCOM 2 Review

  • PC

Firaxis delivers a fantastic sequel in many regards, but a large assortment of technical issues plague the overall experience.

XCOM 2 comes with two very different difficulties. I don’t mean that it has two different difficulty options when you start the game (it has four of those), but in terms of there being two different elements of the game that I struggled with. One was fully intended by the developers, involving intense, chess-like battles against an alien force. The other was with the game’s performance, in ways that Firaxis clearly did not intend. When everything is working as it should, XCOM 2 is a fantastic sequel that expands and improves on the original in several ways. When things are falling apart, it becomes a frustrating mess that made me want to quit and wait for a future patch. As it stands today, the quality of XCOM 2’s good elements made the game worth wading through some of its more infuriating problems.

Set 20 years after Enemy Unknown, XCOM 2 sees Earth being occupied by the alien force rather than invaded by it. They won the war, assumed power, and now hold the human race firmly under their control. A resistance of humans has taken up arms against the aliens, and the player assumes control of their faceless commander. Rather than playing defense against alien invaders like the last time, the sequel has you going on the offensive against alien oppressors. While this doesn’t drastically change the overall makeup of the game, it does have gameplay implications.

The metagame is critical, and doesn't give players much time to relax.
The metagame is critical, and doesn't give players much time to relax.

A metagame revolving around constructing a base and managing a world map is back, but in a different format. Instead of building a stationary base, XCOM 2’s home base is a captured enemy aircraft known as the Avenger. Without land to burrow into for expansion, you now add to your base by clearing out rooms of alien debris and repurposing them. It’s functionally similar to the last game, but the aesthetics of the metagame have been altered in a cool way to fit with the new timeframe. I enjoyed flying around the world map in my mobile base, feeling like I was reaching out to other corners of the globe to expand XCOM’s message.

Going on the offensive also has implications for the “boots on the ground” half of the gameplay. Considering that many missions involve the human forces infiltrating enemy bases or strongholds, you’ll occasionally start with your squad concealed from the aliens. That adds minor stealth mechanics to the turn-based strategy, and it’s fun to try to set up the perfect overwatch ambush for when you’re finally ready to launch an acid grenade into a group and announce to the enemy that you’ve arrived.

Both halves of the game carry with them an inescapable sense of tension. A new danger in the metagame is the Avatar project, which is an alien weapon that threatens to cement the occupier’s control of Earth. The progress of this project’s development is indicated by a red meter at the top of the world map, which fills in as in-game time passes and the aliens construct new facilities dedicated to Avatar’s construction. I felt a sense of dread every time another red box was added to the meter, and it made me question every decision I made during the metagame. Was I spending too much time scanning for intel and supplies? Should I be accepting every guerrilla ops mission that’s presented to me? Do I need to restart and prioritize different threads of research? I questioned myself at every turn, and found that the inclusion of the Avatar threat greatly added to the tension of the metagame.

While the first game was no walk in the park when it came to its tactical battles, XCOM 2 ratchets the difficulty up substantially. After about 15 hours of struggling through the default difficulty setting (possibly made worse thanks to some poor metagame decisions in the early stages), I swallowed my pride and knocked it down to easy. Even then, I frequently encountered disastrous missions that left most of my squad gravely wounded or dead.

These things suuuuuuuck.
These things suuuuuuuck.

Much of this difficulty is tied to powerful enemies, both old and new, that can cause chaos for your team. Vipers can use their long tongues to snatch your soldiers from behind cover, coil around them, and render them useless until they’re rescued. Seemingly innocent civilians can morph into hulking Faceless creatures that attack with powerful melee strikes. Stun Lancers can sprint across large portions of the screen in one turn, and immediately incapacitate soldiers with a swipe of their baton. Sectopods still represent an immediate and terrifying threat to any soldier on the battlefield during the late game.

To combat these threats, players have access to a wide variety of classes and abilities when it comes to assembling their ideal squad. Rangers utilize swords for dramatic melee strikes, specialists deploy drones to heal friendlies and hack enemy robotics, and new psionic soldiers can learn several powerful abilities that damage or outright control your foes. In a game where your maximum squad size is six, it’s tremendously useful to bring a couple psionic soldiers to the battlefield and add powerful enemy fighters (complete with their own abilities) to your ranks.

All of the classes feature interesting choices as you progress through the ladder of abilities, with some real game-changers becoming available later in the game. I particularly enjoyed my highly ranked rangers, thanks to the Bladestorm and Reaper abilities. The former automatically strikes at any enemy that enters melee range, even when it isn’t your turn. The latter allows you to chain together multiple melee strikes, provided that the last strike killed the previous enemy. If you encounter several mid-level enemies in the same general area, it’s possible to go on a satisfying killing spree as you dart from foe to foe and strike them down with your sword.

No matter how overpowered I made my squad or how easy I set the difficulty setting, I wasn’t able to remedy the cavalcade of technical issues I had with XCOM 2. The most immediately noticeable is the inconsistency of its performance. I played on two computers, and the framerate dropped frequently even on one computer that clocked in far above the recommended specs. Camera angles tended to miss the action whenever they move away from the isometric perspective, like during action-cam shots and hacking sequences. On more than one occasion, the hacking screen was completely obscured by a wall, forcing me to click blindly until I eventually hit the initiate button. I was sometimes unable to move soldiers to specific squares, despite the UI clearly indicating that I should be able to. The action sometimes halted for 15 or 20 seconds at a time for no discernible reason, even when it was my turn (negating the possibility that this bug was caused by offscreen aliens moving around). Roofs of buildings would often remain opaque when I tried to move my soldiers on the floor below. Several missions forced me to reload earlier saves due to bugs that made them impossible to complete. One wouldn’t allow me to evacuate my sharpshooter at mission’s end, and another wouldn’t allow me to pick up a mission-critical objective despite clearly standing on the indicated spot. Another mission got caught in an odd loop that kept warping an enemy around the map and ragdolling him off a bridge, which repeated for several minutes before I gave up on ever regaining control. I had encountered so many of these bugs that I could only laugh when I tried to load the final mission, only to be greeted by a crash and the “XCOM 2 has stopped working” prompt.

Corporal Waluigi is immune to garlic.
Corporal Waluigi is immune to garlic.

I want to come back and spend more time with XCOM 2, but it won’t be for the bare-bones multiplayer mode. These one-on-one battles give you the initial novelty of getting to play around with enemy units’ abilities (an experience relegated to psionic mind control in the campaign), but waiting 90 seconds for opponents’ turns in less-than-engaging battles can’t match the tension and progression from the single-player campaign.

It’s those two distinct difficulties that make me want to return to XCOM 2. The intended difficulty makes me want to come back to try things differently, to bump the setting up to normal and try to make smarter metagame decisions early on to see if I can hang in there and survive a second go-round. The difficulty I experienced with the game’s performance makes me want to wait a few months, and then return to see if this game that I thoroughly enjoyed will be patched enough to ensure that all of its difficulty was fully intended by the developers. I loved XCOM 2 when it worked, but its numerous bugs, glitches, and other performance issues severely handicapped my overall enjoyment of it.


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Edited By GrantDaNasty


It's a shame to see the review score take such a hit, but as someone who has played XCOM2 to completion, I will vet that the technical issues are FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED at the moment, and then I again, I applauded Jeff for taking 1 star off Fallout 4 on consoles because of the technical glitches and performance trouble, so only fair it's applied here as well.

Once they iron that stuff out though, and of course, aside from the performance and technical issues, it is REALLY good. But no turning the other cheek for this.

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Wario is immune to garlic Dan... NOT Waluigi (sigh) come on get it together man! :P

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Edited By slowhanded

The plethora of bugs and performance issues significantly cooled my initial enthusiasm. That's jank I expect from products of Gamebryo, but definitely not from a tight experience like XCOM. Here's hoping time and some elbow grease will eventually put a shine on this title.

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Edited By YapaPanda

Well the glitches are disappointing, maybe I'll wait for a few patches.

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Guess I'll be crossing my fingers for this go get a console release down the line(and hopefully with the issues addressed).

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Edited By WalkerTR77

I've got about 35 hours and no serious technical issues thus far (the frame rate can be kind of rubbish) but pressing caps lock a couple times speeds up the loads when coming back from missions, which is one of the most fucking mental things I've seen in a game for a while.

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I've played this for 20 hours and haven't had a single crash, and only minor performance issues. Hearing what everyone else is saying, I guess I'm lucky.

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Well, I feel a lot better about not having a ton of disposable income at the moment. hopefully the technical issues have been smoothed out by the time I do.

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Yeah, I was in no rush to play this (I liked the first one, but I don't have the love for it that a lot of people do) and all I'm hearing about the technical problems is making me feel really justified in holding off.

Hopefully it'll be fixed up by the time I get around to it. Sucks for anybody trying to play right now though. Stop shipping broken ass games!

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Sad to see it knocked down to three because of bugs. Especially since I've never encountered a bug that actually hurt the gameplay. But reviews are about personal experience and this is Dan's experience.

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Edited By dezvous

This game sounds like it would be perfect if they fixed the technical issues and gave it some much needed controller support. This game sounds tense enough, at least let me sit back with a controller and enjoy it a bit more. Since there's no real time aspect to it the speed and accuracy you could gain from a mouse and keyboard is entirely inconsequential. It really just comes down to good UI design.

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I absolutely adore this game. It's my favorite game of the year so far but I have to completely agree with Dan in giving it a 3 out of 5. The technical performance issues get in the way of concentrating on the actual game.

Really appreciate Dan saying this is one to return to when hopefully things have smoothed out technically. I will say there are some good tweak guides starting to pop up but developers shouldn't count on the players fixing these many issues from the start.

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yeah, this review totally mirrors my experience

i like it despite itself

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Unfortunately, Giant Bomb doesn't roll with updated reviews like other outlets do, and taking two stars off for what reads like largely performance-related issues is a pretty big stain on this game. No excuse for poor optimization on a delayed PC exclusive, of course, but as a fan of the GOTY deliberations this already feels like a "Ehh *shrug* I wasn't really ready for more XCOM anyway" discussion come December of this year, which I think is unfair since the gameplay is just that much better to feel like a sequel without feeling like more of the same. This was never going to win GOTY 2016, but now it might be one of the last games cut from a "Most Improved" category at best.

But my personal top 10 list already has a spot for this carved out, so that's all that matters, I suppose.

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I've not really had any issues.

The occasional FPS drop, but that's about it. Guess I'm lucky.

GREAT game.

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Edited By llubtoille

Oh PC games, I hope you never change.

My specs barely scrape above the minimum, and 18hrs in I've not encountered anything even close to resembling Dan's problems.

Though the constrained camera's just as infuriating as the original, and precisely aiming a max range grenade is a trial in patience.

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Edited By koolaid

The score is totally fair. I've run into many of these issues myself. That being said if you loved XCOM Enemy Unknown this is even better once you get the bugs ironed out.

...Also, is Giant Bomb the ONLY review site that will knock a game's score down significantly due to bugs? First Fallout now this?

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My sentiments exactly. Wait for patches, there's a really great game under all the jank.

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Thanks, Dan!

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I loved the last XCOM game but technical issues or not I'm just not feeling this game right now. Plus I really liked playing those games on consoles. Prob better off they don't do a console version though. If they can't get the PC version up and running at launch, I doubt having to go to two other platforms would help that situation.

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Edited By Tennmuerti

2 stars off for technical issues? Ouch...

Your mileage may vary, however despite myself experiencing a few bugs here and there and having to take down some graphical settings a few notches, there was nothing a reload or a rollback couldn't fix eventually. Out of the whole fantastic experience it was a relatively minor annoyance. It's still very much an excellent game. Then again I am the type of person who over the years of gaming on a PC is used to minor issues all the time and working around them, so somewhat escalated issues were a non factor when the game itself was so good in so many aspects. I guess in that respect I would weight those things closer to how Ryan did in his review. Substance trumps almost everything else for me.

So in the end for me it's still a 5/5 game and easily the best thing I've played since the Witcher 3.

Hmmm, more and more I find myself completely diverging from the interests, values and viewpoints of the GB West crew on games. Which makes total sense.

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Oh weird, didn't think the tech issues were that debilitating.

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Edited By Noelle808

Oof, didn't expect this to get less than 4 stars.

Some of the technical issues are really baffling though. The extremely frequent 2-4 second delays that occur between actions may not affect "gameplay" but they really hurt the pace of the game and make things feel like way more of a chore than they should.

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Though I've not ran into any hard crashes, the constant 20 or so FPS coupled with at least once-per-mission weird bugs that hinder or seize progress entirely and the most bizarrely long loading times off an SSD in ages (seriously, it takes like a full minute to load your base and the same for a small mission) are annoying enough that I've been seriously debating just stopping with the game entirely until Firaxis fixes it. Though their games have never been the best at launch, this is the first I can recall that is hindered by purely technical performance issues rather than game balance -breaking nonsense.

It's a shame, because the gameplay continues to be a bliss and it feels more fair than their prior XCOM.

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In about 6 months this will be a hell of a game, right now it's quite a mess.

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Edited By Johnked6

Having to set the game to easy just to beat the game in time for review seems to go against the spirit of Xcom. It just doesn't seem like a Dan kind of game, I know he really only got serious about pc gaming a little over a year ago. Xcom is a kind of game where its standard to start over several times to learn all the mechanics.

As for the performance issues, lowering your AA to FXAA and turning depth of field off seems to help a lot.

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Edited By Cybexx

I haven't had time to play too much XCOM 2 so far. I've liked what I've played and I managed to smooth out most of the performance problems for myself by dropping the Anti-Aliasing a smidge (basically looks the same) but yeah I've ran into some amazing bugs so far.

I had one gameplay breaking bug where I targeted one enemy and it fired on another which was screwed up. The other one I ran into was amazing. Basically I had one of my guys on top of a building shooting down at the enemy. One of the enemies decided to run around the side to flank my guy. I moved my guy closer to that enemy and behind a thin barrier. Turns out that enemy had activated overwatch so he fires on my guy and suddenly the camera just goes totally bananas for about 15 seconds, it seemed like it couldn't find its targets so it just swayed wildly for a while. Then the game just stopped to think for about 10 seconds, it didn't freeze, the rendering was still going but the game's logic froze for a bit, which often happens when I trigger a group of enemies but not for this long. Then the game updates and it turns out the roof my guy was standing on collapsed and now he is down a floor, the enemy has been deleted from existence and the turn ends.

Next turn I get control over my guy again and I can command him around but all his animations are skipped. It's basically like the logic engine and the rendering engine have decoupled from each other. It is almost like rendering thinks he is dead but logic is still moving him around, letting him fire on targets, go into overwatch, get caught by an enemy's overwatch. It is bizarre and the enemy that fired on him is totally gone without a trace. I manage to evac him and he is fine on the results screen, doing his injured animation but it feels like I got real lucky. I definitely would not suggest playing this game with Ironman mode until at least a month's worth of patches.

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@tennmuerti: They are super bad on my system for no reason. The game is actively on fire in many ways.

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I love the game and it makes so many improvements off of XCOM: EU, but the performance issues and weird hang ups are a mothership sized bummer.

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15 hours so far on default difficulty, no bugs of note encountered, and only 1 squaddie death outside of the 2 i lost in the tutorial mission. not sure why dan is having such issues with the difficulty and technical aspects of the game, but im glad my time with it has been better than his

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I've had no technical issues other than a few non game impacting overlay glitches and cinematic camera angles looking weird very rarely. There's also the end mission caplock load bug which is really odd, but for the most part the game runs super great for me.

Specs are 6700k i7 and z170 motherboard, gtx970 and 32 gigs of ram, so it's also a very new system I'm running on too.

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Edited By Homelessbird

Yeah, I'll agree with some of those below that this would be more like a 4/5 for me. I definitely have technical issues here and there, but the core gameplay stuff is really my shit, so it doesn't detract that much for me.

Also, yeah, not having as much of a hard time as Dan seems to have either, but then it seems like I might have spent more time with the genre in general.

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While I didn't encounter some of the bugs Dan mentions (not a single crash), the long pauses for no apparent reason between some actions/turns were super annoying. The difficulty ramp also seems to be just all over the place with the game suddenly making huge jumps outta nowhere. This review is mostly spot with how I feel about this game and it's super unfortunate cuz it's just a handful of weird oddities keeping it from being outright great.

Nice review Dan!

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I'm waiting for tax money to pick up a few things including this; really hope they patch this up real good before I get around to playing it

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@evohero said:

Unfortunately, Giant Bomb doesn't roll with updated reviews like other outlets do, and taking two stars off for what reads like largely performance-related issues is a pretty big stain on this game. No excuse for poor optimization on a delayed PC exclusive, of course, but as a fan of the GOTY deliberations this already feels like a "Ehh *shrug* I wasn't really ready for more XCOM anyway" discussion come December of this year, which I think is unfair since the gameplay is just that much better to feel like a sequel without feeling like more of the same. This was never going to win GOTY 2016, but now it might be one of the last games cut from a "Most Improved" category at best.

But my personal top 10 list already has a spot for this carved out, so that's all that matters, I suppose.

It might seem unfair, but it's also a scenario you totally made up.

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Wow 3 stars out of 5 is ABSOLUTE HOMICIDE OMG

All jokes aside though it sucks to hear that you had so many technical problems and it makes sense that those would bring the score down.

As someone who played the previous game + expansion on console and loved my experience with those games, it was disappointing to hear that this was going to be PC only (mainly because my PC is a bit behind the times). However I am considering building a PC at some point this year and going all out with the best of the best components; maybe by then the game will be running smoothly and I can have the most optimal XCOM experience.

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Edited By AMyggen

Fair review in my book.

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I do wonder if the difficulty fetishism that's arisen in the last five years or so is starting to have a negative impact on some games. I like a challenge and finished the previous X-COM feeling that it was difficult but fair. But I wasn't looking for it to step up several rungs on the difficulty curve or force multiple restarts before you figure out a winning strategy on the normal difficulty. Hearing this game is significantly more difficult kills any interest I had (combined with the PC-only limitations and the myriad technical issues).

This is especially the case having finally played Invisible, Inc., which had an amazing difficulty curve and settings complete with built-in rewinds and mission restarts, along with much shorter game length so you'd never be losing dozens of hours of gameplay even in the worst of circumstances. Having played that I almost feel like those options should be required for any strategy game of this sort, in addition to the standard higher difficulty Ironman options.

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Edited By Efesell

@evohero: GOTY talk in February huh. Sure, alright.

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Edited By therealminime

While I didn't encounter any game breaking bugs and think it's probably more like a 4/5 for me I gotta agree at how frustrating and disappointing the edges of it are. Even on a very powerful system the framerate is a total mess (my game drops to 7fps when throwing a flashbang). And the general jank sucks. It's crazy that a PC only, delayed game has so many weird little things. Never had the game break, but the long, long pauses on occasion while the game thinks, or the bad cameras, or the animations stopping, etc. really got in the way. Glad I didn't encounter as many issues but it's a real bummer at times. Love the game though. I look forward to trying it on Veteran in a bit once it's patched. Beat it on easy after getting walloped on Veteran.

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Wow, really nice to see this not getting a rubber stamp here like it is everywhere else. It's odd and somewhat disconcerting to watch how gamers and game journalists pick one title to love despite its technical flaws and one title to hate solely due to its technical flaws (however minor they might actually be). PC gamers especially are normally the ones running for pitchforks immediately at the smallest technical flaw. I can only imagine what would have happened if this game had been cross platform and the PC port was released in this state.

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@ferenz said:

Wow, really nice to see this not getting a rubber stamp here like it is everywhere else. It's odd and somewhat disconcerting to watch how gamers and game journalists pick one title to love despite its technical flaws and one title to hate solely due to its technical flaws (however minor they might actually be). PC gamers especially are normally the ones running for pitchforks immediately at the smallest technical flaw. I can only imagine what would have happened if this game had been cross platform and the PC port was released in this state.

If you read the thread, not everyone experienced them. Reviews are just the summation of the reviewers experience.

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Savage af

but yeah the performances and ui stuff can be pretty brutal. these issues stack a layer of stress on the game that the game doesnt need any more of.

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Fair review, this game has a ton of issues.