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    Star Wars Battlefront

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Nov 17, 2015

    Large-scale infantry Star Wars battles return in this reboot of the Star Wars: Battlefront series (from the studio behind the Battlefield series).

    Is the new Star Wars Battlefront 2015 worth playing?

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    #1  Edited By CallMeTitus

    I played the originals, 1 and 2. I played Battlefront 2 online a long while ago, online multiplayer apparently is still alive, surprisingly, you can download gameranger and play online, not kidding. Anyhow, is the new Star Wars Battlefront even worth playing? I heard it wasn't like Battlefront 2, like it doesn't have space battles, not as many maps as Battlefront 2, no clone wars era, no conquest or galactic conquest, etc. But is it still worth playing? Explain well if you can, this is just a discussion. Anyhow, I'm new to giant-bomb, just my second post guys ;)

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, I played the beta (a little bit of it), so idk if it makes a difference to play the game now since it's completed and released. The beta was OK or MEH, but it was still fun at the time, didn't get the chance to play more.

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    Nah. It looks and sounds incredible but the gameplay is super shallow and incredibly boring. There isn't much variety either.

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    If you can consider it separately from the Battlefront franchise it is a fine Battlefield-esque Star Wars game. DICE did what they usually do and made one of the best sounding (and looking) Star Wars games to date that really apes the visual and audio styles of the films perfectly. In terms of gameplay, it's a pretty average shooter hamstrung by boring laser weapons that are all too similar and only vaguely improved by the addition of hero characters.

    If you go into it expecting it to be anything like Battlefront 2 (my only point of reference here) you will be heavily disappointed though. Getting vehicles (and heroes) as power ups instead of getting in to them, no space battles, and the departure from the Hunt multiplayer mode from 2 (which I felt encapsulated the spirit of Battlefront) are all steps backwards.

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    It's not like the original Battlefronts at all except for the fact that you can go 3rd person. It's really cool for the first few hours because it's beautiful and it looks and sounds like Star Wars but then you realize that there's not much content in the game. If you do get it, I wouldn't even bother with the season pass if you're looking for more content because I doubt a lot of people bought any DLC for that game so you're not going to find any games with those maps.

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    I had fun with my friends but it was a pretty limited experience. Have they not added a ton of maps and modes at this point though? If you can get a big ole collection that doesn't cost more than $60 maybe it'll be worth it, I dunno.

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    #6  Edited By CallMeTitus

    @sfw44: See that's the thing that bothers me the most, is extra content worth it from the season pass? Also does it improve the game in a way? I highly doubt it. 3rd person is cool, always liked it in the original battlefronts.

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    I don't know what the player counts or community is like at this point but personally I had a good time with it over last Christmas break. It looks gorgeous and it's a good actiony Star Wars experience. It doesn't have the depth you can find in other FPS titles but if you can pick it up at a good price and just want hop on the Star Wars nostalgia train for a bit it will certainly do the trick. I think the hero characters are a little wonky and distracting but the first time you trip an AT-AT with a snowspeeder is pretty awesome.

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    #8  Edited By DharmaBum

    Yeah, if you go into it knowing it's not a direct follow-up to those original Pandemic games in terms of gameplay depth, then there's a good time to be had I'd say. It's fairly mindless pew-pew shooting and plenty of cheap instant deaths, but I've treated it like a casual laid-back shooter with an impressive coat of Star Wars paint and have enjoyed the hell out of it playing with friends.

    Edit: I think the season pass (4 expansions) is worth it if you can find it on sale on console. Bespin and Death Star were some of my favorite maps/modes. The most recent Rogue One tie-in level feels like something they lazily farted out however.

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    #9  Edited By hermes

    No... stay away from it.

    The game is multiplayer only, and its community was dead in the water a couple months after release. I tried to play in February, but couldn't get more than a couple matches at the time and only in a handful of modes.

    The game is also region locked and there is no way to change the region, so my experience can be different than yours, but I would not recommend it even if the online wasn't a wasteland.

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    #10  Edited By Zirilius

    Yeah, if you go into it knowing it's not a direct follow-up to those original Pandemic games in terms of gameplay depth, then there's a good time to be had I'd say. It's fairly mindless pew-pew shooting and plenty of cheap instant deaths, but I've treated it like a casual laid-back shooter with an impressive coat of Star Wars paint and have enjoyed the hell out of it playing with friends.

    Edit: I think the season pass (4 expansions) is worth it if you can find it on sale on console. Bespin and Death Star were some of my favorite maps/modes. The most recent Rogue One tie-in level feels like something they lazily farted out however.

    Just buy the Ultimate edition that just came out in November. 40 bucks and includes all DLC. Cheaper than buying the core game and season pass which still retails for 50 bucks when not on sale.

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    #11  Edited By Brackstone

    I was going to post this exact same topic with the exact same beta impressions. Okay, but nothing special and kind of boring.

    The main reason I'm considering it is A) Playerbase will see a jump from Christmas and the new Star Wars Movie and B) you'll probably find the ultimate edition of the game with all the dlc for around $25 bucks this time of year.

    Quick Edit: I looked at playerbase numbers, xbox and ps4 hover between a decent 20,000 and 30,000, PC seems pretty close to dead.

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    If you're a die hard Star Wars fan maybe. If you liked the original Battlefront games and want a new one of those stay far away. I played for a couple weeks before getting bored and just longing for the old games. I have a friend who still plays regularly on PS4 and he said the map packs have splintered the community to the point that it's very hard to consistently find games in some modes without them.

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    It's really shallow. No recoil, no real spread, just point and shoot and getting killed by things you can barely counter (kinda fun to use those the first time around, but pretty boring after that). Maps are flat without any real design behind it.

    It's not like the older games and it isn't a Star Wars skin for Battlefield.

    You can try it for four hours on the PC btw if you haven't done that already.

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    I Battlefront it's on sale now for 10 bucks, which is probably the right price for the game. It's fun enough to spend a few hours with swimming in nostalgia, but the gameplay reveals itself to be pretty thin after a few hours.

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    Oh yeah isn't this an EA / Origin Access title? That might be the best way to dip your toes in.

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    #16  Edited By paulmako

    I picked it up for like $17 on sale for PS4.

    Apparently they patched in an offline split-screen skirmish mode (only on consoles) so that was enough for me to get it to play it with my brother over Christmas.

    I want some low stakes local co-op so I think it should fit the bill. It's cheap enough that I don't need depth.

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    #17  Edited By BladeOfCreation

    I'm a huge Star Wars fan. My brother and I played Battlefront 2 together on the PS2 and loved it. I bought this Battlefront game last year when I got my PS4, and I haven't touched it since last year when I did a bit of couch co-op and a handful of online games. I thought I would love it, but it felt shallow to me. I bought it for full price and in retrospect, it wasn't worth it.

    I think it's on sale now, and it's super cheap, so I would say if you have someone to consistently play with locally (and you're both big Star Wars fans), pick it up. But I have no idea how active the online community still is.

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    The irony of designing a game for the broadest possible player base ultimately losing them said player base in record time is too sweet. Fuck Battlefront. They had a simple job to do- reskin the formula that they at least know works with Star Wars. Instead they made a game so shallow that lab mice could play it.

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    #19  Edited By kindgineer

    Just bought it on the sale so we'll see! Hoping the online is at least somewhat active.

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