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A Look at Civilization V: Gods & Kings

Firaxis' full-on expansion to its 2010 strategy game brings about religion, espionage, and...airships?

Generally speaking, preview builds of games are not meant to be played for long stretches of time. They're unfinished code, and often don't have all the pieces in place, meaning it can be difficult to even progress, let alone have much fun. Normally, my rule is to not spend more than a few hours, at absolute most, with preview games, especially if it's a game I'm excited to play when it eventually hits retail, since I don't necessarily want to see too much before it's done.

As with all rules, there are exceptions. In my case, apparently those exceptions involve anything with the words "Civilization V" in the title.

Gods & Kings most certainly has those two things, but it's got a lot more than that, too.
Gods & Kings most certainly has those two things, but it's got a lot more than that, too.

Gods & Kings is Firaxis' full-fledged expansion to the hit 2010 strategy game, which hits stores next month. I don't know why Firaxis chose to create an expansion and release it nearly two years after the original hit shelves, and I don't especially care, either. I've been far too busy sinking way too many hours into this thing over the last week to worry about the hows and whys of it all. After 16 hours of playing Gods & Kings, frankly, I'm just glad it exists at all.

Having not really played much Civ V since it ate up most of my winter 2010, it was disturbing to me how easily I fell back down this terribly time-consuming rabbit hole. Firaxis has been sporadically supporting the game via various DLC packs over the last couple of years, but Gods & Kings is the first major functional addition to the game since its release. That new functionality comes in the form of espionage and religion, two things that slide so easily into the old Civ V gameplay, you'll be amazed they weren't there all along.

Religion is by far the biggest change, overall. As with all things in Civ V, religion is simply a tool you, the master of your particular civilization, can use to help expand, evolve, and conquer. You use faith as you would culture or gold. It's a resource you accumulate by building religious structures and a variety of other things as the game goes along.

Initially you'll just found a pantheon, which is a non-specific religion that provides you a single benefit of your choosing, ranging from additional gold via tithing to rapid expansion via "religious settlements" (which are not actually a buildable unit, but rather a rapidity increase to your existing border expansion rate). Over time, as you accumulate more and more faith, eventually a religious prophet unit will appear in your main city. Like the great artists, engineers and the like, you can use this unit in a variety of ways, though the first time, you'll probably want to use him to found your religion.

You can choose from several different religions, from Christianity to Sikhism, though in truth, the religions have nothing to do with the real life ones. Christianity, for instance, doesn't suddenly earn you a Crusade army. The names are just there for familiarity's sake, and you can even rename your religion, if you like.

Religion is no more complicated than any of the other strategic elements in Civ V. It's just way more sacrilegious. In a fun way, of course.
Religion is no more complicated than any of the other strategic elements in Civ V. It's just way more sacrilegious. In a fun way, of course.

Founding a religion provides multiple new boosts to whatever categories you're looking to focus on. Again, the options run the gamut from resource building to increased conversion rates. Yes, you can use your prophets, when they appear, to help convert other cities and city states to your particular faith. Depending on your friendliness with the cities in question, this can either be viewed as an act of friendship, or an act of war. Bringing religious followers to city states can help keep them under your wing, while doing so to other major civilizations tends to come with more dire consequences.

As is generally the case in recorded history, forcibly converting citizens of another civilization tends to lead to unhappiness from the leader of that civilization. Fortunately, there are other ways to deal with those pesky rival Civs besides religion bombing them.

One such method would be the newly-designed espionage system. You don't get espionage until a good chunk of the way through a given game, but once you do you'll be afforded spies. Spies are not on-the-board units. Instead, they're largely dealt with via a menu on the main game screen. Going to this screen allows you to move spies between cities you've made contact with in order to learn things like which leader is plotting against which other leader, who is building what, and what technologies are being developed elsewhere. If your spy happens upon a tech that you don't have, you can steal it from your rival.

This, of course, does come with a few caveats. Spies can be caught, and when they are, they die. This also damages diplomatic relations with the rival you're spying on, which may or not even matter in the end, but could be a prelude to war. Also, rivals can spy on you as well. You can build police stations and assign spies to your own city to provide counter intelligence, but odds are at least one or two things will slip through your fingers over time.

These two systems add a nice chunk of additional strategy to the already content-rich gameplay systems of Civ V. They don't completely alter the structure of the game, but rather simply provide new road maps to victory using the same types of strategies one would use in the original game.

There's more here, too. Gods & Kings also comes with nine new civilizations (including Sweden, The Netherlands, and The Celts, among others), a gaggle of new units, and some new scenarios to play through. Including one especially strange one. While just about everything in the Civilization series has had its roots in some whimsical version of our world history and reality, the new Empires of the Smokey Skies scenario is pure steampunk fantasy.

Yup, steampunk. Airships, steam-powered tanks, old white guys with mechanical monocles, the whole nine yards. You play the game as you would any other scenario, but every unit is newly built to fit a steampunk aesthetic. Even the tech tree is wholly its own, allowing you to research everything from galvanomagnetism to the more nebulous concept of "The Great Idea" (which is pretty much just a culture boost).

Did Civilization V really need a steampunk mode? Based on the fact that now you can build military grade blimps, yes. Yes it did.
Did Civilization V really need a steampunk mode? Based on the fact that now you can build military grade blimps, yes. Yes it did.

Like other scenarios, this one features its own set of win conditions. Specifically, you have to capture and hold at least three of five different titles. These titles include greatest wealth, highest producing city, number of policies enacted, number of state-of-the-art units built, and the number of great buildings owned. You have to hold those titles for at least five turns, and once you do, you're the King of Steampunk Land.

The whole thing feels like an extremely elaborate mod, but it's also kind of great. It has a whole other feel to it from the rest of the game that I frankly kind of wish could cross over into the main one. I don't know why, but the idea of commanding an army of steam-powered dirigibles as the lord of the Aztecs just sounds awesome to me.

Look, I realize that as great as all this sounds, it's still an expansion to a game that you likely put down in favor of other things long ago. If you didn't, you wouldn't even need this preview, because you've probably already pre-ordered it. For those who did put aside Civ V some time ago, all I can say is that Gods & Kings is as valid a reason to pick the game back up again as you're likely to ever get. The game itself as as fun as ever, and the new additions feel significant enough to justify not just releasing them as piecemeal DLC. I can't say I'm exactly happy about the fact that Gods & Kings has given me the Civ shakes all over again, but considering I've been having a lot of fun playing through it, I guess I can't complain too hard.

I'll remind myself of that the next time I'm sitting bleary-eyed in my boxers at 3am desperately trying to muster enough coherent thought to decide on my next policy upgrade while my girlfriend is screaming at me to come to bed.

Alex Navarro on Google+


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Edited By BisonHero

@Alex said:

@Divina_Rex: To be honest, I didn't really get a great sense of how different the combat was in the one game from the other. I actually played original Civ and the expansion back-to-back a couple of times, and combat didn't feel radically different to me. I know the developers have talked up this new combat system, but just me personally, I had a hard time differentiating.

I'm guessing the big difference is that if you're outclassed by technology, there will be an even greater difference. Before, on the ten point scale, if a tank attacked a spearmen unit, the tank would obviously instantly kill it, but the spearmen unit would somehow take off 10% of the tank's health (leaving the tank at 9/10 HP). I'm assuming that under the new system, that same spearmen unit would do significantly less damage than 10% of the tank's total health.

But yeah, when units from roughly comparable eras clash, I imagine the new combat system is probably going to function almost exactly the same.

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Edited By BisonHero

@Crispy said:

I would have never, in a million years, pegged Alex for a Civ guy.

Well, if you'll recall fall 2010, Ryan was also a Civ guy (or at least a Civ V guy), possibly because Civ V tried so hard to be approachable to players who hadn't played the series for a while. I'm willing to bet Ryan wasn't any good at it, because when the hell else does he ever play strategy games, but even he was interested in it.

Civ seems to transcend genre preferences, especially since it's fully turn-based, and doesn't tax your multitasking/reflexes like Starcraft II or the battles in Total War.

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Edited By thatfrood
That new functionality comes in the form of espionage and religion, two things that slide so easily into the old Civ V gameplay, you'll be amazed they weren't there all along.

This is a really funny sentence.

I don't know, there are still other issues I have with Civ V, but this is definitely a big step in the right direction.

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I really really do not enjoy Navarro's writing.

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Edited By vinsanityv22

I'm no fan of Civ, but if it'll bring about another great Dave and Vinny Quick Look, I'm all for it! That's all I care about :)

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Military-grade blimps? Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

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Edited By MrKlorox

Nice. Too bad the game didn't ship with some of these features, like previous Civ games. At least they're adding mechanics instead of merely more civs and units.

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I completely coincidentally got dug into Civ 5 again about a week ago, then heard about this expansion.


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Probably not the best idea to label your previews "A Look At" considering the focus the site has on Quick Looks. Kinda confusing; the messaging could be clearer, more distinct.

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Edited By Zeg

@FollowSmoke said:

This should've been in the original Civ5 build. It's the exact same stuff Civ4:BTS had. They stripped it away for Civ5 and are re-selling it.

Exactly. I wasn't "amazed they weren't there all along" as before Civ5 even came out we knew they weren't and that pretty much the same thing happened to Civ4. Maybe the more amazing thing is that its taken this long for them to make this expansion.

The only reason I ended up with the full round of Civ4 expansions was because of a Steam sale, so maybe I'll play this in a couple more years or something...

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Edited By Erdrickgr

I don't really understand the comments saying that it's strange for this to come out in 2012 when the original game was in 2010. The Civ franchise doesn't come out with a new game every 2 to 3 years, and it certainly doesn't churn out roster-update games every year. We only get a new Civ game every 4-5 years, so it makes perfect sense to try to space the additional content further apart than most games do.

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All the concepts from Civ4 without the "Stack of Doom" crap. Yay!

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Edited By RVonE

@Erdrickgr said:

I don't really understand the comments saying that it's strange for this to come out in 2012 when the original game was in 2010. The Civ franchise doesn't come out with a new game every 2 to 3 years, and it certainly doesn't churn out roster-update games every year. We only get a new Civ game every 4-5 years, so it makes perfect sense to try to space the additional content further apart than most games do.

Absolutely. The difference with last Civ cycle is perhaps that those expansions came once a year (or so) while this time we had to wait two years for a product update. It makes me wonder how far out Civ VI still is.