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E3 Needs to Grow Up

Despite a growing call for change, the organizers of E3 have no plans to address the booth babe issue at the industry's biggest show.

I'm sure these women are well versed in the talking points for Namco Bandai's upcoming fighting game.
I'm sure these women are well versed in the talking points for Namco Bandai's upcoming fighting game.

There’s been no shortage of discussion about women and video games this past week.

The conversation’s been driven by the gross response to Anita Sarkeesian’s nearly finished Kickstarter about the unfortunate and exclusionary tropes of female video game characters, and the quickly scrutinized comments from a producer on Tomb Raider about a potential rape scene (a description the studio has walked back) in the new game.

These are all good, uncomfortable conversations to have, but if we're talking about the depiction of women in games at such a serious level, how do we still have E3 booth babes? Other than for easy hits in web galleries, anyway.

The commonly referred to booth babe (also known as a "woman") is hired solely to wear skimpy clothing with a game or company’s logo and take photographs with attendees (who does that, by the way?). Typically, they are not well versed in the product they are hired to represent.

It seemed like a good time to check in with the Entertainment Software Association, who manages E3.

Despite some of the recent heated conversation, there are no plans to shift E3 policies.

"Exhibitors determine for themselves what is the best representation for their companies. Models are welcome if companies would like to have them, but that's an individual exhibitor decision,” said ESA VP of media relations and event management Dan Hewitt in an emailed statement to me yesterday.

Ghost Recon Commander designer Brenda Brathwaite sparked a vocal debate on Twitter over booth babes before she headed to the E3 show floor last Thursday.

“I dread heading off to work at E3 today,” she said. “The show is a constant assault on the female self esteem no matter which direction I look. I am in good shape, yet it is impossible not to compare. I feel uncomfortable. It is as if I walked into a strip club w/o intending to. These are the policies of @e3expo and @RichatESA. I feel uncomfortable in an industry I helped found.”

Her comments found plenty of support, such as Inside Network managing editor AJ Glasser.

@br The worst is when I get so good at seeing right through it that I forget they're actually women underneath the barely-there clothes.

— AJ Glasser (@Joygirl007) June 7, 2012

It’s not a new critique, but it was louder this year, and there seems to be a growing desire for change.

There was also the usual “what’s the big deal?” responses, including 3D Realms co-founder George Broussard.

@br I think you/others take it too seriously. It's not some academic event. It's a glitz show full of spectacle. #serious_business

— George Broussard (@georgeb3dr) June 7, 2012

It’s been a few years, but the ESA policy on booth babes has changed from E3's inception. The last major shift came in 2006, as new penalties, fines and policies were introduced regarding women featured in E3 exhibits.

"What's new in 2006 is an update and clarification of the enforcement policies; as we do from time to time, we have taken steps to ensure that exhibitors are familiar with the policy and how it will be enforced," said E3 show director Mary Dolaher to Reuters at the time.

A violation of the clothing policy would result in, at first, a warning, and then a $5,000 fine. Here’s what the handbook from 2006 said to exhibitors considering booth babes--er, sorry, live models:

"Material, including live models, conduct that is sexually explicit and/or sexually provocative, including but not limited to nudity, partial nudity and bathing suit bottoms, are prohibited on the show floor, all common areas, and at any access points to the show."

Hewitt told me there have been no changes to ESA policy since 2006.

Maybe there should be. Consider this anecdote that didn’t even take place on the show floor itself.

This was one of the first results the search term
This was one of the first results the search term "Devil May Cry strippers" gave me, sorry.

We arrived to our Capcom appointment, I plunked down with Lost Planet 3, and Alex Navarro was ushered over to play Devil May Cry. In a room of kiosks, there were pole dancers. It’s unclear what that has to do with Devil May Cry. The girl hired to skimpily waltz around was sitting on the floor, looking bored. Everyone in the room is focused on playing the game, and Alex wasn't playing Devil May Cry in a see-through bubble. No one on the show floor could see this room. Can someone explain how this helps anyone do their job?

Elsewhere, I refused to play any 3DS games at Nintendo’s booth because the company didn’t have a table with machines, and instead tethered its lineup to attractive women. I let that gimmick slide when Nintendo pulled the same trick at the original 3DS unveiling, but I’ll just wait until those games are out now, thanks.

Nintendo probably thought it was a cute idea. I doubt (and this is my sincere hope) Nintendo meant to undermine the credibility of women at gaming’s biggest show. It's still ignorance. Many of the issues regarding women and E3 aren’t overtly offensive, and can be easily rationalized by those who don’t see a problem.

That’s okay--we should have a debate about it.

And this is all hardly an issue that’s exclusive to games. The same week as E3, the Computex Summit was happening in Taipei, and computer manufacturer ASUS sent out the following tweet:

No Caption Provided

That tweet has since been deleted and ASUS released an apology, obviously.

I can gripe all I want, but the most effective solution has to come from the ESA itself. Only the ESA can enforce regulations on exhibitors, and let them know this archaic marketing tool needs to go away. If games are growing up, so does the way we go about advertising them in front of, ostensibly, a bunch of professional. This isn’t 1994.

PAX figured this out years ago, even if there have been incidents along the way (i.e. Lollipop Chainsaw at PAX East).

“Our definition of a ‘booth babe’ has been a model (male or female) that has been hired to stand/sit in skimpy clothing to market the product,” said Penny Arcade president of business development in 2010. “If that person knows the product inside and out then it’s less of an issue. A company representative that can interact with attendees in a way that provides value as opposed to ‘hey stare at my body’ is something that we encourage whether or not that representative is physically attractive or not.”

If E3 is supposed to represent the industry’s best, why can’t it figure out how to respect its own attendees?

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By l4wd0g

Isn't saying someone can't be who they are because it's sexist, really sexist? They just don't fit your empowered female model.

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Edited By Bocam

I honestly can't bring myself to care about ether side of the argument.

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I think this is something we'll miss if it goes away and something that could cause a complete cleansing of the show floor. Does the sex aspect of E3 get out of hand? Yes. But the booth babes can be fun. Companies like Capcom shouldn't have pole dancing in their demo rooms though.

Everyone's trying to sit on their high horse, but the babes can be fun and attract people to the games in a cool way. I think people forget that gaming is a largely "male" passtime/hobby and as soon as something like this is brought up it can cause quite a stir. Who am I to say I guess. If everyone's sick of it, why not get rid of them. I just find the idea entertaining and not because i objectify women.

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Edited By Seppli

The booth babe is a left-over of the days (presumably past), where showing big corporate customers (respectively their taste-makers) a good time, was how business was being done.
What Patrick wants is more of a 'growing out of', rather than actually 'growing up'. Grown up red blooded men would want E3 to happen in a mall-sized brothel, and instead of stupid expensive booths and booth babes, there'd be a free-for-all whore-a-thon of Roman proportions.
I'd be down with that, if I was invited. Think about it!

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Edited By viewtifulchloe

I hope this doesn't get lost under a torrent of "ITS NOT A BIG DEAL JEEZ" and "WELL THEY WERENT FORCED TO DO IT", but I really want to thank you for this, Patrick. My fiance is really into gaming as well but she is put off by a lot of sexist bullshit (Miranda's ass CONSTANTLY IN YOUR FACE, rape threats to Catwoman, etc) and she can't even game online for fear of harassment. I'm hoping this is another step forward to getting gamer culture a step forward and hopefully getting gamers to tackle the larger societal issues that cause these sort of things in the first place. So really, I thank you Patrick, and I hope more gaming journalist fall in line with these sorts of progressive ideals.

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Edited By Rawson

@TyCobb said:

@Rawson said:

@TyCobb said:

@Rawson said:

Patrick, one of the first parties needed to make E3 "grow up" are game journalists themselves.


Also, the glad handing. Yes, you touch on the DMC stripper, but there's also the issue of backstage demos giving out things like food and beer. That's a bribe, plain and simple, and violates basic journalistic ethics.

It's called perks. Grow up. Just because stuff like that goes on it does not mean it interferes with a journalists integrity. Especially at conventions like these. It's a different story if the company does all this and then tells you to write a review before you leave. Watch some of the quick looks or Jeff's Jar videos -- he sometimes mentions that he goes out of his way to purchase a game for this exact reason.

No other (respectable) journalist is allowed to do so. From the Society of Professional Journalists:

"— Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and shun secondary employment, political involvement, public office and service in community organizations if they compromise journalistic integrity."

Claiming that you're magically incapable of being corrupted is foolish, and ignores basic human nature. Any nice favor like that will color one's reactions.


Don't be sad because you didn't get to hang out with all the girls at E3 because you are too proud. This is a video game site ran by Average Joes which is pretty much EVERY video game site. E3 is a convention for crying out loud. It's there to have fun and see games. Even with all the perks that go on, this site is pretty damn good by keeping things unbiased. Perhaps you don't know the history of Jeff and Gamespot. If that's not proof enough I don't know what is.

You're projecting your own frustrations onto me. I wasn't attacking anyone on this site. The only site I specifically mentioned was for Destructoid. I'm just trying to say that the kind of obvious bribes and behavior of certain sites reflects poorly on us all, and if you want E3 to start growing up, you need to stop the blatant glad handing and cull the creepers.

Edit: If you want games "journalists" to actually be treated like journalists, and want games to be taken seriously, there needs to be some basic ethics in place.

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Edited By TyCobb

@bko said:

@Rawson said:

Patrick, one of the first parties needed to make E3 "grow up" are game journalists themselves.

When Destructoid gets to literally go around "chest bumping" booth babes, something's incredibly wrong. Frankly, it makes me embarassed to even like video games when garbage like that is allowed to occur without industry-wide ostracizing.

Also, the glad handing. Yes, you touch on the DMC stripper, but there's also the issue of backstage demos giving out things like food and beer. That's a bribe, plain and simple, and violates basic journalistic ethics.

Games press in general is way too chummy with the industry it covers. For all the fanboy conspiracy theory-mongering that goes on in the comments of reviews because one game gets a 9.4 and the other gets a 9.2, I'm surprised people aren't more bothered by this.

Because it's personal preference based on the reviewer who is reviewing it? It would be much different if it was 5 reviewers all reviewing the same game and then having a base score on that. There used to be a magazine that did that, but I forget its name as it has been like 12 years since I purchased a magazine. I love Battlefield, but don't care much about Modern Warfare so it probably wouldn't be a shock if my battlefield review was a little bit better than a Modern Warfare review I had to do. Also, I don't review and all this hypothetical.

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Edited By AnjinM

Unfortunately, I think that booth babes are just one manifestation of an anti-female sentiment pervasive in gaming.

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Edited By kpaadet

@YukoAsho said:

Hey guys! Remember after E3 2006, when the industry decided it would be better to make a smaller, more business oriented show? Remember how journalists just loved it and no one complained about how soulless it had become?

Yeah. The people at fault are the god damned journalists who protested the loss of their precious fucking spectacle.

Thank you! The people that can actually do something about this are the game "journalists" as they are the ones that provide the coverage. But I guess they're too drunk or to busy making booth babe montages to care.

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Edited By mnzy
@YukoAsho said:

Hey guys! Remember after E3 2006, when the industry decided it would be better to make a smaller, more business oriented show? Remember how journalists just loved it and no one complained about how soulless it had become?

Yeah. The people at fault are the god damned journalists who protested the loss of their precious fucking spectacle.

That's what I was thinking. 
We already had that E3, people (journalists, too) didn't like it.
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Edited By Dagbiker

@kpaadet said:

@YukoAsho said:

Hey guys! Remember after E3 2006, when the industry decided it would be better to make a smaller, more business oriented show? Remember how journalists just loved it and no one complained about how soulless it had become?

Yeah. The people at fault are the god damned journalists who protested the loss of their precious fucking spectacle.

Thank you! The people that can actually do something about this is the game "journalists" as they are the ones that provide the coverage. But I guess they're too drunk or to busy making booth babes montages to care.

Yah, you have a point. ESA tryed to do something about the show.

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Edited By randomatom

Booth babes are a tactic best left for boat shows and car conventions. If games want to rise above the stereotypes here is a good place to start.

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Edited By TheKing

@YukoAsho said:

Hey guys! Remember after E3 2006, when the industry decided it would be better to make a smaller, more business oriented show? Remember how journalists just loved it and no one complained about how soulless it had become?

Yeah. The people at fault are the god damned journalists who protested the loss of their precious fucking spectacle.

Someone finally gets it.

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Edited By AngelN7

This isn't gonna stop right? I think I'm done with videogame!... media so cash in quickly into the sexism headlines before everybody forgets about the Tomb Raider/Hitman stuff and then don't talk about this issue again because that's what you've been doing, last E3 wasn't like that right? oh yeah it was but no one said anything because the sexism stuff just blew up a few days ago.

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Edited By Rawson

@TyCobb said:

@bko said:

@Rawson said:

Patrick, one of the first parties needed to make E3 "grow up" are game journalists themselves.

When Destructoid gets to literally go around "chest bumping" booth babes, something's incredibly wrong. Frankly, it makes me embarassed to even like video games when garbage like that is allowed to occur without industry-wide ostracizing.

Also, the glad handing. Yes, you touch on the DMC stripper, but there's also the issue of backstage demos giving out things like food and beer. That's a bribe, plain and simple, and violates basic journalistic ethics.

Games press in general is way too chummy with the industry it covers. For all the fanboy conspiracy theory-mongering that goes on in the comments of reviews because one game gets a 9.4 and the other gets a 9.2, I'm surprised people aren't more bothered by this.

Because it's personal preference based on the reviewer who is reviewing it? It would be much different if it was 5 reviewers all reviewing the same game and then having a base score on that. There used to be a magazine that did that, but I forget its name as it has been like 12 years since I purchased a magazine. I love Battlefield, but don't care much about Modern Warfare so it probably wouldn't be a shock if my battlefield review was a little bit better than a Modern Warfare review I had to do. Also, I don't review and all this hypothetical.

You didn't understand what he was saying.

He said that, despite all the "9.5 paid review" cries you hear from fanboys, you don't hear much about the glad handing that I mentioned, which is a pretty serious issue.

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Edited By alwaysbeclothing

Hey, they were available there to hold the camera and take a picture of Ryan Davis and someone else! That's kind of a valuable service, I'm sure it happens all the time and not that one isolated case in the entire history of the show.

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Edited By vortextk

Biologically speaking women are sex objects. Until the male brain is wired differently or we're all gay looking at half naked nathan drake cosplayers they will be objectified in all media for all time, obviously not ALL portrayals will fit this. Not to say men are any different. If the genitalia of both sexes could come off and go at it to propagate our species on it's own, the rest of us really wouldn't be needed, since the only point there are the two sexes is so we could survive. Not to sound like the caveman scientist here, but I just don't give a flying fuck anymore.
Women buy a webcam, get their own site and then charge money to "objectify themselves" all the time. If you want to make fun of nintendo for being either sexist or plain out ignorant go ahead, I fully agree and laugh at the fact that they had ZERO 3ds stations. If you think during anyone's life time skin will stop being used to market anything and everything, I think you better not hold you breath.
When the fuck do I get to get on my soap box(more aimed at general women being displeased than patrick here) saying how I hate every damn male character has a 6 pack and benches 300lbs with the bulge the size of an elephant in his pants? Or how he is supposedly smart, rich, funny, has ladies falling over him and is the action movie star dream? Do men just care less and women are too catty, or is it that men are protective of women so as soon as they say something we all fall over in defense of them?

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Edited By CaLe

Why do guys always get the blame for women deciding to dress like sluts? We don't force women to do this shit.

They do it they own self.. and STILL you try to defend their shit. Stop putting women on the pedestal while they piss on you from the top, and get paid for it too.

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Edited By Yabbbicoke

Great article, Patrick is showing that just because you're a video game journalist doesn't mean you have to write mindless garbage. Compare something like this to one of IGN's "who's the hottest {blank] in [blank] of all time", which are always enlightening.

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Edited By Cloudenvy

@YukoAsho said:

Hey guys! Remember after E3 2006, when the industry decided it would be better to make a smaller, more business oriented show? Remember how journalists just loved it and no one complained about how soulless it had become?

Yeah. The people at fault are the god damned journalists who protested the loss of their precious fucking spectacle.

Yeah, good times.

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Edited By megalowho

I wish the industry was mature enough to tackle this stuff responsibly, but I just don't think it is. The 3DS tethering stuff might be the most distasteful, seems needlessly uncomfortable for all parties involved. Penny Arcade has it right - if you feel it's important to have girls around to attract people (guys) to your booth, they should at least be a representative of the company or have some meaningful insight on the product they're displaying.

All of these conversations popping up about the role of women in games, Tomb Raider, booth babes and ultraviolence as a core part of AAA experiences are healthy and I hope that as gamers continue to diversify and simply grow up, we'll drag along the sophomoric marketing and pandering along with us.

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Edited By buzz_killington

The whole notion is ridiculous. It's a free country. The organizers shouldn't have any input as to how people choose to advertize their products, as far as they're staying within legal boundaries. Consumers can choose to eliminate such behaviour, and they won't, because no one cares. This is a non-issue and people need to stop bringing it up.

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Edited By Turambar

I would be more willing to make comments on this subject if I didn't already know perfectly well this entire issue will be treated like a fad by video game sites at large, and cease speaking about it with such frequency in one months time, only revisiting it if some new controversy sparks up now and then.

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Edited By bko

@TyCobb said:

@bko said:

@Rawson said:

Patrick, one of the first parties needed to make E3 "grow up" are game journalists themselves.

When Destructoid gets to literally go around "chest bumping" booth babes, something's incredibly wrong. Frankly, it makes me embarassed to even like video games when garbage like that is allowed to occur without industry-wide ostracizing.

Also, the glad handing. Yes, you touch on the DMC stripper, but there's also the issue of backstage demos giving out things like food and beer. That's a bribe, plain and simple, and violates basic journalistic ethics.

Games press in general is way too chummy with the industry it covers. For all the fanboy conspiracy theory-mongering that goes on in the comments of reviews because one game gets a 9.4 and the other gets a 9.2, I'm surprised people aren't more bothered by this.

Because it's personal preference based on the reviewer who is reviewing it? It would be much different if it was 5 reviewers all reviewing the same game and then having a base score on that. There used to be a magazine that did that, but I forget its name as it has been like 12 years since I purchased a magazine. I love Battlefield, but don't care much about Modern Warfare so it probably wouldn't be a shock if my battlefield review was a little bit better than a Modern Warfare review I had to do. Also, I don't review and all this hypothetical.

You completely Scott Norwooded my point.

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@Azraden said:

I hope this doesn't get lost under a torrent of "ITS NOT A BIG DEAL JEEZ" and "WELL THEY WERENT FORCED TO DO IT", but I really want to thank you for this, Patrick. My fiance is really into gaming as well but she is put off by a lot of sexist bullshit (Miranda's ass CONSTANTLY IN YOUR FACE, rape threats to Catwoman, etc) and she can't even game online for fear of harassment. I'm hoping this is another step forward to getting gamer culture a step forward and hopefully getting gamers to tackle the larger societal issues that cause these sort of things in the first place. So really, I thank you Patrick, and I hope more gaming journalist fall in line with these sorts of progressive ideals.

How is this sexist? WTF do you think a scumbag criminal is going to do? Respect her?

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Edited By Cross


There's a difference between what you describe (which is basically sexy cosplay) and directly hiring people to use sex appeal to get a game attention. One's a character act and a show of pride. The other is just whoring and pandering.

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Edited By csl316

Auto shows have booth babes and that's been a thriving industry for over a century. It's a dumb practice, but it probably works enough for companies to justify keeping it around.

But modeling is a legitimate career and women can choose to go into it, remember. If you're in that line of work, I'm sure your aware that people will be focusing on your looks.

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Edited By darkdragonmage99

Yeah video games is a assault on male self esteem I mean I'm in good shape but it's impossible not to compare all those giant muscle bound meat heads and pretty boys.

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Edited By holycrapitsadam

I haven't been so I don't know how "in your face" they are with them but it looks like they aren't going away so you should just try to ignore them and don't give them any attention, then maybe the problem will fix itself

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Edited By viewtifulchloe

@Vortextk said:

Biologically speaking women are sex objects. Until the male brain is wired differently or we're all gay looking at half naked nathan drake cosplayers they will be objectified in all media for all time, obviously not ALL portrayals will fit this. Not to say men are any different. If the genitalia of both sexes could come off and go at it to propagate our species on it's own, the rest of us really wouldn't be needed, since the only point there are the two sexes is so we could survive. Not to sound like the caveman scientist here, but I just don't give a flying fuck anymore. Women buy a webcam, get their own site and then charge money to "objectify themselves" all the time. If you want to make fun of nintendo for being either sexist or plain out ignorant go ahead, I fully agree and laugh at the fact that they had ZERO 3ds stations. If you think during anyone's life time skin will stop being used to market anything and everything, I think you better not hold you breath. When the fuck do I get to get on my soap box(more aimed at general women being displeased than patrick here) saying how I hate every damn male character has a 6 pack and benches 300lbs with the bulge the size of an elephant in his pants? Or how he is supposedly smart, rich, funny, has ladies falling over him and is the action movie star dream? Do men just care less and women are too catty, or is it that men are protective of women so as soon as they say something we all fall over in defense of them?

Sorry bro you should have taken a right. This post is clearly meant for Reddit.

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A lot of growing needs to happen in the gaming industry, but the journo's are as much to blame as anyone else.

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Edited By Oni

Sorry, but this is kind of bullshit, right? I mean you attend E3, therefore you are part of the problem. No if's, no but's. If the booth babes get to you so much, don't go to E3 and write why you didn't. Not realistic, you say? Tough cookies. You're part of the enthusiast press, that's how it works. 99% of people writing about games aren't journalists. Patrick is one of the few exceptions and I respect his work, but it's simply not the norm: the press is a glorified mouthpiece for the industry, sure, with its own opinions, but that's the nature of the beast when it comes to enthusiast press.

I don't mean to say the rampant sexism in gaming, and the communities in particular, doesn't need to be addressed, but the booth babes are about the least of our worries when it comes to that. Look at cosplay galleries, there are thousands of women who dress up provocatively because they enjoy it. And these models surely know what they're getting into. Having the ESA issue some mandate that booth babes aren't allowed will not fix the issue, and it's the wrong way to go about it. Like I said, if the press were really serious about this specific thing (they're not, but it's a nice talking point and a way to say "we're not about that", which is well and good), they'd not go to E3. But the earth will freeze over and explode before that happens.

EDIT: And that ASUS tweet is fucking gross. How does that even happen?

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Edited By MindOST

The only solution is for there to be male booth babes! I know, I know; we'll need to think of a better name for them but the only solution to sexism is equal objectification for all.

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Edited By Turambar
@buzz_killington said:

The whole notion is ridiculous. It's a free country. The organizers shouldn't have any input as to how people choose to advertize their products, as far as they're staying within legal boundaries. Consumers can choose to eliminate such behaviour, and they won't, because no one cares. This is a non-issue and people need to stop bringing it up.

You realize that is not how the law works.  Companies renting a booth in the convention center agrees to the code of conduct set forth by the people that run it.  The ESA is well within their legal rights to force companies to dance to their tune at the convention just as a restaurant is well within its legal right to enforce a dress code.
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Edited By SmilingPig

Would it be more acceptable if it would be booth dudders:

No Caption Provided
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Edited By viewtifulchloe

@Manhattan_Project said:

@Azraden said:

I hope this doesn't get lost under a torrent of "ITS NOT A BIG DEAL JEEZ" and "WELL THEY WERENT FORCED TO DO IT", but I really want to thank you for this, Patrick. My fiance is really into gaming as well but she is put off by a lot of sexist bullshit (Miranda's ass CONSTANTLY IN YOUR FACE, rape threats to Catwoman, etc) and she can't even game online for fear of harassment. I'm hoping this is another step forward to getting gamer culture a step forward and hopefully getting gamers to tackle the larger societal issues that cause these sort of things in the first place. So really, I thank you Patrick, and I hope more gaming journalist fall in line with these sorts of progressive ideals.

How is this sexist? WTF do you think a scumbag criminal is going to do? Respect her?

This is a terrible defense and this argument is a tired one. Honestly it wouldn't have even been so bad if it was said once or twice but hearing it every goddamn couple of minutes during the Catwoman sections is dumb.

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Edited By OneManX

This... seems like a non-issue to me.

Like really not. Most people just tend to ignore them and if fanboys want to grab a pic, let them, it's what they want to do. You see them at Comic-Con and you never hear how Comics/Movies need to grow up and they have a ton of strong female characters and trashy ones as well. But in gaming... everyone is so squeamish.

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Edited By mnzy
@SmilingPig said:

Would it be more acceptable if it would be booth dudders:

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Play the game or get punched.
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Edited By wrighteous86

@darkdragonmage99 said:

Yeah video games is a assault on male self esteem I mean I'm in good shape but it's impossible not to compare all those giant muscle bound meat heads and pretty boys.

Same thing, you're right.

@HolyCrapItsAdam said:

I haven't been so I don't know how "in your face" they are with them but it looks like they aren't going away so you should just try to ignore them and don't give them any attention, then maybe the problem will fix itself

Yeah, that's the way the world works. Ignoring it makes things better!

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Edited By darkdragonmage99

@TyCobb yes and lobbists "donating millions of dollars to politicians campaigns have no impact on how they do their jobs these are not bribes because they don't directly ask them to do something for them.

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Edited By tourgen

oh boy here comes the tide of sniveling white knights screaming at each other about maturity in their hypersensitive PC echo chamber

Fuck, give it a rest. Or starch up your black-n-whites and show up to 2013 E3 in full puritan dress code. Thump on a bible every now and then and glare at people while you tell them how they should be thinking and living their lives.

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Edited By astrofunk

@Rohok said:

Just because some chicks are ugly and fat and don't like seeing pretty women working in the booths doesn't mean anything.

Eat right and work out, fatties, or you'll keep feeling like a sack of shit at E3.

@BPRJCTX said:

Hey, if bitches want to whore themselves around, why should i give a fuck?

I respect a girl that respects herself, all the rest of them bitches can go fuck themselves.

If i was alone, and i got the chance, i'd threat 'hem like the whores they want to be.

But, i got my lady with me, so...

I just don't give a fuck.

Uhhh... Cool posts, guys.

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Edited By SomeJerk

The Capcom strippers were the worst thing, not in an objectifying women way, but being fucking retarded.
On the other hand, that's Capcom in a nutshell.

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Edited By Spoonman671
@SmilingPig said:

Would it be more acceptable if it would be booth dudders:

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Aw, man!  I want to be a booth Duder!
Also, now you guys have to look at this picture again.
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Edited By deathbyyeti

Hey look another e3, another article that e3 needs to "grow up"

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Edited By megalowho

@Oni said:

Sorry, but this is kind of bullshit, right? I mean you attend E3, therefore you are part of the problem. No if's, no but's. If the booth babes get to you so much, don't go to E3 and write why you didn't. Not realistic, you say? Tough cookies. You're part of the enthusiast press, that's how it works. 99% of people writing about games aren't journalists. Patrick is one of the few exceptions and I respect his work, but it's simply not the norm: the press is a glorified mouthpiece for the industry, sure, with its own opinions, but that's the nature of the beast when it comes to enthusiast press.

And what if you're a woman working on a game who feels uncomfortable at the show as it's currently constructed? Is it tough cookies, just stay home for them as well?

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Edited By Snipzor

@Spoonman671 said:

@SmilingPig said:

Would it be more acceptable if it would be booth dudders:

No Caption Provided
Aw, man! I want to be a booth Duder! Also, now you guys have to look at this picture again.

As dumb as this is, I... can't... look... away...

@tourgen said:

oh boy here comes the tide of sniveling white knights screaming at each other about maturity in their hypersensitive PC echo chamber

Fuck, give it a rest. Or starch up your black-n-whites and show up to 2013 E3 in full puritan dress code. Thump on a bible every now and then and glare at people while you tell them how they should be thinking and living their lives.

Oh boy, here come the snarling overcompensating anti-PC people who, oh wait they're already here. Seriously, anyone who immediately calls the person just bringing this topic up politically correct deserves a really hard kick to the dick.

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Edited By TheAdmin
“I dread heading off to work at E3 today,” she said. “The show is a constant assault on the female self esteem no matter which direction I look. I am in good shape, yet it is impossible not to compare. I feel uncomfortable. It is as if I walked into a strip club w/o intending to. These are the policies of @e3expo and @RichatESA. I feel uncomfortable in an industry I helped found.”

She helped make it this way by developing games like Playboy Mansion and Playboy Mansion: private party. Plus her argument is essentially: "There are women here who are more physically attractive then I am, and as such, I would like to not have to see them".

We can't have this stuff get in the way of watching someone get shotgunned to the face and pieces of their head hit the camera, now can we?