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Jeff's Thoughts On Those Spike TV Awards

In which I am negative about all of television but also negative about people complaining about television even though I am complaining about television and... OK, it's a complicated issue. I still think that parts of Spike's broadcast absolutely work as intended.

Please allow me a moment to convince you that I, too, love the video games. No, seriously.
Please allow me a moment to convince you that I, too, love the video games. No, seriously.

I don't watch a lot of television. Oh, I certainly spend quite a bit of time staring at TVs, but the standard offering that comes in through my DirecTV dish doesn't really hold a lot of sway over my life. It used to not be this way, of course, but then, our choices for entertainment used to be a lot narrower. These days, I tend to spend that entertainment time in front of a computer screen, and the rise of Netflix's streaming service and DVRs means that I can afford to let people sort of "beta test" actual television and pick the best of it to watch later. Or, at least, that's the basic idea. In reality, I never actually get around to watching most of the shows that get recommended to me unless it's comedy written in a very specific style. I still haven't watched The Wire, for example, despite buying DVDs full of episodes. But after seeing one episode of it, I sought out, recorded, and watched as much Jon Benjamin Has a Van as the law would allow.

I suppose you could take that to mean that I have pretty specific tastes, but I'm really just taking the long way around to tell you that I don't have an especially high opinion of television programming. It's hard to describe that without sounding like I'm some sort of elitist snob, but I don't take too kindly to the way much of it is presented. If you'll allow me to further generalize, television feels like it's being presented to the lowest common denominator, with much of it being written by people who seem to have absolutely no respect for the people who might later go on to watch these shows. Parts of Spike TV Video Game Awards broadcast sort of reinforce my feelings on the medium, which is too bad, but ultimately I didn't really expect it to go much differently. The restrictions in place when producing a show like this almost ensure that, as one of those Internet-loving assholes who inherently distrusts marketing and finds most TV to be ironically enjoyable at best, the deck for liking such a show is sort of stacked against me.

Or to put it yet another way, did you really think that a show put together by the production company that brought you shit like Survivor, The Apprentice, and Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? was going to offer you a quiet, introspective look at video games and the creative minds behind them? Did you really think that a show built in that way would ever air on Spike TV?

Did that guy buy that baby from that lady? I forget why this is here. Oh, right! The production company behind the awards worked on
Did that guy buy that baby from that lady? I forget why this is here. Oh, right! The production company behind the awards worked on "hits" like The Apprentice!

Maybe I should add a bit more to that list of obvious questions. Like how about... do you really think that award shows are great to begin with? Because the quiet, respectful show that people seem to be begging for across the Internet this morning usually comes across as two things: BO and RIIIIIING. Back when I was living with a crew of college girls, I was induced into going to an Oscars Party. It was insane! They were dressing up all nice specifically to hang out in our living room and watch the Academy Awards! Afterwards we made it out to a bar and I think the night ended with a couple of us trying to eat a cake that had fallen on the floor. That's beside the point. My point is that traditional awards shows are unfuckingwatchable. The only awards broadcast I ever really connected with was MTV's Video Music Awards, which was fascinating when I was a kid, mostly because it was a weird chance to see modern pop stars of the 1980s mingling together, but really because it was a live broadcast and I was always interested in seeing people swear on live TV. Did the awards themselves matter back then? Not really. I mean, yes, they almost certainly mattered to the people winning them and, to some extent, the industry behind those people. But as a viewer, I was tuning in to see an entertaining show. This, as far as I can tell, is the blueprint that the VGAs are operating under. They probably want to produce an entertaining show that people will watch, and if they can celebrate games along the way, then great! Right?

The problem is that I just don't think they're executing well enough on the entertainment side.

I think most of the blame for that falls squarely in the laps of the people responsible for writing the show. The gags, some of which tried to trade off of standard gaming tropes like health meters and such, fell flat. It had a recurring bit about teabagging that wasn't funny the first time around, making all of the callbacks spread throughout the show almost painful. Some cursey YouTube guy got brought into the fold and turned into another lame bit where he sat next to some Spike executive. Am I supposed to know or care about who either one of those guys are? An award winner got teabagged. So irreverent, right? From a comedy perspective, the closest the entire production got to being on the pulse of gaming was when Daniel Kayser spit out the whole "arrow to the knee" thing before talking to Todd Howard during the preshow. Sadly, that whole thing seemed to have set some sort of record for fastest time from "this is funny" to "this is tired," so the reference ended up being like two days too late or something insane like that. Then again, the Internet continually proves that it's mostly good at complaining about things, so I guess that shouldn't be used as a barometer.

Kojima's finale would have worked a lot better if the Metal Gear Rising trailer didn't leak ahead of time. But the Fortnite announcement remained a surprise.
Kojima's finale would have worked a lot better if the Metal Gear Rising trailer didn't leak ahead of time. But the Fortnite announcement remained a surprise.

The "talent" side of things didn't really help, either. You know... I'm sure getting Charlie Sheen to show up seemed like a really fun idea six months ago. But wow, could there have been a more miscalculated choice? At least his obligatory "games are awesome" bit wasn't as embarrassing as's, who sounded like he was trying to justify his presence with every word out of his mouth. Here's a tip on that front: games are huge. Billion-dollar huge. Going out of your way to talk about how much you play them--and this extends to the host being consistently billed as a "huge gamer," too--makes you look like you've never played one in your life. Or, at best, it makes you look like one of those "well, I really like the Call of Duty and the Madden" types, which is probably worse if you're trying to get actual game aficionados on-board. Obviously, this is a pretty hard problem to fix because finding an array of people that actually connect with the gaming audience is tough, especially when said people need to be big enough stars to hopefully draw in a wide enough viewing audience to make the whole show worth doing to begin with.

With better writing, I think the rest of the show absolutely falls in line, though I tend to agree that not enough time was given to the awards themselves. That's probably a pretty tough thing to balance out. Also, this is probably the part where I should state that I'm one of the judges that helps pick nominees and winners for many of the award categories, so perhaps I have some sort of hidden interest in seeing my contributions get more airtime or something. But if you're going to put "Video Game Awards" right in the title, burning through the bulk of them in a quick montage seems completely disingenuous. But I suppose it's harder to get people on-board if you were to title the show "World Exclusive Mania: Game Trailers You Ain't Seen Before: The TV Show." It's telling that the online-only pre-show did much better at giving out awards and letting developers speak for a bit than the entire two-hour TV broadcast.

Super-glad this is finally getting made.
Super-glad this is finally getting made.

That leaves the exclusive trailers, weirdly enough, as the part of this show that absolutely shines. Say what you will about the advertising-like nature of releasing a bunch of trailers and giving them better placement than the actual awards, but it gives the VGA broadcast some actual content--some actual news is made at the show every year. That doesn't happen at other awards shows. As someone who professionally talks about the video games, it's nice to actually have something new to discuss in December, which is usually pretty dead. Without this award show, that wouldn't happen, and games like Command & Conquer: Generals 2 would probably go on to get lost amid a sea of bigger announcements at E3. And Tony Hawk HD would get announced in a press release, at best. This show is a good platform for those announcements. It just needs to be better balanced with the actual awards.

It's the morning after the live broadcast, and I'm sure that the people that watched last night's show are full of wide-eyed, unrealistic ideas about how they would "fix" the show. I've offered mine, and I think the people behind the scenes really do get closer to finding the right balance every year. But maybe the right approach for those of you who seem to get filled with total outrage over all this is to stop treating this awards show like it's the only game in town and remember that this is an industry where every individual publication offers their own version of the year's best games and the industry itself has places like GDC and DICE where the speeches run wonderfully long and the jokes are 100% inside. There's room for all of it. Hell, if anything, there are probably too many different sets of awards out there! But I guess my point is that you shouldn't expect an increasingly dated medium like television and its desire to speak to the wide, mainstream audience that is slowly blinking out of existence to provide a good home for this idyllic awards show you've cooked up in your head. Because they've got soft drinks (FOR MEN ONLY) to sell.

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

Had a blast watching with a friend. That show never fails to amuse every goddamn year. So stupid and funny.

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Edited By Cornman89

Word, Jeff. Word.

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Edited By Scotto

My favourite Twitter exchange of last night belongs to Geoff Keighley and Justin McElroy:

Keighley: "So two hours of awards no premieres?"

McElroy: "No, I'd definitely wanna carve out a few minutes to watch Brooke Burke throw a pie at Crash Bandicoot."

That's a pretty rough burn, haha.

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Edited By Draxyle

I never expected these awards to be any good. They never will be. Spike doesn't care and they will never care. They've gotten "better", if by better they've advanced from the sewers to the garbage can (and that's being generous). The big problem is, there is no way in hell that there's a single gamer involved during the construction and writing of said event. They haven't changed that before, and they certainly aren't going to.

I just want them to stop the show entirely. Drop the sham awards and just have a "videogame marketing event", because that's all it is to anyone with any sense. We don't need televised awards, period; and we especially don't need Viacom to be the face of gaming on television. It really hurts to see my fellow gamers being tricked into watching an awards show for games that haven't even been released yet.

Television is a dying thing anyways, at least for those people with their brains still switched on.

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Edited By SerHulse

Get the GDC and DICE stuff on the telly, who cares if the mainstream find it boring to watch, It's for the games industry and the people who follow and adore it, not the weird "gamer" crowd the VGAs are appealing to, whilst simultaneously trying to appeal to the rest of us,

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Edited By ItalianStallion

Pretty much word for word how I feel about the VGA's.

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Edited By Scotto

@Draxyle said:

I never expected these awards to be any good. They never will be. Spike doesn't care and they will never care. They've gotten "better", if by better they've advanced from the sewers to the garbage can (and that's being generous). The big problem is, there is no way in hell that there's a single gamer involved during the construction and writing of said event. They haven't changed that before, and they certainly aren't going to.

I just want them to stop the show entirely. Drop the sham awards and just have a "videogame marketing event", because that's all it is to anyone with any sense. We don't need televised awards, period; and we especially don't need Viacom to be the face of gaming on television. It really hurts to see my fellow gamers being tricked into watching an awards show for games that haven't even been released yet.

Television is a dying thing anyways, at least for those people with their brains still switched on.

But the VGA's have those rare moments where you actually see what it could be - the Shigeru Miyamoto segment last night was fantastic. And then we were right back to being mired in slapstick bullshit that has nothing to do with the games industry.

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Edited By mrsmiley

Well said, Jeff.

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Edited By NMC2008

I felt kinda bad for Felicia and Zachary because they were nothing but trained monkey clowns, I really felt for Felicia especially because all she needed was one of those hats that performing monkeys wear. Every skit was terrible, even though it was a charity thing, the acts were horrible ideas. -_- The show as a whole was terrible, even most of the trailers were a bore, the best trailer was Alan Wake and the Transformers trailer, in my personal opinion of course. That Last of Us was meh for me even though Geoff made kind of an ass of a part NeoGAF(pretty much lead them by the nose with that announcement) about it, so that's kinda cool. lol

Here is a gif I made, it expresses my relationship with the VGAs every year, not only that but the relationship between Geoff and NeoGAF as well.

No Caption Provided
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Edited By whylessness

Half-Life 3 wasn't announced, then?

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Edited By gringbot

@Scotto: Agreed, especially with the part about how we dont need some fancy shmancy oscar night in order to be "taken seriously"

But I also feel that the video game community is unique, not just due to it being so new in comparison to other art forms such as music and film, but also as gaming is generally more competitive in nature then music or film. Even though the average gamer age is something like 37 and increases each year (which is still significantly lower then music or film avg age), the perception of us being a bunch of angry teenage boys hasn't seemed to drop. Which is also why I feel that Skyrim selling well and getting GOTY is the best thing for the industry, because here we have a game that completely broke the mold of "our game needs to target teenage boys and have competitive multiplayer or our game WONT SELL AT ALL", which was obviously bullshit.

But my comment about gamers raging is still justified, imo. We really have a very significant % of gamers who are just nasty people, because a lot of competitive games target those type of people, and the only reason we are seeing what we get with the VGA's is because they see us as those people, which will change over time depending on how we act as a community over the long term.

Basically its similar to the spiritual approach where if you want change in the world, you must make that change in yourself first.

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Edited By Shaanyboi

I don't need to watch Zachary Levi get tea-bagged to "earn" the right to see any of these announcement trailers. It's called the fucking internet.

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Edited By Draxyle

@Scotto said:

But the VGA's have those rare moments where you actually see what it could be - the Shigeru Miyamoto segment last night was fantastic. And then we were right back to being mired in slapstick bullshit that has nothing to do with the games industry.

It's a step in the right direction to get those big names out there, I definitely agree. But yea, I felt so sorry when I heard that Shigeru and Kojima were both present. I doubt they had any clue how juvenile these awards actually are. They even had to watch that idiotic teabagging in this event that was supposedly out to honor them.

It's nice that they're at least trying, but tossing Hulk Hogan and Charlie Sheen in the same room just makes me vomit out all ends. It's just like that Bethesda Skyrim release event (who sponsor these awards no less), just tossing random celebrities out there because they can. Who asked for them? /Ineveraskedforthis

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Totally agree with your thoughts on it, great write-up. Also: HOT DAMN DONALD TRUMP'S child is wearing a white onesie.

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Edited By Enigma777

Like I stated last night, I feel the same way Jeff. 

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Edited By linus_south

@Anwar: @Anwar said:

best part

worst part

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Edited By hbkdx12
@gringbot: As long as anonymity and online gaming exists, nothing will change.
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Edited By gringbot

@hbkdx12 said:

@gringbot: As long as anonymity and online gaming exists, nothing will change.

Thats not entirely true, were already seeing that change due to their ratings dropping every year, and with sites like these getting more and more popular.

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Edited By hbkdx12
@gringbot: Maybe, but i feel like the stigma of most gamers being 13 year old screaming at it other online via an FPS they're not old enough to even play will be prevelant for a long time
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Edited By nesagwa

The problem with the VGAs on a very fundamental level is that Spike has no credibility in the games industry so their awards have no merit and no weight. You know why people take the Oscars and the Grammies seriously? They are chosen by people working in those industries, they have clout. Nobody takes the AMAs seriously because its an american idol style text to vote cluster fuck. Taylor Swift won artist of the year and album of the year for 2011. It's the core thing wrong with this entire show without even taking into account the absolutely awful production itself.

At least the VMAs on MTV was from an outlet that specialized in the medium. MTVs Movie Awards never took itself seriously (as seen in their weird nonsense award categories and joke lifetime achievement awards.)

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Edited By Civraz

I agree. I was just really disappointed about how little time they gave to awards, and how few video-game people actually got to speak. But hey, at least Shigeru Miyamoto was there.

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Edited By hbkdx12
@nesagwa: Very true but with juvenile and misogynistic broadcasting such as 1000 ways to die and MANswers, Spike plays right into the demographic their aiming for
It really is a shame that a channel like G4 that at one time was reputable doesn't do more for video games and shedding positive light and insight on the industry
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Edited By Pop

I didn't watch the VGA's guess all I missed was some trailers and people getting angry :D. Tea-bagging sounds fun

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Edited By EuanDewar

Shigsy boppin to the Black Keys was fucking hilarious.

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Edited By evanbower

@ItalianStallion: "Pretty much word for word how I feel about the VGA's."

And To Kill A Mockingbird is pretty much word for word how I feel about 1930's racial injustice.

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Edited By Slaneesh

@EuanDewar said:

Shigsy boppin to the Black Keys was fucking hilarious.

Maybe they should take up comedy since singing really isn't´t a skill the group has

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Edited By DarkbeatDK

I didnt see the show itself, since I was sleeping, but I heard nerds on the Internet complain about Felicia Day being present, because she's a girl and they apparently don't play video games for other than attention. I think she is actually one of the most grounded celebrities out there who, aside from having acted in a few games by now, also plays quite a few of them when she has time. I don't get this ridiculous and childish misogynistic hatred that comes from "gamers" out there and frankly, I'm starting to dislike people who label themselves after thei hobby, more and more.

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Edited By FluxWaveZ

@DarkbeatDK: Please point me to one person on the internet complaining about the Felicia Day segments because she's a female.

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Edited By Draxyle

@DarkbeatDK said:

I didnt see the show itself, since I was sleeping, but I heard nerds on the Internet complain about Felicia Day being present, because she's a girl and they apparently don't play video games for other than attention. I think she is actually one of the most grounded celebrities out there who, aside from having acted in a few games by now, also plays quite a few of them when she has time. I don't get this ridiculous and childish misogynistic hatred that comes from "gamers" out there and frankly, I'm starting to dislike people who label themselves after thei hobby, more and more.

First I heard of that. Felicia Day is one of the only sensible "celebrities" to show up.

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Edited By chilibean_3

Sorry Jeff. You're awesome and all but having a VGA judge say "c'mon guys it's not thaaaaaaat baaaaaaaaaaaaad" means jack shit. Whatever promise there may have been at one time will never be fully realized. I honestly don't remember these happen until the next day when everyone is complaining about it but isn't it time for those of us who care about video games to stop caring about the VGAs?

Stop reporting it. Stop watching(?) it. Stop talking about it. Stop caring about who wins or loses at the VGAs because I'm pretty sure the VGAs don't care either.

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Edited By jimi

My problem with video game awards shows is, as jeff said, they are made for entertainment. Now I can appreciate that but when the comedy falls this flat the end result is it just makes gaming as a medium look like a joke to the "mainstream"

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Edited By Deranged

@VIGGO123 said:

That show was just awful.

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This is my first time posting at GiantBomb (long time listener though)...but I just had to post how amazingly well-written and true this article is...

Badass :)

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Edited By Milkman

@DarkbeatDK said:

I didnt see the show itself, since I was sleeping, but I heard nerds on the Internet complain about Felicia Day being present, because she's a girl and they apparently don't play video games for other than attention. I think she is actually one of the most grounded celebrities out there who, aside from having acted in a few games by now, also plays quite a few of them when she has time. I don't get this ridiculous and childish misogynistic hatred that comes from "gamers" out there and frankly, I'm starting to dislike people who label themselves after thei hobby, more and more.

No one complained about that.

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Edited By CJduke

I agree with Jeff. They need to spend more time talking about the awards and less time trying to be funny. Comedy at awards shows is to difficult to achieve and really isnt needed. I just want to see the new trailers and see the games I like get recognition.

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Edited By CJduke

@nesagwa said:

The problem with the VGAs on a very fundamental level is that Spike has no credibility in the games industry so their awards have no merit and no weight. You know why people take the Oscars and the Grammies seriously? They are chosen by people working in those industries, they have clout. Nobody takes the AMAs seriously because its an american idol style text to vote cluster fuck. Taylor Swift won artist of the year and album of the year for 2011. It's the core thing wrong with this entire show without even taking into account the absolutely awful production itself.

At least the VMAs on MTV was from an outlet that specialized in the medium. MTVs Movie Awards never took itself seriously (as seen in their weird nonsense award categories and joke lifetime achievement awards.)

Dude, spike does not vote on these awards. JEFF and 49 other video game journalists vote on the awards, each from the different major publications. So the awards actually are as "credible" as they can get. Did you even read Jeff's article?

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Edited By napalm
@chilibean_3 said:

Sorry Jeff. You're awesome and all but having a VGA judge say "c'mon guys it's not thaaaaaaat baaaaaaaaaaaaad" means jack shit. Whatever promise there may have been at one time will never be fully realized. I honestly don't remember these happen until the next day when everyone is complaining about it but isn't it time for those of us who care about video games to stop caring about the VGAs?

Stop reporting it. Stop watching(?) it. Stop talking about it. Stop caring about who wins or loses at the VGAs because I'm pretty sure the VGAs don't care either.

I have nothing more to add.
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Edited By studnoth1n

i think i'm the only one who thinks the problem is the lighting. when you light a show properly, people are more likely to have higher expectations, prompting a more insightful and enjoyable event. however, when you light an event to look like an insane clown posse concert, i think it's only natural to assume that certain sensibilities would also follow.

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Edited By BrockNRolla

I have to say that when it comes to award shows, my number one reason for watching them is not about being entertained. It's about feeling tapped into the ethos that is critical culture.

When I watch the Academy Awards, I'm not watching them to see Billy Crystal do inane bits, or to watch someone dance around a stage. I'm watching it because I want to know what some of the more lauded critical minds in our culture really feel is worthy of praise. That's what differentiates something like MTV awards from Academy Awards, it isn't supposed to be about what is the most popular and entertaining; it's about what truly is deserving of our praise and admiration, then things artists should be aspiring to.

A video game award show could easily reach those same heights. Then again, I'm not sure the audience is truly there for such a thing. The reality of it may be that the VGAs actually appeal to the masses of gamers, and they could care less about awarding the real talent in the industry. If you're looking to be purely entertained, then none of these award shows are probably for you. But why do we always need to be entertained by things? Can't there me more meaning to such an event rather than a few laughs?

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Edited By anal_diarrhea

@studnoth1n said:

i think i'm the only one who thinks the problem is the lighting. when you light a show properly, people are more likely to have higher expectations, prompting a more insightful and enjoyable event. however, when you light an event to look like an insane clown posse concert, i think it's only natural to assume that certain sensibilities would also follow.

That is interesting. Production techniques definitely influence how you respond to a show, e.g. soap opera video vs. 24 fps film. Or yes Insane Clown Posse lighting. Bravo sir.

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Edited By ExplodeMode

These shows are just commercials that also have commercials.  Awards are just an excuse to have a show and get products and trailers in-front of your face.  It's like a mini-E3 but they operate under a pretense that they aren't so they stuff it with awkward bits.  If you want them to ditch all of these weird things, they probably need to drop awards entirely and just admit what they are.  A hype show.

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Edited By coldblood

I think its safe to say, Jeff "gets it."

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Edited By bybeach

@Napalm said:

@chilibean_3 said:

Sorry Jeff. You're awesome and all but having a VGA judge say "c'mon guys it's not thaaaaaaat baaaaaaaaaaaaad" means jack shit. Whatever promise there may have been at one time will never be fully realized. I honestly don't remember these happen until the next day when everyone is complaining about it but isn't it time for those of us who care about video games to stop caring about the VGAs?

Stop reporting it. Stop watching(?) it. Stop talking about it. Stop caring about who wins or loses at the VGAs because I'm pretty sure the VGAs don't care either.

I have nothing more to add.

This in my book is correct also. Best way to deal with the VGA's is to turn your back and walk away from it. It's important to somebody, but it's up to you if it matters.. to you.

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Edited By DoctorWelch

Jeff summed it up pretty well in one of his tweets. Either go full enthusiast, or go super broad and general. When you go in between then nobody wins and it just falls flat. Also I think they should balance the time evenly between awards and new trailers, and I like Jeff's argument for why the trailers are a good thing. I guess if they blow through a lot of the awards then maybe they should only have around 10 awards or something. It could be GOTY, Best Xbox/Playstation/Wii Exclusive, Best Multiplayer Game, Best Downloadable Only game, and then maybe three genre specific awards. I think it's maybe just a little too crazy, simplify it and I bet it would actually be watchable.

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Edited By cheddartyme

best part of this piece is the last sentence.

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Edited By TurdBurglar

VGA's are ass. Made me be embarrassed to be a gamer.

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Edited By wadtomaton

Man, I totally forgot about Jon Benjamin Has a Van, I still need to check that out >.<

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Edited By Stubert73

The VGAs: Disproving the notion of Games as an Artform since 2004 (or whenever they started.

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Edited By Sam3R


Did that guy buy that baby from that lady?