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Giant Bomb News


Letter from the Editor - 07/02/2014

Hey, hi. Let's talk for a sec, OK?

In the last few days there's been a lot of talk about what Giant Bomb is and isn't. What it stands for and what it won't stand for. A lot of people have made a lot of assumptions about what we do and how we act, and what we tolerate or even condone on our message boards and live chats. Most of this isn't new, but it's well past time to come out and say what this staff and this site stands for.

Giant Bomb is, by design, an inclusionary place. When we originally built the site back in 2008, it was originally thought of as a place where our audience could contribute in meaningful ways. Or, if they like, they can just sit back and enjoy our various productions. When I say "inclusionary," I mean exactly that. No person should be excluded from our site. The fact that some people have been resistant to people based on their gender, religion, race, creed, or anything else like that is not acceptable. Even less acceptable are people who make their exclusionary beliefs known (repeatedly and often aggressively) and then attempt to say that those viewpoints are valid and, thus, must be allowed for us to remain inclusionary. That is bad logic. That is a bullying tactic, and that style of intimidation will not be tolerated.

We moderate our live chats, message boards, and comment threads. And we do it rather viciously. Some things certainly do slip through the cracks and you may see some garbage on our site before we get to it. To those of you who help by reporting things to our moderation team, you have my thanks. We're certainly not perfect. When we launched the site, we launched it with one simple rule: "don't be a dick." This may have gotten by in an age when we were a fraction of our current size. These days, we've grown to a point where small community rules aren't enough. We'll be implementing new moderation policies and adjusting a few things behind-the-scenes to enhance our ability to moderate the boards. We'll have more to say about those policy changes as they come.

We felt the need to come forward and state our position after some individuals decided to speak out about how we're conducting business and were promptly attacked and abused on Twitter and other social media platforms. Whether one agrees with our critics or not, it certainly doesn't warrant the response they've received.

I feel absolutely horrible that people have been harassed for simply expressing their views about what we do.

The people attacking our critics do not represent our views and they never have, whether they're doing it in our name or not. I appreciate that people enjoy our work and that they often care enough about it to criticize it.

I would like to apologize to everyone that has seen any bit of unpleasantness this week, whether it is directly associated with our message boards or not. We will continue to work to make the site a better place for everyone to enjoy.

Thanks for using our site. It's been a very bumpy ride over these last couple of years and it just now feels like we're getting our feet underneath us and getting to a point where we can move forward. There's still a very active, wonderful, and beloved community at the core of this site, and their reputation has been tarnished alongside ours. We simply cannot and will not allow negative elements to ruin what we've built together.


Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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Well, I was sick this week and didn't catch any of the unpleasantness mentioned (although I think I know exactly what happened), and I am all up for keeping the real assholes away, but while we're at it, I'm just hoping that the whole "common sense" moderation style does not go completely away. It is one of the things I've always liked about this site and made it feel more "human" to me.

Peace Duders

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So...will the staff actually be addressing the criticism at all?

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Speak on, brotha man!

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Thank you Jeff. I for one do not agree with those who have been criticising Giant Bomb for hiring who they thought was the best fit for the new job but no one deserves some of the garbage that's been slung around. I'm very glad to see you draw a clear line in the sand and commit to do better within your means. I've been here since the beginning and I'm happy to still be here. You all do awesome work.

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Viva la Giant Bomb! I may not be one to go on your boards, it's good to know that the crew is not turning a blind eye to an issue that seems to be very serious. Keep on keepin on my brothers.

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I've been feeling so terrible the past couple of days. The thought of people outside of this community having the same feelings towards this community as they do of something like 4chan makes me really sad. We're better than that and shouldn't be treating anybody like shit.

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@adamwd said:

@duffyside: My first thought went to all the people in chat during E3 live shows insulting guests. Then, when the mods start saying to quit being jerks, those same people insist they should be allowed to verbally attack guests rather than just keeping quiet.

Yep, you're right, I've definitely seen that.

Though Jeff's post comes in light of the recent events, so I guess my question was more specifically aimed towards that.

The events of yesterday are really just the volcano finally erupting. We've had tremors and hot spots where behavior has obviously been out of hand before, but the events of yesterday were beyond the pale and a demonstration that action seriously needs to be taken. Indeed, a lot of the rancid behavior that occurred yesterday was not on Giant Bomb itself, but Giant Bomb was also host to such.

It could also be easily argued that these policy changes the site is in store for are long overdue. The E3 chat was just one symptom of a problem that's been in dire need of more stringent measures for a while now.

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Not even the mighty Giant bomb is completely safe from the angry/immature idiots that inhabit the digital wasteland know as the internet. Maybe one day the gaming community will be a nice place for everyone and their different opinions but today is not that day.

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It's not giant bomb's job to fix an industry wide problem. They do their fair share with Patrick's articles, talks and the like. Even this post from Jeff is helping in some way. Yes, it's kind of unfortunate that the most experienced and qualified people in this buisness are almost all white dudes but I feel like the guys are doing their fair share.

Giant Bomb could certainly help. The actions of one "small" website can be the spark for more widespread change. And again words are great, but actions have a bigger impact.

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This whole internet drama that has been going on the past few days Makes me roll my eyes. I just watch the videos and read the articles they put up and comment on them. I stay away from the forums. Idk it just seems people need to grow up.

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Edited By Mister_Snig

@mister_snig said:

@duffyside said:

@brendan said:

"Even less acceptable are people who make their exclusionary beliefs known (repeatedly and often aggressively) and then attempt to say that those viewpoints are valid and, thus, must be allowed for us to remain inclusionary. That is bad logic. That is a bullying tactic, and that style of intimidation will not be tolerated."

Bad. Ass.

Sure, but I haven't really seen anything that resembles this. Have there been people saying "women shouldn't come to this site" or things like it? I guess they could be deleted before I ever see them...

It's been less outright discrimination against certain groups and more dismissal and harassment of people who hold certain opinions.

Personally I find the apathy many hold on the issue of diversity to be frustrating, and the dismissal that comes with it borderline offensive, but what is 100% unacceptable are personal attacks of any nature. Which have most certainly been levied at individuals in the name of Giant Bomb.

The apathy issue I think is because we're brought up learning that racism was more or less solved by one black dude. So if you're bringing that up you are literally bringing up a non-issue, hence the dismissal. But that's a discussion for another day.

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Edited By conmulligan
@pyrodactyl said:

It's not giant bomb's job to fix an industry wide problem. They do their fair share with Patrick's articles, talks and the like. Even this post from Jeff is helping in some way. Yes, it's kind of unfortunate that the most experienced and qualified people in this buisness are almost all white dudes but I feel like the guys are doing their fair share.

Giant Bomb could certainly help. The actions of one "small" website can be the spark for more widespread change. And again words are great, but actions have a bigger impact.

Count me in as someone who'd rather Giant Bomb were part of the solution and not part of the problem.

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Appreciate the words, the site and the community. Can't wait to see Giant Bomb grow even bigger and better over the coming years.

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I understand why you would want to offload this stuff onto the community. But the abuse that Samantha Allen, Maddy Myers, Leigh Alexander, Zoe Quinn, and many others have received--regardless of whether it came from "legitimate" members of the Giant Bomb community or not--is the end result of a decision you made.
I'm sure GB will continue to produce profitable content. But the message sent with this hire is quite clear, and isn't something you can fix with forum moderation.

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i think even if the worst of what happened isn't directly linked to someone who peruses this site, that we (unfortunately) brought this kind of reaction on ourselves as a result of the collective behavior of the community. i don't honestly think they'll become draconian enough to ban over obviously tongue in cheek "arguments" over dumbass stuff like hot dogs, but things may get a little more tightly regulated and that's an understandable consequence, especially as the size and popularity of the site grows. i trust the judgement and ability of rorie, the rest of the staff, and the moderation team.

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Edited By Trilogy

@pyrodactyl said:

@trilogy said:

While I'm glad you got out there and actually said something yourself, Jeff, I can't say that I'm not at a little taken back by the lack of acknowledgement that this whole thing is a lot bigger than some shitheads on twitter. Look, I'm not exactly the biggest proponent of the whole diversity argument, but that argument has its validity, and the people making that argument really care about it. I've read a lot of their thoughts in last night's thread, and while I disagree with some of the fundamentals, its still something that should be properly addressed by the staff, in my opinion. Look, I personally don't care how you run your business or who you hire. If I'm not happy with the content on the site, I can always walk away. I'm not everyone, though, and I do feel that those people deserve something more than just, "hey those jerks don't represent us and we're gonna tighten down the hatches with moderation." It just sort of ignores the other part of the discussion. Please don't read this as trying to dwindle the impact that harassment can have, but it's not the only issue here.

I guess it just sort of comes off as tone deaf to me. I mean, of course you guys are inclusionary to all groups of people, and of course you're intolerant of dirtbags who aren't. I wouldn't want anything to do with the site if you weren't that way, and I've never once felt that you stood for anything other than the things you've stated here. I don't know, the only reason I'm bringing this up is because nobody else has yet. I'm probably asking for a shitstorm of people yelling at me, but whatever. I just wanted something more, is all.

I still love you guys.

It's not giant bomb's job to fix an industry wide problem. They do their fair share with Patrick's articles, talks and the like. Even this post from Jeff is helping in some way. Yes, it's kind of unfortunate that the most experienced and qualified people in this buisness are almost all white dudes but I feel like the guys are doing their fair share.

I never said that it was their "job". I'm saying there was a real discussion going on last night and there was really no mention of it. The focus of this article was moderation, and not the bigger discussion at hand. You're confusing me with somebody who actually argues for staff diversity while it's not really something I feel that strongly about. I do, however feel strongly that the arguments that those people are making get properly addressed.

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I really, really would have liked to have at least seen some sort of response to the criticism that the staff have received over the new hires (which started this whole thing) instead of just reiterating that people can be dicks and that that won't be tolerated. Super disappointing.

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Well said, Jeff. It sucks that the minority can ruin the name of a great community.

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I do not post much on the forums. On the few occasions that I have, I break some weird unwritten rule or immediately get some sarcastic post about how my post was dumb. So I'm concerned with how you choose to moderate whatever.

I am glad that Jeff took time to address the issue and that gives me hope Jeff will address the issue of how the hiring process went. I'm a premium subscriber and would like to keep supporting the site, but I am concerned about the issue of just hiring high profile, white males. I've seen a lot of talking about making the video game journalism community more accepting and diverse and no action. I am not entitled to this, nor am demanding, and if Jeff wants to just ignore that issue, I'll have to deal with that and make my decisions without that input.

Additionally, I know certain organizations have rules pertaining to the interview process and how it applies to minorities. I'm wondering if CBSi has any such policies, or if this was a Boys Club Done Deal months ago, maybe even before the hirings were announced or a mix. It entirely makes sense that he might want to not address this issue, because if hiring policies are made public, then found to be violated, that could lead to legal hot water.

Either way, I appreciate the general transparency that the Giant Bomb crew try to provide.

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Count me in as someone who'd rather Giant Bomb were part of the solution and not part of the problem.

What problem? People got hired instead of other people but a 'problem' didn't occur. That's life. No malice, no hate, not sexism or racism occurred.

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bicycleham  Online

they hired known quantities who were straight white males

...Really? That's what people got pissed over?

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Edited By Aska

@jackijinx said:


Knowing how everything works though, this is probably a waste to type up. Doesn't matter how long I've been a follower of this site, it never does as based upon my identify, my thoughts are brushed into a minority pan. Doesn't matter how much I care to see things improve alongside many of this community and staff. This is almost always a forums only topic, and despite how important an issue staff and community is, there's little to no official talk from the staff. Yes, publicly telling people who are being straight out hateful that they don't represent the site is a statement, but what about the reason for the hate coming out in the first place? The whole "Giantbomb is just a bunch of white guys" thing. Let's talk about that, please! You've got to be joking yourselves if you think this statement or changing moderator policies is going to be the end of this kind of behavior.

I would like to echo this sentiment. I'm glad Jeff has laid the law down on the negative shit that's taken place in the past 48 hours but I would really like to hear the actual criticism laid at them addressed by the staff in some fashion. Maybe they aren't in a position to do so.

I don't want to come off like I'm demanding some response but I (and many others) would really appreciate it. I feel that ignoring it is really tone deaf in a way that I feel you guys aren't and haven't been in the past.

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@yelix: Everybody is allowed to participate and enjoy the content! I don't need somebody to have my same private parts and skin color to appreciate what the are saying. GB had very specific needs and by their accounts they found the right guys to for the job. Small operations like Giant Bomb can't logistically or feasibly be all things to all people. The internet is awash in plenty of content from plenty of different viewpoints. You start to lose the diversity moral high ground when you start talking about shoving things down people's throats.

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@trilogy said:

@pyrodactyl said:

@trilogy said:

While I'm glad you got out there and actually said something yourself, Jeff, I can't say that I'm not at a little taken back by the lack of acknowledgement that this whole thing is a lot bigger than some shitheads on twitter. Look, I'm not exactly the biggest proponent of the whole diversity argument, but that argument has its validity, and the people making that argument really care about it. I've read a lot of their thoughts in last night's thread, and while I disagree with some of the fundamentals, its still something that should be properly addressed by the staff, in my opinion. Look, I personally don't care how you run your business or who you hire. If I'm not happy with the content on the site, I can always walk away. I'm not everyone, though, and I do feel that those people deserve something more than just, "hey those jerks don't represent us and we're gonna tighten down the hatches with moderation." It just sort of ignores the other part of the discussion. Please don't read this as trying to dwindle the impact that harassment can have, but it's not the only issue here.

I guess it just sort of comes off as tone deaf to me. I mean, of course you guys are inclusionary to all groups of people, and of course you're intolerant of dirtbags who aren't. I wouldn't want anything to do with the site if you weren't that way, and I've never once felt that you stood for anything other than the things you've stated here. I don't know, the only reason I'm bringing this up is because nobody else has yet. I'm probably asking for a shitstorm of people yelling at me, but whatever. I just wanted something more, is all.

I still love you guys.

It's not giant bomb's job to fix an industry wide problem. They do their fair share with Patrick's articles, talks and the like. Even this post from Jeff is helping in some way. Yes, it's kind of unfortunate that the most experienced and qualified people in this buisness are almost all white dudes but I feel like the guys are doing their fair share.

I never said that it was their "job". I'm saying there was a real discussion going on last night and there was really no mention of it. The focus of this article was moderation, and not the bigger discussion at hand. You're confusing me with somebody who actually argues for staff diversity while it's not really something I feel that strongly about. I do, however feel strongly that the arguments that those people are making get properly addressed.

I'm sure at least Patrick and Alex will have something to say about it on monday.

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The apathy issue I think is because we're brought up learning that racism was more or less solved by one black dude. So if you're bringing that up you are literally bringing up a non-issue, hence the dismissal. But that's a discussion for another day.

One "black dude" is a pretty good representational percentage in a group of six.

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Nice of you to speak up about this Jeff. <>

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@yelix said:

I'm really glad Jeff wrote this, but it's just the first step towards bringing back some good will to Giant Bomb. As someone who has been watching, reading, and listening to GB content since literally the first Bombcast (and a paying member since the day that went into effect), I can't deny that the criticism leveled against the site recently is justified.


I love this site, and I just want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy and participate in its content.

Same boat, same sentiments.

Also, as a member who wants more inclusivity for everyone, I'd appreciate some guidance about what I can do in the community to help improve things, beyond reporting posts.

Beyond reporting horrible posts and being a generally good member of the community (and a good example for others), there's not much that can be expected of us as individuals. We need to be mindful of the opinions of others, but not so mindful as to allow horrible people to engage in horrible behavior.

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The only message sent with the addition of Dan and Jason is that they are quite willing and able to help deliver kick ass content to the community.

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@smcn said:

is the end result of a decision you made.

I'm sure GB will continue to produce profitable content. But the message sent with this hire is quite clear

That's a disgusting way to think. It only breeds more negativity and is what spurs some people to become so upset they need to attack others. Giantbomb, whoever did the choosing of the hires did nothing wrong.

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Edited By AmethystRush

@xolare said:

@mister_snig said:

they hired known quantities who were straight white males

...Really? That's what people got pissed over?

There was disappointment. Is that such a terrible sentiment? Is it so alien or somehow absurd?

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Thanks for this, Jeff. And anyone else involved with the decision to make a statement.

Bigotry of any kind should never be tolerated. I'm glad you've made that more clear to the community.

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Thanks, Jeff. Well said.

I always felt that this community was way more reasonable than other parts of the internet, because of the way the site works. But when you increase in size, you can't evade groups from , to quote Alex Navarro,"multiple buttholes of the internet" emerging and disturbing the image of your fans. It's a bummer. But I hope all of this calms dowm sooner rather then later. This is the most exciting time to be a Giant Bomb fan in a while and some assholes with internet access shouldn't change that.

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Edited By Mister_Snig

@xolare said:

@mister_snig said:

they hired known quantities who were straight white males

...Really? That's what people got pissed over?

"Pissed" is the wrong term, but yeah that's more or less the original issue.

What Jeff is writing about is how people reacted to that criticism. As they've said many times before, they can handle criticism. They don't need users coming in and berating others or dismissing valid concerns on behalf of the staff.

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Yo, video games!!! Am I right?!

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@conmulligan said:

Count me in as someone who'd rather Giant Bomb were part of the solution and not part of the problem.

What problem? People got hired instead of other people but a 'problem' didn't occur. That's life. No malice, no hate, not sexism or racism occurred.

It would really help if people looked at issues holistically (lack of representation in games media) instead of individual instances (Giant Bombs recent hires) before they dismiss the issue.

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I cant imagine why someone who actually liked you guys, and this site, would act that way. In such opposition to the rest of the community and what the site is

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Edited By conmulligan

@aska: I could understand them maybe wanting to put some distance between Dan and Jason's hiring and commenting specifically on the site's lack of diversity, but yeah, I think they really need to come out and say something sooner rather than later.

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If tougher moderation is needed to improve the community I'm all for it.

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Well Said Jeff, it's stuff like this that makes this site what it is, the best video game website on the Internet.

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Whatever GB is, it is still English language only website. In a way it is exclusionary, but a line has to be drawn somewhere

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Thanks to Jeff and the rest of this site for the hard work it takes to create that sort of inclusiveness.

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There was disappointment. Is that such a terrible sentiment? Is it so alien or somehow absurd?

Yes, yes it is. People got hired. People that I assume applied and/or wanted the job. This is somehow a bad thing to others.

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I'll add my piece here. I've been on this site for a while now (it's insane how many posts I have) and, though I've been involved in other sites before, none as long as this. It may be due to my age but I've gotten real cynical about what the majority of people on the internet do.

My job is to talk for a living with people in a variety of states of distress and my goal in doing so is to ease everyone, myself included, into a state of reasonableness emphasizing realistic, fair expectations for individuals and their expectations for others. I think that can happen, and has happened here, on the internet. But more and more it seems like these are the exceptions that prove the rule that without consequences, social norms, or whatever else is missing from the internet to keep people from speaking without a filter the internet is among one of the worst venues to have actual, legitimate conversations. Like I said, I know there's exceptions to this but exceptions, as the saying goes, prove the rule.

But maybe I'm just an old cynic.