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When Passions Flare, Lines Are Crossed [UPDATED]

One player's heated rhetoric about sexual harassment in the fighting community causes a furious debate, one that has Capcom apologizing.

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UPDATE: Bakhtanians has issued a statement in the wake of today's coverage. Read it here.


“This is a community that’s, you know, 15 or 20-years-old and the sexual harassment is part of a culture,” said competitive fighting game player Aris "Aris" Bakhtanians on a recent live stream for Capcom's Cross Assault show, “and if you remove that from the fighting game community, it’s not the fighting game community.”

Capcom has since apologized for comments made during a conversation on sexual harassment in the fighting game community, which that quote was pulled from. It was a discussion focused on Bakhtanians, and took place during a recent episode of the company’s Cross Assault reality show. It’s part of a promotion for Street Fighter X Tekken.

Cross Assault started with 10 contestants divided into two teams, Team Tekken and Team Street Fighter. The final four contestants will be determined today, and the last matches begin March 3.

A reader initially pointed out the inflammatory commentary, which took place during day five.

Bakhtanians is the head of Team Tekken, and was engaged in a conversation that chiefly involved community manager Jared Rea. is hosting the daily streaming of the day-long Cross Assault episodes.

“The views and opinions expressed by cast members in the live internet program 'Cross Assault' do not reflect those of Capcom,” said a Capcom spokesperson in a statement issued to me last night. “As a company, Capcom believes that everyone should be treated with respect. This particular issue was brought to our attention and has been addressed. We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by any comments expressed during the show.”

You can listen to the conversation by fast forwarding to one hour and 45 minutes into the following video. A user on YouTube also collected a series of comments made by Bakhtanians on day one.

For example: "Miranda, I wanna know your bra size."

Tensions were immediately raised over Rea's suggestion the fighting game community, once insular and limited but now steadily growing year-over-year, was potentially alienating outsiders from becoming fans of fighting games or the competitive scene because of inappropriate sexual language. Bakhtanians took issue with Rea's criticism.

Here’s a lengthy transcript of their exchange:

Rea: You know what it is, to be honest with you? We’re getting older. Do you really want to keep hanging around with a bunch of [guys in their] early 20s who don’t know how to treat one another with respect? That’s what it is.

Bakhtanians: Alright, man. The thing is...if you don’t like the scene, how it is right now, it just seems like you’re trying to create...turn it into something that it’s not, and it’s never going to be. You know what I mean?

Rea: That’s really unfortunate [inaudible]...the way it is right now, they want to enjoy fighting games, but they’re so incredibly turned off by [the language].

Bakhtanians: This doesn’t involve me, Jared, I don’t know if you can hear me--this is Aris. This doesn’t really involve me, but if you don’t like onions, you get your sandwich without onions, man. I mean, this is the fighting game community.

Rea: Can I get my Street Fighter without sexual harassment?

Bakhtanians: You can’t. You can’t because they’re one and the same thing. This is a community that’s, you know, 15 or 20 years old, and the sexual harassment is part of a culture, and if you remove that from the fighting game community, it’s not the fighting game community--it’s StarCraft. There’s nothing wrong with StarCraft if you enjoy it, and there’s nothing wrong with anything about eSports, but why would you want just one flavor of ice cream, you know? There’s eSports for people who like eSports, and there’s fighting games for people who like spicy food and like to have fun. There’s no reason to turn them into the same thing, you know?

You can’t go to the NBA and say “hey, I like basketball, but I don’t want them to play with a basketball, I want them to play with a football.” It just doesn’ doesn’t make sense to have that attitude, you know? These things are established for years. That would be like someone from the fighting game community going over to StarCraft and trying to say “hey, StarCraft, you guys are too soft, let’s start making sexual harassment jokes to each other on StarCraft.” That’s not cool, people wouldn’t like that. StarCraft isn’t like that. People would get defensive, and that’s what you’re trying to do the fighting game community, and it’s not right. It’s ethically wrong.

I know that you’re thinking “what do you know about ethics? You say racial stuff and sexist stuff.” But those are jokes and if you were really a member of the fighting game community, you would know that. You would know that these are jokes.

Rea: So, ensuring that we alienate any and all female viewers...that’s the ethical thing to do?

Bakhtanians: Well, you know, there are layers here, if you think about this. There are layers of ethics. There are people who are racist and commit hate crimes, right? And then there are people who are racist but they have tons of friends of all colors and they have deep love for those friends. Do you think those people are one and the same? Absolutely not.

StarCraft was brought up several times during the discussion of fighting games role in the larger eSports movement, specifically in regards to what lessons the community should and should not learn from its popularity.

I reached out to Bakhtanians to discuss his comments on Cross Assault, but he didn't respond.

When I contacted Capcom, I included a transcript of the relevant conversation. The company told me the cast and crew had been informed that “any inappropriate or disrespectful comments will not be tolerated during filming.”

Upon receiving the statement from Capcom, I forwarded it in full to Bakhtanians. No response.

And there is one very important fact about this whole story: Cross Assault is not a male-only event. There are two females: Team Street Fighter’s Sherry “Sherryjenix” Nhan and Team Tekken’s Miranda “Super_Yan” Pakozdi.

During the exchange, as matches raged in the background, Pakozdi chimed in about Bakhtanians’ explanation for the pervasiveness of inappropriate sexual language within fighting game culture.

“It hurts the community,” she said.

Everyone in the stream made reference to Keystone events at the San Jose Bar & Grill in San Jose, California, a spot that’s reportedly known for its more crass comments about during play. Pakozdi acknowledged it was an issue during Keystone events, but that it never went, from her perspective, over the line.

“You don’t know where the line is,” she declared.

“My point is is where I’m from, in our arcade, our line may be different than yours,” responded Bakhtanians, “but the point is that fighting games are never gonna be the same as StarCraft, it’s never gonna be the same. You can’t turn basketball into baseball, no matter what you do.”

Rea said sexual harassment was less of an issue in the StarCraft community, a point that others, including Bakhtanians, pushed back on. He conceded. Regardless, he argued, private matches can’t be controlled, but the actions of the participants and audience members raised the real concern.

Again, here’s a snippet:

Rea: When I go to MSL or MLG and someone blows up a ghost [Starcraft], does someone go “Yeah, rape that bitch!”?

[group laughter]

Bakhtanians: But, you know, Jared, you’re right. But if there was that much money being spent on Street Fighter, it wouldn’t be happening here, either, you know. There would be more rules, there would be security here, it’s not the same thing. It’s not the same thing.

Rea: When I go to SoCal regionals and I see a Phoenix [from Marvel vs. Capcom 3] on main stage getting blown up and there’s some dude in the audience just yelling “Bitch! Bitch!” every time she gets hit and then she killed and goes “Yeah, rape that bitch!” Yeah, that’s totally acceptable! Really? Really? You’re going to tell me that’s acceptable?

Bakhtanians: Look, man. What is unacceptable about that? There’s nothing unacceptable about that. These are people, we’re in America, man, this isn’t North Korea. We can say what we want. People get emotional.

There was some light discussion after this, but it mostly trailed off.

Pakozdi, who was assigned to work with Bakhtanians as part of Team Tekken, did not simply blow things off. Like many people, she signed onto Twitter and expressed disappointment over the day’s events. She eventually deleted much of her commentary, but it was captured by the same reader who tipped me off to this in the first place.

“I hope my mom isn’t disappointed with all of this shit,” reads one tweet.

“Capcom and the stream teams know and they don’t care. I just gotta wait 2 more days,” reads another.

“I’m not leaving because by contract I have to stay here 2 more days. If it were up to me I would have left long ago," she said.

Bakhtanians is a well known in the community, explaining his Cross Assault involvement.
Bakhtanians is a well known in the community, explaining his Cross Assault involvement.

I reached out to Pakozdi, but she did not respond.

Day six of Cross Assault took place yesterday. Pakozdi played, but if you start watching around eight hours and 32 minutes into the stream, where she's playing as Balrog, she doesn't even attack. She just pushes forward on the stick. This continues in the next matches, where she plays as Ken using the same "strategy."

Essentially, she's given up.

Per the rules of the show, she would then have to face off against John "Dr. Sub-Zero" Rockafeller, who was already eliminated. If he beat her in three out of five matches, he would be "revived."

Instead, she forfeited. Moments after she bowed out, Rockafeller looked over and handed his prizes over to her.

“I would like to donate everything to Super_Yan for being an angel,” he said.

Bakhtanians also contributes the website Avoiding the Puddle and the site’s associated Twitter account.

“esports,” he wrote last night.

Previously, however, he did have his own personal Twitter account. What’s listed in his bio?

“Fuck you.”

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By moregrammarplz

@AxleFGK said:

Patrick, i'm going to ask for an apology, as a fan of your articles, and a member of the community you just labeled as a group of "sexist" "racist" "immature teenage homophobes" i found this article to be in poor tastes.

What are you talking about? None of those things you claim are in the article are in the article.

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This article barely has anything to do with video games.

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Edited By rndmtask

Aris is as old school as they get, and he doesn't want the FGC to change, at least in attitude. Yes, Aris was exposed, but this is Aris, and he doesn't hold back. To him, the FGC is all about machismo and braggadocio, and that's what will always be. Unfortunately, when something that you love is changing so quickly and becoming more mainstream, and is actually trying to be mainstream, you can't have it both ways.

This was bound to happen, if not with Aris, then with someone else on a big promotional live event.

I chalk it up as growing pains for the FGC. The ugly will happen, but we can't let it overshadow the positives, such as the FGC's acceptance with Kayo and Ricky Ortiz.

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Edited By whatthegeek

@Pinworm45: You're ignorant because you failed to read and understand what I said. If you joke about harassing women but would NEVER rape someone because you're clear on all of the moral and ethical reasons why you shouldn't rape someone your jokes are just that - jokes.

You may never ever do something harmful toward a woman, BUT your comments may be viewed as justification of a harmful action someone else is thinking of taking. Sex crimes get committed because the offender thinks it's OK to do it, and they get that idea from their surroundings.

Even if the harassing comments made within the fighting game community never encourage someone to commit a crime, they still make women feel uncomfortable. If I'm not mistaken, Miranda has been on the scene for a long time - if she felt that she needed to bow out to get away from it all, then obviously this shit has gotten out of control. Why else would a veteran feel so uncomfortable that she would throw a match?

Read this

and then tell me I'm ignorant. Tell me how it's OK to harass women. Tell me it's all in good fun.

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Edited By BulletproofMonk

I think it's a little unfair to judge the whole community just because Aris is a stupid fucking idiot. 

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Edited By Harkat

@Dallas_Raines said:

Patrick posted this on twitter

If you're a member of the fighting game scene who feels strongly against the story I wrote today, get in touch.

That's very decent of him. Props to Patrick, he's a great duder, even if I'm skeptical of this article.

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Edited By melodiousj

@Zabant said:

@Bassman2112 said:

Patrick, thank you so much for writing this article. As a 20something who basically refuses to play online because of all the idiots on mics who think casual racism, misogyny and the like are totally fine, it's nice to finally see something about it on a public article. I have lots of female gamer friends who like to play online, but won't use a mic because the moment guys hear a girl's voice on the other end they start harassing them with brash, sexual and offensive comments. I don't think it's a matter of it being "esports versus a fun time," it's just common decency towards other people...
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Edited By napalm

I'm glad Patrick posted this article, because I've heard rumblings from Jared Rae and Mike Ross on the issue, but I didn't have a context. Now I do.

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Edited By mfpantst
@darkdragonmage99: I think you have a point.  But trying to play "guess a girl's bra size" after she says she doesn't want to talk about that? Telling two girls you want them to mudwrestle and you'll 'take home' the winner?  In that one video that all happened in the first two minutes.  IDK about you, but I'd call that legit harassment.  I think the "bitch" and "rape" comments one can look at as trash talk?
I'd also like to comment I like your strictly legal approach.  Even if it seems you're ok with what went down and I'm not, I respect that. I would like to add then that occasional verbal harassment is not necessarily illegal, but workplace-wise (I know that's not a workplace, but I think you can make the correlation) if it's frequent enough that the talk creates a "hostile or offensive work environment," it is totally an illegal thing.  Like I said, we're not talking about a workplace so I don't think this is how you would apply the law, but I'm saying that constant verbal sexual harassment alone is enough to be illegal, if it is constant enough. (edit: last constant, make that "frequent")
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Edited By Phantomvirus

I wish you guys can get Rae back on a tnt or something and elaborate on this more.

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Edited By wafflestomp

What a moron. Morons like that guy have put me off of playing multiplayer games in general unless I know the people. Kind of sad really :/

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Edited By TheKing

"You can’t go to the NBA and say “hey, I like basketball, but I don’t want them to play with a basketball, I want them to play with a football."

I can't believe something this stupid can come out of a human beings mouth. What a piss poor argument.

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THE reason that I have come to despise competitive gaming.

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Edited By Tesla

Looking at homeboy's picture makes it easier to understand his shitty attitude.

He gets to be a tough guy through his fighting games, you take that away and he's just an unkempt fatass.

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Edited By Zabant

@Snorlaaax said:

First of all, everyone in the fighting game community, including Miranda until this event, love Aris. He's amusing and he treats everyone the same way. You failed to mention that during the same stream he requested player "Kor" to remove his shirt to show the "stream monsters" his abs. When Mike Ross was their for the top-player challenges he was sniffing over his shoulder telling him that he smelled good. Aris, also jokingly hit on EG Ricky Ortiz--a well known and accepted homosexual and top-player in the fighting game community. He is of course welcome to his opinions and the article itself was pretty well written, but I feel that the one-sightedness of the article is very disappointing as reader.

Sounds like a fantastic guy......

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Edited By mnzy

THE reason that I have come to despise competitive gaming.

You are making huge gerneralizations here yourself.
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Edited By fattony12000

Oh, you fighting games.

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This Bakhtanians guy, and indeed the community he is supposedly representing, is disgusting. It's really baffling to think, as a fan of an eSport where it's considered bad manners to leave the game without saying "gg" first, that this kind of behavior is acceptable, and even seemingly encouraged, within the fighting game community.

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Edited By Pinworm45

@whatthegeek said:

@Pinworm45: You're ignorant because you failed to read and understand what I said. If you joke about harassing women but would NEVER rape someone because you're clear on all of the moral and ethical reasons why you shouldn't rape someone your jokes are just that - jokes.

You may never ever do something harmful toward a woman, BUT your comments may be viewed as justification of a harmful action someone else is thinking of taking. Sex crimes get committed because the offender thinks it's OK to do it, and they get that idea from their surroundings.

Even if the harassing comments made within the fighting game community never encourage someone to commit a crime, they still make women feel uncomfortable. If I'm not mistaken, Miranda has been on the scene for a long time - if she felt that she needed to bow out to get away from it all, then obviously this shit has gotten out of control. Why else would a veteran feel so uncomfortable that she would throw a match?

Read this

and then tell me I'm ignorant. Tell me how it's OK to harass women. Tell me it's all in good fun.

You link an article from a feminist website that draws conclusions that the study did not give. It has absolutely no understanding of psychology, or the scientific method. That article is the equivalent of me looking at a study that shows 98% of people like to eat chocolate, and then saying that every single time I discuss chocolate I am personally responsible for giving several people diabetes.

The idea that I should censor myself purely on the extremely minuscule chance that what I say is related to a crime someone else is doing is also ridiculous. The idea that it will cause them to think it's normal is unwarranted, and not shown by any scientific evidence, and even if it was, that is not my problem - and DOES NOT effect whether or not a person commits those crimes, it has MERELY been shown to AT BEST, SUGGEST that the perpetrators - who have already commited the crime - might be more inclined to think a larger than actual percentage of people commit the crime.

What you are saying is that I am guilty of promoting murder every time I say "oh fuck, I just killed the SHIT out of this guy in Battlefield 3" because someone who is actually a murder might hear that and then think everyone commits murder.

I have to go now. If you really want to continue, hit me up in PMs.

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Edited By 617_jbug

Super Yan is not happy with the articles.!/Super__Yan/status/174601661401149440

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Edited By MethodMan008

Jim Sterling just took down his article about this whole thing on Dtoid at Miranda's request. Respect to Jim Sterling for once.

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Edited By MudMan

@rndmtask said:

Aris is as old school as they get, and he doesn't want the FGC to change, at least in attitude. Yes, Aris was exposed, but this is Aris, and he doesn't hold back. To him, the FGC is all about machismo and braggadocio, and that's what will always be. Unfortunately, when something that you love is changing so quickly and becoming more mainstream, and is actually trying to be mainstream, you can't have it both ways.

This was bound to happen, if not with Aris, then with someone else on a big promotional live event.

I chalk it up as growing pains for the FGC. The ugly will happen, but we can't let it overshadow the positives, such as the FGC's acceptance with Kayo and Ricky Ortiz.

I am very much in the "this kind of talk is just nasty" camp here, but I like your comment a lot. I agree, too, fighting games became such a niche that I can see the core of the leftover players developing a bit of a "good old days" boys' club attitude towards it if and when it regains some mainstream popularity.

The upside is, I think, that having this discussion in public can help make gaming as a whole more inviting. Forget these guys, cleaning up Xbox LIVE would be such a great step towards more mainstream gaming.

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Edited By Dan_CiTi

Fighting game community > library snoozing/PC community/eSports

Also, for $25k I would take about a week of some verbal abuse that is ultimately all in jest and the person who is giving it out doesn't actually care about giving me a hard time and is just fucking around. In fact, that would be a welcome change from all the people who actually wanted to put me down. And Aris is just like this, he fucks around, he is actually nice and intelligent, he's just of a different breed than all the eSports people around nowadays.

LMAO White Knighting.....not how you get a girl to like you. You actually have to treat them right fellas.

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Edited By NancyDrewFan123

Anyways, I love, love, love fighting games and I love watching pro fighting game matches. Aris should NEVER have been allowed to commentate. He is well known for being inappropriate towards women and shouldn't have been invited into this event. Everyone should be treated with respect. Some people in the FGC are respectful, others aren't. The problem with the FGC is that, regardless of the respect YOU show someone else, disrespect from another player shouldn't be tolerated. If you see someone treat a woman like shit in public, let them know they're being gross.

Capcom, in THIS particular instance, should take responsibility towards putting a known misogynistic personality into a pressure cooker situation with people of the opposite gender. Aris needs to own his actions but Capcom owes everyone a major apology.

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Edited By SerHulse

@AxleFGK: Where does he do this again?

'cause maybe my minds playing tricks on me, but I fail to see where this article is anything other than level-headed and a straight representation of facts, perhaps you can enlighten us as to where Patrick states your community are "immature teenage homophobes", "sexists" or "racists".

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Edited By darkdragonmage99
@mfpantst:   Oh I've been truly harassed  I find people saying what he did was harassing insulting until You've gotten 5000 calls in one day from an asshole who is simply doing it to fuck with you until you get your inbox flooded to the point you cannot receive anymore emails in the span of a few days until you're ready to kill someone because they will not leave you the fuck alone. You have no idea what real harassment is.  
What he did was a fucking joke.  
I think you have figured out why i tend to try and keep things in the realm of rationality and legality now. I've got a lot of emotional  baggage and I prefer not to air it. 
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Edited By IamAwesome

Yoooo shots fired

Miranda PakozdiSuper__Yan
lol fuck Destructoid. They tried to get me to talk to them several times and I ignored it so they made a post anyway.. jerkoffs.
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Edited By Turambar
@churrific said:

@Turambar said:

@churrific said:

Like others have said, I wish Patrick would've gotten both sides of the story, including an insider's view from the community (not jared). Running the story without even speaking directly to the participants, or even getting a quote out of them, only provides a superficial glance at the situation and the community as a whole. A really negative one at that. No one's saying the FGC is perfect, but If you're gonna blow up a community, at least get some opposing viewpoints before using one man to paint a really ugly picture of a group of people to outsiders who have no exposure to them.

He reached out to both Super_Yan and Aris for comments on their side of the story. Neither responded. He didn't interview Jared either, instead posting a transcript of his conversation with Aris.

Yeah exactly. I thought there was supposed to be some kind of due diligence to journalism. Patrick reaching out to members of FGC now on twitter for opposing viewpoints, after the article's already been posted, is kind of grimey.

Due diligence is offering both sides the opportunity to speak and weigh in.  He did.  The fact those asked did not wish to comment does not suddenly invalidate this article from being published.
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Edited By TheKing

@buckybit said:

#TeamAris - also #FreedomOfSpeech


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Edited By mnzy
@617_jbug said:

Super Yan is not happy with the articles.!/Super__Yan/status/174601661401149440

He even quoted tweets from her that she deleted, I think that's pretty questionable. 
Also neither she nor Aris talked to him. Not even the other girl on the show Sherry. Which for a story like this, would've really helped.
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Edited By Fuga

@Skooky said:

This article barely has anything to do with video games.

better kill myself

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Edited By BaroqueSampson

Aris, in no way, represents the entire FGC. I will admit there are large pockets of misogyny and homophobia, but it is quickly squashing that mindset as members are becoming more aware of things like this. Aris is a relic of an age gone by.

NO ONE in their right mind believes misogyny and homophobia to be a core component of the FGC.

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Edited By Turambar
@Huey2k2 said:

As someone who knows nothing about the fighting game community, or the people in it. I must say, this article is rather silly. Anytime you have any sort of serious competitive atmosphere there is going to be trash talking, and nothing in this article is especially over the top as far as trash talking goes. Go play some COD on Xbox Live and tell me that anything in this is crossing the line, because the shit you hear on there is about 100 times worse than this.

Trash talking is part of competition, ask any kind of professional athlete, they all do it. If you can't take the heat, get out of the metaphorical kitchen.

If you don't like being forced to sit in the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, get out of the South.  Oh wait.
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Edited By BlazeHedgehog
@Nefarious_Al said:

The FGC is not for the faint of heart. Some of us like that.

This to me reads like "We have our own little club house, don't mind the 'no girls allowed' sign, some of us don't take it seriously." 
@Nefarious_Al said:
Miranda has been part of the FGC for some years now she knows what's up. It was unfortunate she felt the need to forfeit. Fact of the matter is she cracked it happens to everyone not just girls.
That's kind of dumb, though. If she "cracked" and it has become this big of a deal, perhaps whether or not she "knows what's up" is irrelevant. 
@Nefarious_Al said:
Is Aris a dickhead? Yeah, but he is like that to everyone Miranda was not getting special treatment.
This defense is getting thrown around a lot and I can't really see how it helps his case any. He's still causing problems and saying things that are getting him in to trouble. 
Like it or not, by Fighting Games are nearing that point where they can either be respected and professional and move on to the "big leagues" of popularity and mainstream entertainment, or they can stay a small-time clubhouse. That's the crossroads that's happening right now. Do you want to scare away sponsors (such as the very people who produce the games you are playing) just so you and your friends can continue to be "uncensored" in your little tree house, or do you want to ride this train all the way up to the possibility of potential TV coverage? One involves continuing to be crass assholes, and the other involves booting out those who are hurting the reputation of you, your community, and its sponsors. 
And for the record, I see a lot of food out there in supermarkets with warning labels usually printed right on the packaging warning those with peanut allergies about whether or not the food was processed in a factory that handles nuts.
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Edited By Brake

I sincerely hope that the FGC at large takes a stand against this kind of behavior. I feel like this is an opportunity for the entire community to mature a little bit. If they choose to silently accept it instead, I don't think I want to be a part of the community in any way.

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Edited By UnAbel

@MisuseOfLasers said:

@Nefarious_Al said:

Is Aris a dickhead? Yeah, but he is like that to everyone Miranda was not getting special treatment.

I didn't see him asking sexual questions to the male team members, or threatening to smell them if they lost a match. Being a dickhead, even if it's to everyone, should not be acceptable behavior anywhere. There's a difference between trash talk and being an asshole. One is okay, one isn't.

Except he literally told Ricky Ortiz he would rape him--he also actually DID smell Mike Ross while he was playing the game. You didn't watch shit. You read this article and posted just like the rest of these Giant Bomb sheep, white knighting in an effort to one day show this post to a girl and impress them. Except, girls don't want to be treated like fragile pieces of glass, they want to be treated like everyone else. To not treat them like everyone else, would infact, be sexist.

By the way, Giant Bomb, I'd like to point out that Miranda herself, you know, the girl you guys are white knighting so hard for? Yeah, she spoke out against these articles.

There was a reason she turned you AND Destructoid down, Patrick:!/Super__Yan/status/174601661401149440


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Edited By TehJedicake

im 10 and what is this

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Edited By mrfluke
@IamAwesome said:

Yoooo shots fired

Miranda PakozdiSuper__Yan
lol fuck Destructoid. They tried to get me to talk to them several times and I ignored it so they made a post anyway.. jerkoffs.
DAMMM and if u looked at patricks twitter she gave him the story and talked to her  
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Edited By StalkingTurnip

No one should act like this ever. This is not a political correctness thing. This is just blatanly offensive to the majority of people on this planet. The only reason you might defend this type of behavior is if you are guilty of it.

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Edited By madlaughter

Miranda Pakozdi sounds like a piece of work, also. She's currently trash talking Jim Sterling for writing an article about this. (Because she refused to comment she thinks she wants to sue them for libel)

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Edited By grondoth

@BulletproofMonk: That's going to happen to any community if it's shown to tolerate distasteful elements of itself. When a vocal part of your community says and does things that are objectionable, anyone seeing the community from the outside will see that part. Only by self-policing and by standing up against those sorts of things can a community hope to reverse that judgement. If you don't want to be seen as a place where creepy dudes make sexist jokes and where sexual harassment is part of the culture, you have to make sure to push against those ideas as a community and make sure that the people expressing them are vocally rebuked.

"No, you cannot" is out there. "Gender science 101" is out there. Anyone watching a stream is going to see the comments, and now half the gaming internet's gonna see links to this awful debacle. You can't just hide it. You've got to fight it.

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Edited By Pinworm45

@Turambar said:

@Huey2k2 said:

As someone who knows nothing about the fighting game community, or the people in it. I must say, this article is rather silly. Anytime you have any sort of serious competitive atmosphere there is going to be trash talking, and nothing in this article is especially over the top as far as trash talking goes. Go play some COD on Xbox Live and tell me that anything in this is crossing the line, because the shit you hear on there is about 100 times worse than this.

Trash talking is part of competition, ask any kind of professional athlete, they all do it. If you can't take the heat, get out of the metaphorical kitchen.

If you don't like being forced to sit in the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, get out of the South. Oh wait.

Do you actually think that mutual trash talk in a competitive gaming culture that embraces trash talk is at all comparable to the legal and willful physical oppression of a race on public property?

That's so incredibly insulting and ignorant of an actual plight it's pathetic.

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Edited By punpun

Ugh, that first video. What a piece of shit.

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Edited By algertman

@MethodMan008 said:

Jim Sterling just took down his article about this whole thing on Dtoid at Miranda's request. Respect to Jim Sterling for once.

Fuck him. He was called out on his shit and responded like a pussy.

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@AxleFGK said:

Patrick, i'm going to ask for an apology, as a fan of your articles, and a member of the community you just labeled as a group of "sexist" "racist" "immature teenage homophobes" i found this article to be in poor tastes.

Who are you quoting? Patrick never said any of those things.

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Edited By LaserLambert

@buckybit: #teamhumanity -also #freedomtogotoaneventwithoutbeingpersecutedagainstbecauseofmysex

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Edited By LegalBagel

What amazes me most is not that he's excusing or downplaying the comments - that happens all the time - it's that he's actively defending them on their merits as a fun, integral part of the community, or that the community would be boring without them. It's part of the community and we'd be worse off if it wasn't acceptable to say "rape that bitch" in a public, quasi-professional setting. That's impressive.

Though he is correct. They aren't Starcraft. Starcraft decided to become professional and have standards for the commentators and players. There's some professionalism even if the commentators aren't self-serious at all times. There's trash talking, rivalries and competitiveness, but usually nothing that makes you uncomfortable to be watching. I've tried to tune into EVO or other fighting game streams and they're comparably unwatchable, with acceptance of things like this being one of the problems.

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Edited By Dreamfall31

I think a lot of it has to do with the double standard between men and women. There are many sayings or insults I would consider sexual harassment, but since I am a male, according to society I should be "man enough" to deal with it. If I were to be harassed at work and did say something about it, it would just add to further humiliation from the other male employees in out society. The only real comments that are considered sexual harassment towards men in America are those refering to homosexuality. For women it is something that is much more common so it tends to be accepted by the males in society that it is okay to talk like that. It has to do with culture's male dominance ideas that find their roots all the way back to the beginning of time. I'm not sure there will ever be a day in my lifetime when women are fully rexpected as much as men, but I can only hope that cultures can get over their preconceived notion of gender dominance.

Trash talk has it's place, but when it's directed towards the sexuality of a person that's when it crosses the line. Something sponsored by Capcom and open to live audiences should have a ban on trash talk and focus on the skill of the players; rather than how they can intimidate the other players with harsh words.