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    Batman: Arkham Asylum

    Game » consists of 28 releases. Released Aug 25, 2009

    Batman: Arkham Asylum puts you behind the cowl of the iconic Dark Knight, fighting his way through Arkham Asylum to stop the Joker from enacting a sinister plot that would have grave consequences for Gotham City.

    kida's Batman: Arkham Asylum (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for kida

    More like "really above average action game"-man!

    Batman: Arham Asylum is not the greatest single player experience I have had this generation. 
    Now that that's out of the way, I will let you know that Batman: AA is an excellent action adventure game,  and that is more than enough reason for anyone who is a fan of the genre, Batman fan or not, to try out the game without regret. 
    While games based upon superheroes don't have a tendency to work out all that well, Batman:AA manages to keep the game exciting and enjoyable through the games short but sweet somewhat-linear single player campaign. The action is an interesting and successful mix of  combo-based brawling, optional puzzle solving, and, most of all, stealth. To be honest, it took me a while to get a hold of the game's varied nature, in which I only began to realize that stealth was essential after being gunned down by the same group of guards a dozen or so times. It eventually snapped for me, however, and the game moves at a brisk pace while changing things up  every once in a while to keep players enticed once they eventually learn their way around. 
    While the gameplay is relatively tight outside of a few bugs and annoyances, the presentation is what sets Batman:AA away from the standard action title. The voice acting here is simply superb, and the visual aesthetics are a perfect mix of everything Batman, with locations both gritty and eye poppingly imaginative. Since the game is an interesting hybrid of open world and linear gameplay, Arkham Asylum itself is both beautifully realized and a wonderful place to lurk around. That being said, the game's real visual treats are the Scarecrow fear-induced sequences which, not to spoil anything, have some key moments that will make you both creeped out and laughing out loud. While some *cough* JEFF *cough* believe these sequences bring back unecessary components of the Batman backstory, I thought it made sense considering Bruce Wayne's inner fears and the supposed effects of Scarecrow's gas. Speaking of story, Batman: AA features a a great premise with a relatively uninteresting yet unoffensive story, that is better described as an excuse for a monster mash of sorts with some legendary Batman villians.
    While the game leaves me with little to complain about, the boss battles were certainly too "video game-y" for this calibur of title which seems poised to be a step in the right direction for maturity and quality for liscened gaming. These trial-and-error battles feel a lot like some of the more annoying moments of the rest of the game in which Batman does not interact the way you want him to (this usually involves ledges, hanging, and gliding. All of that aside, Batman:AA is a must play for Batman fans, or someone like me who just wants a great action experience in their gaming.


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