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    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released May 13, 2016

    In a world with health regeneration and cover-based systems, one of the longest-running first-person shooter series returns to its brutal, fast-paced roots.

    Doom - first impressions (rip and tear)

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    I should have picked it up yesterday, it was at a red box before street date right here in pleasant hill/concord at a 711 near DVC.

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    Play this game on the hardest difficulty, even if you suck at games. There's too much here that gives the player an advantage, esp. those Glory Kills. In fact, turn Glory Kills off too. Learn to abuse the movement.

    I guess that's a bit too elitist of me, but these kinds of games work best when you feel outgunned.

    There's a lot of screen tearing on the PS4 version and no promised FoV slider. I didn't download the patch, so here's hoping those issues go away after I downloaded it.

    It's fun and a possible GOTY contender for me if it keeps up. Shotgun not quite as good as Doom 2's, but it's good enough. Starting pistol feels terrible, tho.

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    That opening was incredible! The kick ass music with the awesome title card....yeah this is a good game!

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    @shivermetimbers: I get the feeling that you should only be using the starting pistol if you have literally no other option.

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    Play this game on the hardest difficulty, even if you suck at games. There's too much here that gives the player an advantage, esp. those Glory Kills. In fact, turn Glory Kills off too. Learn to abuse the movement.

    I guess that's a bit too elitist of me, but these kinds of games work best when you feel outgunned.

    There's a lot of screen tearing on the PS4 version and no promised FoV slider. I didn't download the patch, so here's hoping those issues go away after I downloaded it.

    It's fun and a possible GOTY contender for me if it keeps up. Shotgun not quite as good as Doom 2's, but it's good enough. Starting pistol feels terrible, tho.

    The FOV slider is totally there for me, so I dunno what's up with yours. I also have absolutely no screen tearing so I think it likely that the patch fixed it (I wasn't even aware there was a patch).

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    #56  Edited By MachoFantastico

    I'm curious to, haven't really followed Doom (I don't have the nostalgia for it either) but I'm interested how it's turned out. Been thinking it'd be this or MLB 16 I get, although I'm adoring Uncharted 4 right now so it'll have to wait.

    It sucks that we haven't been getting any early reviews though, stuff like that always worries me.

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    @lawgamer said:
    @shivermetimbers said:

    Play this game on the hardest difficulty, even if you suck at games. There's too much here that gives the player an advantage, esp. those Glory Kills. In fact, turn Glory Kills off too. Learn to abuse the movement.

    I guess that's a bit too elitist of me, but these kinds of games work best when you feel outgunned.

    There's a lot of screen tearing on the PS4 version and no promised FoV slider. I didn't download the patch, so here's hoping those issues go away after I downloaded it.

    It's fun and a possible GOTY contender for me if it keeps up. Shotgun not quite as good as Doom 2's, but it's good enough. Starting pistol feels terrible, tho.

    The FOV slider is totally there for me, so I dunno what's up with yours. I also have absolutely no screen tearing so I think it likely that the patch fixed it (I wasn't even aware there was a patch).

    I checked every single option available for a FoV slider. I'd like to think it would be in video settings, if not game settings, but I couldn't find it. Weird. And yes, there's a 5 GB patch. Turning on motion blur to the highest (default, I turned it down cause I can't stand it usually) diminished the screen tearing a bit, tho it's still there.

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    #58  Edited By ivdamke

    So after actually playing it all my worries have been wiped clean. My main concerns were speed and glory kills, the speed I was correct in assuming that all the pre-release footage I had seen was on console therefore the movement is just naturally slower so on PC this is a non-issue the movement speed is good. The glory kills ended up being something for people who struggle to avoid damage and aren't the greatest at ammo conservation. You can turn off the highlights and 100% ignore glory kills they aren't built into the core design in a way that makes me feel compelled to use them despite my distaste for them.

    With worries wiped clean this is a fantastic game and now that I'm about 6 hours in (was lucky that in AUS the game unlocked a day earlier) I feel comfortable saying it's one of the best shooters I've played since Max Payne 3. The shooting and movement is 100% on point, there is literally nothing I can fault here. The levels are expansive and they don't lock you into small areas when taking on enemies, the zones are multi-layered have a lot of ins and outs allowing for plenty of player freedom. It's been so long since I've played a balls to the wall shooter that manages to capture what I felt from the 90s and then add modern flare on top. I need to play Wolfenstein: The New Order after I'm done with this because if it's even as half as good I should enjoy that. Also Mick Gordon was such an inspired choice for composer he's absolutely nailed the OST.

    On the techincal front the PC versions performance is stellar as well. On complete maximum it never comes even close to dropping below 60FPS (970, 8GB RAM, 4690k), there's loads of visual settings and even some nice render types they've put in there for fun. FoV slider going all the way up to 130 is a very nice thing to see since every other game in recent memory only lets you cap it out at 90. They allowed FoV 130 knowing that it would clip through the character model but in the end no one really gives a fuck about that when they have their FoV at 130.

    All in all, I'm thoroughly surprised and this is so far a contender for one of the best games this year for me. Though then again, this is the first game I've played this year that hasn't been a technical mess for the first week it was out.

    The multiplayer is still ass though.

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    #59  Edited By Humanity

    @baronsamedi: Haven't played this yet, but New Order I did play and while it's really fun and a great shooter it's not as fast as this new Doom appears to be. There are also plenty of (optional) stealth approaches which I always went for instead of balls out action. That said it's one of the best first person shooters of the past few years so I would definitely recommend it. That and Syndicate.

    Also super glad to hear so much positivity for the game after release. I always thought it looked really good and it was a bummer to see so many people be so hesitant towards it. I'm still flip flopping in my mind whether I want to get this on PC or PS4 for various reasons. Common sense dictates PC as it's also going to be cheaper for me that way. Either way today or tomorrow I'll definitely give it a go.. or maybe I should finish Uncharted first..

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    #60  Edited By sinjunb

    I just spent like 6 hours straight playing it up until the first Cyberdemon fight. It's already one of the top 5 best shooters I've ever played. The gameplay is just fucking insane and always so much fun, there's a ton of variations on the weapons so you're never forced into one style, the maps are huge, and the story is both hilarious and awesome. I also happen to really enjoy the melee executioners in practice, I wasn't sold on them until I saw how they really integrate with the flow of the game. They do a really good job at breaking up all the shooting and adding some styyyyyyle into the mix. This really is the perfect Doom game, easy GOTY material and I'd frankly be shocked if shooter fans like Jeff don't like it.

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    #61  Edited By gundogan

    Never doubt id.

    PC version doesn't seem to be on fire from what I've read so far, so my evening till UPF will be alright.

    Anyone spotted the OST btw? Could use some of those ripping tunes for other games.

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    I think I'd actually prefer the PS4 version, I've really gone off keyboard and mouse shooters due to my setup so happy to hear it runs well on PS4 to. Still not sure, it still depends on multiplayer for me.

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    • ... on PC ... the movement speed is good.
    • You can turn off the highlights and 100% ignore glory kills...
    • ...they don't lock you into small areas when taking on enemies, the zones are multi-layered have a lot of ins and outs allowing for plenty of player freedom.
    • ... Mick Gordon was such an inspired choice for composer he's absolutely nailed the OST.
    • On complete maximum it never comes even close to dropping below 60FPS (970, 8GB RAM, 4690k)...
    • FoV slider going all the way up to 130...

    Thanks for these impressions. You exactly addressed and assuaged many of the specific concerns I had. I've even got similar PC specs, so it's nice to hear the performance is so solid on that hardware.

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    #64  Edited By Tennmuerti

    Have been playing it for a few hours (eu release), taking it slow, exploring for secrets.

    It's good.

    Love the music, love the fast movement, the weapons are great, the upgrade system is welcome, the shooting feels satisfying, it looks good, runs good. The story setup is fantastic, yo dog we opened a portal to hell and also you are frigin The Doom Marine brought back from fucking hell in a sarcophagus. They wisely separated the combat pacing from exploration. I was worried about the gore kills but they have sped them up a lot, they're very fast and don't break the pace much, also not essential to play.

    My only complaint so far is megatextures, man fuck megatextures seriously, them sticking to that tech without improving it is so annoying. So you get spots where some objects are still looking like ass from early 00's.

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    #65  Edited By pompouspizza
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    @tennmuerti: I've not experienced any texture issues aside from one of the dirt textures in an area where I should've died but didn't looked bad. Are you saying they take long to load or just look ass in general?

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    @savage said:
    @baronsamedi said:
    • ... on PC ... the movement speed is good.
    • You can turn off the highlights and 100% ignore glory kills...
    • ...they don't lock you into small areas when taking on enemies, the zones are multi-layered have a lot of ins and outs allowing for plenty of player freedom.
    • ... Mick Gordon was such an inspired choice for composer he's absolutely nailed the OST.
    • On complete maximum it never comes even close to dropping below 60FPS (970, 8GB RAM, 4690k)...
    • FoV slider going all the way up to 130...

    Thanks for these impressions. You exactly addressed and assuaged many of the specific concerns I had. I've even got similar PC specs, so it's nice to hear the performance is so solid on that hardware.

    This is a great list so I stole it and used it on the first page

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    #68  Edited By Tennmuerti

    @baronsamedi: Very low res in a few places, it's typical of every game that has used megatextures. Now Doom is probably the best when it comes to generally hiding that stuff, and 99% of the time it being unnoticeable, they improved their technique at least, since the New Order and Rage. But next time you see a vending machine take a second to look at the keypad for example. At least it's not giant low res forks and knives littering the ground (New Order) or entire rooms (Rage) anymore, thank fuck.

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    #69  Edited By gundogan

    Hey guys...

    This is a good video game.

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    @baronsamedi: Very low res in a few places, it's typical of every game that has used megatextures. Now Doom is probably the best when it comes to generally hiding that stuff, and 99% of the time it being unnoticeable, they improved their technique at least, since the New Order and Rage. But next time you see a vending machine take a second to look at the keypad for example. At least it's not giant low res forks and knives littering the ground (New Order) or entire rooms (Rage) anymore, thank fuck.

    RAGE was even worse in that each and every time you turned around all the textures started to load in. Every, single, time. The idea to unload textures you're not looking at is great in theory but man was it ridiculous when you would spin around and this beautiful world is not a blurry blob.

    The huge pen and paper textures in New Order were jarring at first but as time went on it almost became hilarious how bad it looked, like a running joke or something - haha oh theres that humongous fountain pen again!

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    @baronsamedi: yeah the music is TREMENDOUS

    i don't mind the glowing enemy stuff. i'm playing on pc but with a controller (w/e w/e) so i'm not super accurate with every shot, so having the option to quickly regain some ammo in the flow of combat is nice

    also the stuff that has just come out in snapmap this early has been pretty interesting, and i can't wait for a month or two from now to see what people will do. i'm going to just forever keep doom installed to pop in and see what's going on. having them be single player experiences and not deathmatch maps was such a smart idea. no other shooter is doing that at all.

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    So how does the game work if you disable Glory Kills?

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    #73  Edited By ivdamke

    @adequatelyprepared: You don't disable them, you disable the highlight. You can still glory kill but it won't make the enemy glow when they're vunerable to the glory kill. If you abstain yourself from using them all you miss out on is optional health and ammo pickups and the usage of a couple runes that work with glory kills.

    The other thing is if you use the chainsaw it makes enemies spit out ammo like a fountain so you don't need the glory kills to get ammo. The only thing you'll be really missing out on is bonus health pickups when you've exhausted an area of health pickups and you're almost dead.

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    I played this game for six hours with no breaks. This game is INCREDIBLE. The pace of combat and the feedback on the weapons is blowing me away. I had watched the trailers and streams before release and I thought it looked somewhere around "pretty okay" but the feeling of playing it myself is just on a totally different level. My body and mind are saying "you're exhausted, get some sleep" but my heart is repeating PLAY MORE DOOM over and over without waiting for it to properly loop. it just keeps layering. it sounds totally incomprehensible and it's incredibly loud. please help me

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    #75  Edited By sinjunb

    I just beat it. Marathon session all night. Brilliant game, spoilers for the main boss fights follow -

    Cyberdemon, Hell Guards, and the god damn Spider Mastermind were all so good. I'm glad I went in totally blind, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see SM as the final boss. Played on Ultraviolence difficulty and the challenge level was pretty much perfect, but Spider Mastermind gave me a ton of trouble until I figured out his pattern. God damn this was a good game, the fights on the last two levels were just so insane. Dropping decoys like crazy, BFG'ing, using every single scrap of ammo. The design on Spider was amazing:

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    #76  Edited By ivdamke
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    Reading these impressions... oh man, it's gonna be a long workday.

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    @baronsamedi: It's starting to sound a whole lot like some of the music in this game and that's really not helping.

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    Played for about two hours really liking it combat feels good not F.E.A.R. good but hell alot more fun than DOOM 3. I'm so glad FPS are starting to slowly go back to there roots in ways I love chainsawing demons feels great.

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    Im so fucking relieved.

    Im also sad I wont be able to get this for a while

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    #82  Edited By gundogan

    @humanity: It seems that the 'pop in' is now more of a LOD kind of thing. Sometimes I notice a little detail change when I'm going towards something fast. But basicly no pop in when turning fast.

    DOOM also looks miles and miles better than Rage or Wolfenstein TNO, even with everything on low (gotta get those frames) compared to max on the tech5 games.

    Gameplay wise it's rock solid too so far. I'm glory killing everthing on nightmare difficulty, but it happens so fast it's not a hinderance. The level design is nicely varied, both gameplay and visually. Some outdoor stuff here, some corridor stuff there, some backtracking in larger areas and some metal ripping arena fights.

    And then there's also SnapMap and a decent multiplayer to look forward too...

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    Glad to hear people are liking it. I was definitely cold on this game, but I might have to check it out now

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    @ssully said:

    Glad to hear people are liking it. I was definitely cold on this game, but I might have to check it out now

    Well no one in the press really made it easy to get excited for it. Most people, including oldschool fans, were resistant to any change and there was this incredibly grey cloud of skepticism hanging over the project. Some of it deserved seeing how Doom 3 turned out, but a lot of people seemed completely against the whole idea from top to bottom since the very first screens emerged. Even Danny O'Dwyer while playing the single player on a livestream yesterday sounded almost hesistant to admit that it's not terrible, that it might actually be pretty good. Of course not as good as Doom from over two decades ago, nothing can top that ever, but you know totally ok maybe even more than just ok.

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    So far, I'm finding it rather tedious, but I'm willing to see it through.

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    Well ok reading through this thread, I think I'm getting a new game this weekend.

    My household goods just arrived from being shipped cross country too! So this weekend I can finally kick back on a couch and enjoy some time murdering demons!

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    Having actually played it for a couple hours now I'm not too impressed so far. Something feels off about it, the movement is slow, the melee really throws off the combat momentum in a way that is weird, it isn't scary or creepy at all but tries really hard to pretend it is, the story is awful (why are they even bothering with it?), the combat scenarios feel like arenas and not organic (although verticality and being kind of mobile do help with this it still feels bad- i thought it would help but so far it doesn't as much as I thought it would), the enemies are easy and there aren't very many of them, the enemy placement doesn't really make sense, the controls feel weird (on mouse and keyboard) almost like it was made for playing with a controller, and overall so far it doesn't feel like DOOM for me.

    I'm pretty meh on it so far, but we'll see how it goes. My first impressions of this are bad which is a shame because I was so hyped to play this morning I skipped my morning excercise, and I never do that.

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    You think its too slow? O.o

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    #89  Edited By Tennmuerti

    Heads up, if you're on PC the new drivers make a MASSIVE difference.

    Kind of nuts how much of a difference actually, normally I'd be happy with a game getting a 10-20% performance increase and not messing up my system. For the new Doom I went from a fluctuating 40-60fps with high-medium settings to a steady 60+ fps with everything set to ultra! (on a 980m). It's night and day.

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    Go to the foundry.

    Jump in the lava.

    You're welcome.

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    #92  Edited By gundogan

    @humanity said:
    Of course not as good as Doom from over two decades ago, nothing can top that ever, but you know totally ok maybe even more than just ok.

    Fuck that. After a couple of hours, DOOM is at least better combat wise than the previous Doom games. It flows so well and you actually have to use different weapons (on nightmare difficulty) each fight and fully use everything you have (and the game doesn't give you the feeling that you need to hoard ammo thankfully). It all feels so good!

    If it keeps up like this, it might be my favourite singleplayer shooter ever.

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    Just cleared the first level.

    Holy shit, that intro sequence is so fucking good. That late title card, the music, that intercom dude right before it. Perfection.

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    Yup, this game fucking rocks. The upgrade/RPG system actually opens up more combat potential instead of being this "perk/stat improvement" thing that I was expecting.

    I turned off the compass, objective markers, and the glory kill highlights and the game is just fucking great. Exceeded my expectations.

    However, I don't like how the melee combat is handled. Not the glory kills, mind you -- just the weapon bludgeoning stuff. They should have had a separate weapon slot for fists. What's more bad ass than punching fucking demons from hell with mortal hands? Bludgeoning a demon with the back of a gun like a pussy ass Spartan from Halo? Fuck that, bro. If they ever make a sequel (and they fucking should), bring back punching.

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    Yup, this game fucking rocks. The upgrade/RPG system actually opens up more combat potential instead of being this "perk/stat improvement" thing that I was expecting.

    I turned off the compass, objective markers, and the glory kill highlights and the game is just fucking great. Exceeded my expectations.

    However, I don't like how the melee combat is handled. Not the glory kills, mind you -- just the weapon bludgeoning stuff. They should have had a separate weapon slot for fists. What's more bad ass than punching fucking demons from hell with mortal hands? Bludgeoning a demon with the back of a gun like a pussy ass Spartan from Halo? Fuck that, bro. If they ever make a sequel (and they fucking should), bring back punching.

    And kicking, Duke Nukem style.

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    Having actually played it for a couple hours now I'm not too impressed so far. Something feels off about it, the movement is slow, the melee really throws off the combat momentum in a way that is weird, it isn't scary or creepy at all but tries really hard to pretend it is, the story is awful (why are they even bothering with it?), the combat scenarios feel like arenas and not organic (although verticality and being kind of mobile do help with this it still feels bad- i thought it would help but so far it doesn't as much as I thought it would), the enemies are easy and there aren't very many of them, the enemy placement doesn't really make sense, the controls feel weird (on mouse and keyboard) almost like it was made for playing with a controller, and overall so far it doesn't feel like DOOM for me.

    I'm pretty meh on it so far, but we'll see how it goes. My first impressions of this are bad which is a shame because I was so hyped to play this morning I skipped my morning excercise, and I never do that.

    What exactly strikes you as awful about the story? It's high camp, totally self aware, and there aren't even any intrusive cinematics. As for the speed, it's that way to ease you in. By the second half I guarantee no one who plays this game will think it's "slow". It's utterly insane and you feel like you're on drugs trying to dodge all the enemies being thrown at you. You also don't really have to do melee at all if you don't want to, but I thought it was a perfect way of breaking up all the shooting. And if you think the enemies are easy, up the difficulty. If you still think it's easy then, you're just a special case I guess. Most people are saying it's hard as balls on UV but not to the point of being unfair.

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    Happy to hear the positive comments. I was worried.

    Copy is coming tonight

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    I really, really, really love this game.

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    @tru3_blu3: You get to punch things to death with the berserker buff. Then there is also the chainsaw.

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    #100  Edited By ObiKwiet

    @humanity: What reasons would you not want to get it for PC? Just curious. I've played a few hours of it and I am super happy I got it on PC. I'm sure it great with a controller, but I think this game is best with M+K (if you have the option).

    @romanblaines said:

    I really, really, really love this game.

    Ditto. I am pleasantly surprised I am liking it as much as I am. For what they set out to do, Doom is nearly perfect. It's an over the top, balls to the wall, 90's shooter that has modern systems integrated into it (and integrated well). The level design is the real star though. Every combat arena is built in such a way that you can just constantly run and gun while jumping and mantling all over the place. Never stand still! I can't even remember the last game I played that was as frantic as Doom is.

    What a colossal achievement by id. I can't believe that A) I am way more into Doom than Uncharted 4 and B) it's probably my GOTY so far. I Can't wait to here Jeff's opinion on it.

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