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    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released Jul 25, 2017

    Originally a co-operative looter shooter from the studios behind Unreal Tournament and Gears of War, Fortnite became one of the most successful PvP "battle royale" games and later became its own platform for several types of games.

    Buying this game seems confusing and upsetting

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    Looking for a co-op game to play with friends so i took a look at the Fortnite website, it of course comes up with their Battle Royale game mode which has taken the spotlight for this game which is free to play, and then come the base game options.
    £34.99 for the Standard Edition, what is the standard edition? It is 7 loot crates, 4 in-game banner icons, buy now!
    Wait, what is the game? The website literally doesn't tell you, i know from game coverage and developer interviews that it's some kind of wave based horde mode with base building, but you wouldn't know from the website. Maybe the £49.99 Deluxe Edition has more info, you get a Rare Starter Hero Pack (8 heroes), a Rare Starter Weapon Pack (4 weapons)... WAIT, so what's in the Standard Edition, 1 hero? Some rubbish guns with little prospect of finding better ones? These guns look like the same ones people are finding readily in the BR game mode, why would i pay Deluxe Edition prices to unlock these things?
    Taking a look at the FAQ and scrolling past all the Battle Royale sections reveals that the game will be free to play in 2018, but the way they're locking things up from the get go doesn't hold much promise for when a free version releases with potentially even less content available, locked up inside loot boxes and pay to play schemes.

    I visited the website as someone interested in playing the game, but the current package is so off putting i walk away disgusted, and unless the F2P version releases in a surprisingly positive manner i don't see any agreeable way to get into this game.

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    @cikame: Hey! I think the lack of responses is telling about how many people really sunk their teeth into the core game! :)

    I'll try and speak from my 2-3 weeks of playing Fortnite after launch. Apart from going back to play the BR mode, I haven't touched the core game since then so my info may be a bit outdated.

    I added a TL;DR at the bottom too:

    Okay, so here's what I recall in no particular order and without much depth or critique or structure:

    I actually really liked it. I'd imagine with a group of people playing it together, it'd be kinda neat. You do missions (with varying objectives - but mostly defensive) away from your base and your loot rewards are dictated by how well you do. If you build the right amount, defend the right amount, kill the right amount and find the right amount on your map, you get better loot at the end of the game.

    But you also do missions at your base which you can fully customise to your standards. This is really fun and the building aspect is inuitive and simple. You're not going to be creating masterpieces, but you can make something that looks really good. It's pretty unique.

    You do these base missions to unlock more content and field missions. You and your friends can all help each other out at your respective bases - basically trying to protect your facility's core (and, eventually, some other outer facilities). You end up consistently altering and growing your base, which is possible via resources gained in the field/surrounding your base and/or via loot boxes.

    Speaking of loot... They were quite generous with all of those initial packs. I bought the standard edition and ended up with more than enough good stuff to never even think about paying for any loot. It never crossed my mind once. It didn't seem in any way egregious. However, worth noting that I've never paid real money for a loot box in any game.

    But, then again, I got so many 'free' loot boxes for buying the game. It may be different if you decide to try it once it's F2P. All I can say is that I got more than enough loot to start.

    I've only played up to the end of the 1st environment. I believe there are four (I think the higher level one was called 'Twine Peaks'), so I can't speak for whether or not the game gets super hard and whether or not most of that initial loot becomes invalid.

    The great thing is that once you unlock a high level weapon/trap blueprint, you can just keep making them (provided you have the resources - which can be found in the field). Weapons do degrade over time, but blueprints mean that you don't have to wait to receive another legendary (or Mythic - can't remember which) weapon from a loot box.

    I would note that I may have got lucky with my loot boxes and YMMV. However, you can drop weapons/resources to your friends in-game - so even if a couple of you only get good blueprints, you could work together to share the spoils.

    I unlocked a top tier rifle blueprint and it's great - I tried to build multiple back-ups in advance so that if one ran out of durability, another would be in its place.

    Pro Tip: If you build your replacements in the field, you will contribute to the team 'Utility' score. There are medals for utility (finding things, chopping things down, fixing defences and building new weapons/traps from blueprints), base building (self-explanatory) and kills (same) within a map. Get them all to Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum and you get increasingly better loot rewards upon completion.

    You also unlock 'Defenders' (friendly AI that you place on the map to fight in lieu of missing friends). However, since you'd be playing with friends, that shouldn't be an issue.

    And then there are 'Survivors' who are just people masquerading as stat boost cards. They aren't playable or actually rendered in the game engine, just cards with different values that give you a boost if you are able to create a team (i.e. hand) of compatible personalities and abilities (i.e class and type).

    Then there is your playable character. You get four main classes (not actual class names but: constructor, assault, assassin/sniper and utility). You unlock different types of these classes via cards - so varying types of assaults, constructors and so on with different abilities and aesthetics. Just like with weapons, survivors, traps and defenders, they come in tiers of rarity.

    With all of the aforementioned cards, you are able to level them up. You do this via specific XP that you gain from completing missions or from loot boxes. Cards have levels and star ratings. I can't remember what these both mean, but higher stars + higher level = better stats.

    For me, as a hoarder, the amount of stuff that I had was intimidating. It wasn't that I had too little loot - I had TOO MUCH. Inventory management became a problem and I did begin to run out of space - so the larger inventory, offered by the more expensive editions, would have been very useful.

    I have been meaning to get back into it, but have just been distracted by other games. I was excited for the game, and the concept, after the announcement trailer (5+ years ago?) and was shocked to find out that it still existed. So that's how I came to buy it. Worth the wait? Not really. Intriguing? Definitely. Offers something new? Yes.

    I think it's hard to properly recommend it at this stage knowing that it will be going F2P soon, but no-one can tell you how it will be for someone going the F2P route as everyone playing it right now has bought in and received loot for doing so.

    Worth going back and listening to some of the Bombcasts from when the game was first available to buy during, I believe, late summer? I'm sure it was mentioned in the descriptions. Jeff talked about it a fair bit and most of what he said is pretty spot on.

    However, Jeff has been aware of, and was playing, this game for years without breaking the NDA - so his experience with, or somewhat muted enthusiasm for, Fortnite is likely based on him having super early access.

    TL;DR: I could see this being really fun for you with a group of friends playing together. If you buy in with the Standard Edition, you'll likely end up with too much loot to the point of inventory management woes! Never felt tempted to buy a loot box, nor did I feel that the game was dependent on me doing so. However, my experience is coloured by buying in early, not playing to the higher levels and maybe getting lucky with loot. At this stage, with F2P looming, it might be worth waiting. But I, nor anyone else really, can speak for the F2P experience due to it not existing right now.

    Hope some of that helped!

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    #3  Edited By cannonballbam

    @cikame: Battle Royale (PVP) is free to play since release. Save the World (PVE) goes free to play next year.

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    Given the success of the BR mode i have to wonder how the focus of development has changed within the studio, remember when H1Z1 was a zombie survival game? Now the opening line on that game's website reads "H1Z1 is a massively multiplayer arena shooter where 150 competitors...".
    I may check out the BR mode some time in the future, and if the original game mode still exists in the future and is fair and fun i'd like to check that out too, i just think it's nuts how oppressive the website is promoting its loot crates, bundled microtransactions and... nothing else, not even a sentence about the gameplay or whether its fun :S.

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    #5  Edited By BoFooQ

    Is Save the world (PVE) going free at some point?

    I have enjoyed Battleroyal, partly my PC isn't good enough to run pubG. Plus its free, it cost me nothing but some internet to try and it out and loved it. Its fast and the few times I have good runs it excites me. I was going to go back and buy horde mode, but I saw it at 50% around christmas, so I figure I'll wait to next sale. However its going to be free I can wait a few months. I want to be playing right now but severs are current;y down, giving me time to write this.

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    It's is going to be free but the paid versions do come with some decent rewards if you end up playing long term. They haven't said more specifically than 2018 for when it goes free, but I'd say it won't be long.

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    Youtube is a really great source of information.

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    @bofooq said:

    Is Save the world (PVE) going free at some point?

    I have enjoyed Battleroyal, partly my PC isn't good enough to run pubG. Plus its free, it cost me nothing but some internet to try and it out and loved it. Its fast and the few times I have good runs it excites me. I was going to go back and buy horde mode, but I saw it at 50% around christmas, so I figure I'll wait to next sale. However its going to be free I can wait a few months. I want to be playing right now but severs are current;y down, giving me time to write this.

    Their plan is to have Save the World mode go free to play but it is still currently in an unfinished state. The dev team is very closemouthed with the community regarding what they are planning to improve. As a player who has been playing Save the World since alpha I can confirm that the late game content still needs a LOT of work. Balancing, mission and story progression, asset usage... all of these have fallen heavily to the wayside since the announcement of Battle Royal mode.

    And yes most of the players who bought the game when it went on sale are disappointed or have stopped playing outright since we reached endgame first.

    The game has improved but slowly and without notification. I strongly recommend waiting until the game is considered in a more finished state before spending any money on it.

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    So once again founder pack is on sale for $20. I am thinking and willing to buy it now at that price but I still have questions. I buy the founders pack and I get save the world mode and random loot. My question is if I get battle pass? I don't. But do I get more v-bucks included? Will I earn more v-bucks from playing save the world?

    I've been having fun playing battle royal and would like to give some money to devs for their work in return for full game. I'm just still confused on what I get and I don't want to spend money only to realize I didn't get what I thought I was getting. Should I just buy vbucks and get battle pass and continue to wait for save the world to become free at some point? They really are making it hard for me to give them my money.

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    I played quite a bit of the game pre-Battle Royale. Buying special editions isn’t really needed.

    It’s a fun, neat little coop game with cool building mechanics. It’s hardly technical in its shooting mechanics, but it’s fun.

    There’s a ton of modern day BS that may baffle, but really isn’t that much to keep track of once you wrap your head around it. It’s A LOT at first (survivors, defenders, heros, weapons vs blueprints, where to slot things, what expeditions do, skill points vs. research points, etc.).

    If you have friends to play with, it’s really fun. You can put the BS on the shelf until you have the time and energy to unpack it and not miss anything.

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    I've been having fun playing save the world. Yes, there are a ton of systems onto of systems and after every fight there's skill point to spend. You really don't have a lot of choices to start with, its pretty straight forward. I'm surprised that the versions play a little different, just little things.

    To answer my own question though, Yes you do earn v-bucks from save the world. Hopefully it will not take too long to earn enough for battle pass, but Im having fun with save the world for now.

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